I did it! I have arrived in America and I feel...
I mean, that should be a very predictable feeling but I feel so clueless. But I'll take one thing at a time and put one foot in front of the other very slowly.
So today I shall write about... the plane ride!
I left Malaysia on the 12th of August 2016, and arrived in Columbus, Ohio on the 13th of August, So I saw this on my ticket and was like, "Oh okay, I'll travel 24 hours."
I TRAVELLED 2 DAYS. Somehow, it didn't occur to me to think about the time difference and think about the transits stops in between. It was:
14 hours to London, Heathrow.
5 hours stop and rest.
9 hours-ish to Chicago.
5 hours rest.
1.5 hour to Ohio.
It was an experience I do not wish to re-experience. *shudders
I think through this experience, I have discovered a critical aspect of myself which is that I hate travelling. I see now why my dad never brought my family overseas. Its a nightmare. Sitting in a cramped space for 14 hours is not fun, especially when you have to wake your the person in the seat next to you every time you have to use the toilet. And! It was even more awkward when said neighbor is sleeping.
Landing in London, I thought wow, everything is pretty. The sky is bluer and the clouds are fluffier. It was 14 degrees celcius and they air was crisp. But even that I can't enjoy because there was the whole security check to go through.
Which reminds me. There are so many security checks to go through and each one is even more thorough than the ones before. I was prepared for them to open my bags but I didn't get any inspection at all. I did see some other people get their bags opened because they had spices in their carry on luggage and I even saw some people kena tahan for no reason.
But I got through just fine!
So after all the travelling and transitting, I landed in Columbus and.... my bag didn't come out. I was waiting up until the moving belt thing stopped. Huhuhuhu that was stressful.
Our seniors were waiting there for us and their president told me to report it missing and have them deliver it to my doorstep.
Sure enough, I got my bag the next day yay! The seniors who picked us up were VERY NICE although they seemed a bit stressed out. But that's understandable because it was midnight and they had to pick up 70 students over the course of 2 days.
Then I stepped foot on American soil for the first time. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I mean, that should be a very predictable feeling but I feel so clueless. But I'll take one thing at a time and put one foot in front of the other very slowly.
So today I shall write about... the plane ride!
I left Malaysia on the 12th of August 2016, and arrived in Columbus, Ohio on the 13th of August, So I saw this on my ticket and was like, "Oh okay, I'll travel 24 hours."
I TRAVELLED 2 DAYS. Somehow, it didn't occur to me to think about the time difference and think about the transits stops in between. It was:
14 hours to London, Heathrow.
5 hours stop and rest.
9 hours-ish to Chicago.
5 hours rest.
1.5 hour to Ohio.
It was an experience I do not wish to re-experience. *shudders
I think through this experience, I have discovered a critical aspect of myself which is that I hate travelling. I see now why my dad never brought my family overseas. Its a nightmare. Sitting in a cramped space for 14 hours is not fun, especially when you have to wake your the person in the seat next to you every time you have to use the toilet. And! It was even more awkward when said neighbor is sleeping.
Landing in London, I thought wow, everything is pretty. The sky is bluer and the clouds are fluffier. It was 14 degrees celcius and they air was crisp. But even that I can't enjoy because there was the whole security check to go through.
Which reminds me. There are so many security checks to go through and each one is even more thorough than the ones before. I was prepared for them to open my bags but I didn't get any inspection at all. I did see some other people get their bags opened because they had spices in their carry on luggage and I even saw some people kena tahan for no reason.
But I got through just fine!
So after all the travelling and transitting, I landed in Columbus and.... my bag didn't come out. I was waiting up until the moving belt thing stopped. Huhuhuhu that was stressful.
Our seniors were waiting there for us and their president told me to report it missing and have them deliver it to my doorstep.
Sure enough, I got my bag the next day yay! The seniors who picked us up were VERY NICE although they seemed a bit stressed out. But that's understandable because it was midnight and they had to pick up 70 students over the course of 2 days.
Then I stepped foot on American soil for the first time. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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