Friday, May 31, 2013


They call me Mr. Ernestford Oxford Wales or just M.E.O.W if my name contained far too many syllables for your tiny little human brains.

Looking at the picture, you'd think that I am a cute fur ball that couldn't do any harm yes? MUAHAHAHA WELL YOU'RE WRONG ONCE AGAIN HUMAN!

I am one of the deadliest, most cunning creature in the world (house...)!

Ahem, let me just tell you the story of how I managed to manipulate my humans into allowing me inside their home.

It was Christmas time when I happened to stumble upon a house in Beaufort, hungry, skinny and not at all feeling cute. It was a nice enough home, with like, 5 OTHER CATS THERE hmph, so I knew that I can't stay there. No..... I devised a plan.

I sat on a corner acting all sick and helpless when a female human let out the most high pitched shriek, "EEEEEEEEE CAT LAH!" In response, I mewled and rubbed my head on her ankle. I could feel her hyperventilating from my adorableness.

"Crystal!!! Apa tu?" An older female asked.

"It's a kitty. I WANT!" the human they called Crystal demanded. Heh, it didn't take long at all to win her heart. Sheesh, not a challenge at all.

But then, a few days later, the humans just packed their bags and left me. I howled in fury and messed up their sofa's... that will teach them to piss me off again. Although, these humans are disgusting cause they have the audacity to hit my head after that!

Anyway, I guess the humans who left heard about my distress and mistook it as me missing them (as if) and then they came back and brought me to my new castle.

I rather liked my new castle. Its big and I can poop without being chased by chickens. But! I have rivals here who tries to take away my territory by peeing into the bushes. My new servants would normally hit them with a broom though.

My favorite servant to order around would be Servant Crystal. She's always gone during the day though but at night when she's home, I would order her to scratch my head and open a tin of fishy thingys. And all I have to do is to sit in front of kitchen! Hahahahahaha what an idiot...

But during the days when she is home, she likes to stare at paper. And while she's wasting her time NOT attending to my needs, she can't see me in the kitchen can she?

So, I simply have to hop on to her table and sprawl myself as much as I can..... like this!

Then, Servant Crystal would sigh and discard her books and rub that spot under my chin... ahhhh.

And! When Servant Crystal is trying to entertain me, I'd bite her and scratch her so she knows her place in this world. Well, we all have to be a little cruel sometimes.

Now, now, I know you all have a lot of questions for a great creature like me so I'd do you a favor and answer them.

1. Master M.E.O.W, how can you be so merciful to your people?
-Well, I try.

2. How do you keep your fur so clean?
-Servant Crystal bathes me every week and I hate it so much. So, I scratch her till her arm bleeds but that doesn't stop her.

3. What's your favorite food?
-My servant's food.

Well, that was a pointless set of questions.

Yawwwwnnnnnnn..... I'm sleepy.


Huh hmmm??? Another cutesie picture? Fine... (though there are eye boogers, ignore it.)

Now, get out of here!

Before I end you hmph... *lick lick

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Nervous

Its been a while since I made more resolutions for myself.

One of the resolution that I have unconsciously made for myself is to study more and I really really try to. Sigh, but its not enough to try, I have to actually do it since action speaks louder than words.

(And just to impress you all, I have studied for three hours before writing this post hehehe. I'm really easily impressed. And just to impress you all more, I was doing add maths hua hua!)

My life is revolving around studying now when just a month ago, it revolved around my drama competition. That was hectic and we didn't even win hmph.

But now, I want to win to myself! I want to prove to myself that I really can do anything, that I can be my own personal superwoman. Never in my life have I ever had less faith in myself than now and never in my life have I had as much headaches as I have now. Before this, I've always thought that everything will go alright whatever I choose to do, and it has. But then, shit was shat.

But on Tuesday this week, we had a motivational talk by Sir Ezone Constantine and he said that we can change. Even with 23 weeks left on my clock, I can change to become a straight A student?

It seems really impossible once you take a look in my results.

But if you take a look at my other results, I AM IMPROVING!!!!!

From getting a C in English to an A. From an F to a D in History!! I was so happy to hear that I passed!! From failing my Add Maths to another D as well is just such a happy moment for me even though that was only my First Semester Test.

