It was okay, except that it was muddy and that ruined my shoes. But its ok cause there's a new member of the family who arrived last Sunday!

His name is Hachi!
I don't know why we decided to call him that, it just seems really natural.
I suggested 4 names : Hunter, Blake, Mathias and Derp.
Except for Derp, all the names I thought were nice are cool names to me. Its cool right, right?
Haih, but nobody listens to me... *crawls to a dark corner
Oh well, I'll just call my cat Blake, Mathias and Hunter la every week in rotation until I get bored.
Back to the puppy, he is a Labrador and he is so very stupid haha. He never listens to my orders but I guess that is why we need to train him.
But he's quite well behaved I guess. I have never heard him bark and he comes to greet me everytime he sees me. Although after that, he quickly loses his interest and walks away haha.
Blake (I'll call my cat Blake this week) is very very very freaked out about Hachi's presence. The first time Blake saw the doggy, he instantly became this freaky fluffy creature and backed away slowly. And everytime Hachi approaches Blake, Blake will instantly freeze and then crawl far far away.
I wish I can speak cat and tell Blake that its alright and I still love him eventhough there's a new cutie in the house. Haha, maybe Blake thinks that Hachi is competition over the humans' love.
But Blake is getting used to it. He should just bully Hachi now while Hachi is still the same size as him.
Hachi on the other hand is very sweet and has no clue that Blake will scratch his eyeballs out. He just bundles towards Blake and try to play with him but NO! Blake refuses.
Right now, Hachi is in a downstairs, probably ruining some furniture and Blake is next to me, snoozing. Aww, he is so adorable!!
I feel so happy!
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