So, I want to get that feeling again and again and again!

Ezone told us that he was failing seven subjects and he had two months left to study for his own SPM and then he passed everything. Not A's but passed which is still impressive with two months.

And now, he is on his way to becoming a millionaire!

I want to have an amazing story that would inspire and motivate people as well!

So everyone who reads this blog of mine, please pray for me so that my mind can be opened to every single fact and detail needed for SPM because even though its weeks away, I can feel my stomach tied into knots at the thought of it.

Its funny, now that I've seen how hard SPM can be, taking PMR seems easy. I remember that I was a little nervous but I knew I was ready. If you asked me to take my SPM now, I would just be sitiing there blankly looking at my papers haha.

I promise though, that I will do my best! Anticipate it!

I'm gonna go and continue studying now lol. This was just a half hour break from Add Maths. Its killing me slowly, like cyanide.

Oh speaking of cyanide, I love love love my EST classes! Its one of the classes I look forward to the most in the week. I'm glad I chose to take it, its one of those fun classes where we all just talk and talk and talk non-stop about all the issues going on around us.

This week, we talked about synthetic fibres for the clothing industry and about women things like PMS and our menstruation and that using tampons is bad for health so we should stay away from that. And its not bad for health as in taking our virginity or something silly like that but our menstrual blood consists of layers and tissues from our womb that are solid so those stay inside the womb if you use tampon.

Last week, we talked about how animals were slaughtered and I was so sad to hear how cruel it really is. I even turned semi vegetarian as in I try not to eat meat.

Its slowly changing my life! :O

Anyway, if you have the time, do try to check the video out on youtube. If you're up for a disgusting time of course.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Today, my school arranged a talk for all the Form 5's to boost their motivation and the talk was given by Ezone Constantine.

And one of the things he talked about was GOALS.

I haven't really thought much about my goals, mostly its just to achieve my straight A's in SPM and to open up my business and then get rich, simple.

So today, I'm gonna blog about all my goals, from the simplest, to the more complicated ones, and to the ones that graze the border of insane.

1. Straight A's in SPM. Actually, as long as I have no C's I'm ok already.
I want I want I want this so badly and yet, it seems so far away. But I'm running towards it as fast as I can.

2. Get at least 7 A's in my SPM trial.
EEEEEEEP if I get this, I would cry.

3. Get a scholarship in business in the UK with my SPM trial results.

4. Open my own business. (Yeeeee so exciting!)
I want to open a boutique and then slowly climb up from there.

5. Buy a huge house with servants waiting for my calls.
Or, buy a whole island for myself where I can laze around and do nothing. After all the stress from running my business (actually, why would there be stress when I have fun doing it?), I would need somewhere where work doesn't exist.

6. Have a car collection.
Bruce Wayne has one so I want one too!

7. Open an charity.
Ever since I was a kid, I had a weird fascination about animals.
And when I was a kid, I read all about the endangered animals in the world and one of those animals were the black rhinos and did you know that they were declared extinct in west africa in 2011? Mad.

8.Run a business empire.

9.Travel around the world and see the seven wonders of the world.
I have only been in an airplane once in my life. How about a million times more in a private jet?

10.Get a doctorate before I die.
And people will have to call me Dr. Crystal The Supreme Ruler of The Crystal G. Business Empire, eventhough I'm not a real doctor. Or! I can just rule the world and people can call me Master. See, I care about you all. Now, you won't have to call me Dr. Crystal The Supreme Ruler of The Crystal G. Business Empire.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Little Thing

Shizzed my pants this pass few weeks cause I have been receiving my exam results from my teachers.

There are a few okay results and there are a few thrash worthy results but I guess they're all okay.

I can't get over my Moral marks though, its just too horrible. So, I've decided to change my 'don't wanna study la so lazy....' attitude to a better one.

I'm gonna start small by studying two subjects every night. Then move my way up to three, then four then five until I get my straight A's.

Sunday, May 05, 2013


My exams are over and I think I'm failing. :(

But still, exams are over and I am feeling so light and airy!! :D

Because of the drama competition, the team skipped a whole week of exams so that's like, 14 papers and so, we had to cram all those papers up into the final week of exam and that's about 32 papers to finish in one week.

It's official, the drama team are superheroes hahaha.

And so, this whole week was spent in school trying to do all these exams and the team did the exams in the teacher's office after school.

It's so distracting la, when you're trying to think and there's this group of teachers that talk on and on and on and you can't help but follow their conversation.

These teachers are like kids. They have their cliques, their way of talking (they call each other BROTHER) and they joke around A LOT. It was surprising for m to hear them talk about playing candy crush and about their latest romance haha. And they talk waaaaay louder than the students.

And its also kinda funny to see the younger kids be silly. Like there were a bunch of these kids and they reported themselves fighting. WUT? In the end, they got scolded by their class teacher haha FTL.

Last Friday, I've got some papers back from the teachers and I scored 79% on Maths! Argh, might as well punch me in the face, that's another percent to A! And then I scored 36% on my history papers 1 and 2 so I would need another 14% on my paper 3 to pass. How can this be? History is one of the subjects I have to pass and so I need to work way way harder.

That's all I've got so far.

Oh oh oh! Sarah told me about a scholarship to UK for Business, and I need 7A's or A+'s on my SPM trial exam! And then send off my results and wait.

I'm gonna work really hard then. That means no more extracurricular activities for me.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 04, 2013

DRAMA 2013

This is the longest time I have ever gone without blogging! :O

Well, I have been busier than ever now that drama is over and done with and I have to catch up 2 weeks of schoolwork and a week of exams.

How exciting....

Anyway, you know what's exciting? DRAMA COMPETITION!

Actally, I've blogged about this but then the post disapperared into oblivion so... here we go again.

1. I really like my makeup!
Last year, my makeup was like a whore. It was so thick and colourful. I think that's what makes it slutish, the vibrant colours.

Well, this year, I love my makeup so so much!!! It's dark and gothic but still thick la, and that's great to cover up my blemishes,

When everyone saw my makeup, they were speechless, even the teachers. I couldn't decide whether the O-mouth was a good or bad thing and then I looked at a mirror...

 At first, it was kinda horrible, but then after the second touch up and with the costume, I loved my look!!

Here, I put a small pic of me. Only a small pic la. I remember when Sarah took this pic, I was looking at something that pissed me off, hence, the ugly expression.

Hehe, I look so badass rock metal.

Anyway, I like how they contoured my non-existing cheekbones into existing and how they made my nose and eyebrows and eyes.

Oh yeah! My eyebrows are fully erased  (using foundation) and drawn on.

2. Accidents happen.
Accidents happen because we were so disorganized and I blame this on our director but we'll talk about that later.

Even before we were about to enter the hall and go up the stage, we were still bickering on who's going to carry which props

When the doors opened and we were about to go up the stage, one whole wall was left behind and so Naz, the biggest guy in the team, went back to carry it by himself! :O He's so strong.

But then, the wall slipped and would you believe it, his muscle ripped!!!! :OOOO Thank goodness Lulu (one of the strongest crews) came back down coincidentally and saw him.

Backstage, he sat down and his arm was shaking and that itself says a lot about the amount of pain he was in but he just kept quiet.

And all I (feeling so useless) could do was squeeze his hands and even that wasn't much help cause my hands were shaking as well lol. =.=

After everything was over, Lulu patched him up nice and new, so smart!

Something that I have been really annoyed about since day 1 is that the director has no idea what he is doing! And I don't like it when someone who is 'below' me tells me what to do and I especially don't like it when I know what he is telling me to do is wrong!!! Acts like he knows everything....

Like he told us to go watch drama to see how the actors act but in television, you can whisper, you can make small facial changes and people will notice. But in theatre drama, everything needs to be exaggerated right since you don't have a camera up your face.

And and and he doesn't listen to what we're saying unless we tell him again and again and you know what, even then he doesn't listen! Sarah and I have been telling him that the props need to be up in one go but NOOOO, he denies that we ever told him and says that everyone expects him to know everything. Then how come the actors and props heard it and he didn't???!!!!

Oh God, thinking about this gets me so worked up. I can go on and on about how much I dislike him so I'm just gonna stop now and say something nice.


I can't think of anything nice to say!

Okay, he is very patient and he never scolded me no matter how much of a bitch I obviously am to him.

Only when the rest of the team told me about how sad he was for being a crappy director that I kinda toned down my hatred a bit. And I kinda feel bad about being mean but then he goes and talks and I hate him all over again.

Oh well.

4. Results
So after everything is over and done with, it was time for the results!!

This time, I wasn't really excited for the results because the results were already quite predictable.

La Salle would win, Stella would place second and that leaves third place for the rest. And even third place is kinda a far goal for us hahaha heh.... *cough

Anyway, compared to last year when we all linked our pinkies and we were all wide eyed with excitement, this year, we were laid back and chill. Well, I was la, the little ones were probably like last year haha.

But when the MC were calling all the school names to take the participating certificates, our school name was skipped! Geee, how professional of them. Now I don't like that school more.

Here are the results!

Best actress - Dunno
Best actor - La Salle
Best script - STOP (La Salle)
3rd place - Dunno
2nd place - Stella or Convent, not sure
1st place - La Salle

Hearing the results, I really wanted to watch La Salle's performance!! It seemed really nice though I'm kinda pissed that they have to win every year and this year, I hoped that any school could get first and not La Salle but then again, what do I know. They deserved it.

After all that screaming for the La Salle boys, the MC finally said that there had been a technical mistake. I hoped that it was that the first place was wrong (hahaha, such wicked thinking) but it was just them finally realizing their mistake and calling up our school's director for the participating certs.

Now a picture!

Aww, I think we all look cute here because we're all not ready for a pic at all haha.

Anyway, a real pic of the whole crew!

Top (left to right) : Wong, Ioanna, Nadzhan, Jeremy
Middle : Claierey, Raz, Sarah, Mason, Venice, Cheri, Lulu, Chealsea
Bottom : Natasha, Mark, Voon, Crystal

Director - Wong
A nice enough guy who is always scolded by everyone. But he cares enough about the team. :)

Assistant Director - Nadzhan
The guy who ripped his muscles. Freakishly big and strong dude who can carry a whole wall by himself.

Victory - Sarah
The main character who is always the victim between the dad and grandpa's mistakes lol. And she knows the whole drama like the back of her hand, the music, script and props EVERYTHING.

Grandpa - Raz
The baby of the team. He is always lazy to help us with the props arrangement but he makes up for it buy buying the whole team pizza, yum!

Dad - Mason
The octopus of the team because he can't stay still and always sways. He is one of the hardworking ones. And he talks really fast!

Nurse Grace - Claierey
Awww, the sweetest and most helpful cast! She doesn't like Raz lol. But if you ask her to go to toilet or canteen she always says ok lololol.

Andrea - Ioanna
She is a gorgeous girl who always takes pics for instagram haha. You can find her playing with her phone backstage.

Mom - Crystal
The diva (lol?) and she doesn't like the director. She loves to play around and is always lazy to rehearse. Sometimes really mean and insensitive but can be nice also if she wants. (Awkward to talk about myself in 3rd person)

Young Dad - Voon
Brainiac hmph.... What else? His acting skills aren't really sharpened but he tries. A+ FOR EFFORT.

Techs - Natasha and Chelsea
They are inseparable! Everything they do, they do together. They're both always scolded by teacher for no reason.

Crew :
Mark - So creative about creating all these props out of household stuff. And he can convince you about anything and he'll make you doubt your opinions.

Lulu - Really nice and so so strong!!! She can carry a wall with stuff added on top of it. Aaaand she loves maths and wanna be a maths teacher! :O

Cheri - The korean Taeyeon haha cause she looks like Taeyeon. Everyone has a crush on her and even the girls drool about her lol.

Venice - The greatest artist ever! She has a notebook where she keeps all her doodles which are so creative. I think she'd make a good tattoo artist.

Jeremy - The tech wiz who always just says yes to whatever we say. "You a girl?"... "Yes" Lol.

Awwwwww.... I love all these dorks! Sob sob sob... *BLOW NOSE