Its been a while huh, like 2 months?
Well, normally if its been 2 months, people would have a lot of stuff to say but I don't. Haiya... what to do.
But I'm gonna try anyway cause I miss blogging out my thoughts and rambles. My thoughts have been condensed so much that its showing through.
My skin is a mess. Early this year I told myself that I'd go on a diet and facials and do a good lifestyle and have flawless skin in 3 months but that didn't happen. =.=
It seems like my pimples have migrated down to my cheeks but I am convinced that its okay anyway!
Acne is just acne. It'll go away. When one day my nieces or nephews or children have acne, I'll be able to actually tell them how it feels.
Instead of having never gone through this shit and acting like I know how it feels, I'll be offering hardcore teenage-y advice.
One of the things I hate is when people tell me to do this and do that to cure the fungi on my face (ew) but damn, honestly, I feel like they don't know how it feels? But I'm to cowardly and lack the patience to continue the conversation so I say OK.
I know they mean well but.... hm, I don't know what I want from people.
Ah well, it will go away someday. I just hope that that someday is soon. Like before I go off to uni.
Speaking of uni, I've been thinking a lot about it and I've finally decided that my top pick will be Swinburne University (not sure if I spelt that right) and my course shall be business management!
How exciting to be able to have choices. :D
Someday I'll be running a fashion business and even if I just do that, I have a feeling I'll be very happy anyway. But it'd be so awesome to go international and sell my brand all around the world.
The best thing is that I'd be shopping for money weeeheee!
I hope that dream will come true.
Like my dream of never ever eveeeeer going for PLKN. PLKN is where 17 and 18 year old are randomly recruited to train for service to the country for three months. Basically its like army training but not the army.
I think its total bullshit. I can imagine 70% of the recruits being grumpy, angry, hormonally controlled teenagers marching and crying whilst covered in mud and I'll be in that percentage without a doubt if I got chosen.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha I'm so happy!
Have fun in hell then to those who got picked!
I've been dreading the results since January this year and now that I know, it feels so so so awesome. Three months of not doing anything that is forced huahahaha.
Life is sweet. :D
Haaaa now what else...
Well my brother opened a shop and he sells jewellery and clothes and bags and that's basically where I go shopping now. It boring la to shop at the same place every time so I imagine I'll be shopping like mad during the raya holidays in a week.

An example of something sold in the shop.
I want to buy so many stuff! Hachi, my dog has been ruining my clothes and shoes and slippers. I wanna yell at him ALL the time. Hmph, he is a demon dog.
And it seems like Meow is contaminated by Hachi's bad behaviour as well. Even just now, Meow spontaneously jumped up at me and bit me.
And I don't think he's even joking about it cause he went straight for my neck. Thank goodness I blocked with my arm just in time.
After that I screamed at him and hit him. He runs away when I approach him now. Good.

Stupid incarnated.
Well I guess that's all my thoughts for now. I'd like to say that I'd write again soon but that's a lie.
See ya!
Well, normally if its been 2 months, people would have a lot of stuff to say but I don't. Haiya... what to do.
But I'm gonna try anyway cause I miss blogging out my thoughts and rambles. My thoughts have been condensed so much that its showing through.
My skin is a mess. Early this year I told myself that I'd go on a diet and facials and do a good lifestyle and have flawless skin in 3 months but that didn't happen. =.=
It seems like my pimples have migrated down to my cheeks but I am convinced that its okay anyway!
Acne is just acne. It'll go away. When one day my nieces or nephews or children have acne, I'll be able to actually tell them how it feels.
Instead of having never gone through this shit and acting like I know how it feels, I'll be offering hardcore teenage-y advice.
One of the things I hate is when people tell me to do this and do that to cure the fungi on my face (ew) but damn, honestly, I feel like they don't know how it feels? But I'm to cowardly and lack the patience to continue the conversation so I say OK.
I know they mean well but.... hm, I don't know what I want from people.
Ah well, it will go away someday. I just hope that that someday is soon. Like before I go off to uni.
Speaking of uni, I've been thinking a lot about it and I've finally decided that my top pick will be Swinburne University (not sure if I spelt that right) and my course shall be business management!
How exciting to be able to have choices. :D
Someday I'll be running a fashion business and even if I just do that, I have a feeling I'll be very happy anyway. But it'd be so awesome to go international and sell my brand all around the world.
The best thing is that I'd be shopping for money weeeheee!
I hope that dream will come true.
Like my dream of never ever eveeeeer going for PLKN. PLKN is where 17 and 18 year old are randomly recruited to train for service to the country for three months. Basically its like army training but not the army.
I think its total bullshit. I can imagine 70% of the recruits being grumpy, angry, hormonally controlled teenagers marching and crying whilst covered in mud and I'll be in that percentage without a doubt if I got chosen.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha I'm so happy!
Have fun in hell then to those who got picked!
I've been dreading the results since January this year and now that I know, it feels so so so awesome. Three months of not doing anything that is forced huahahaha.
Life is sweet. :D
Haaaa now what else...
Well my brother opened a shop and he sells jewellery and clothes and bags and that's basically where I go shopping now. It boring la to shop at the same place every time so I imagine I'll be shopping like mad during the raya holidays in a week.

An example of something sold in the shop.
I want to buy so many stuff! Hachi, my dog has been ruining my clothes and shoes and slippers. I wanna yell at him ALL the time. Hmph, he is a demon dog.
And it seems like Meow is contaminated by Hachi's bad behaviour as well. Even just now, Meow spontaneously jumped up at me and bit me.
And I don't think he's even joking about it cause he went straight for my neck. Thank goodness I blocked with my arm just in time.
After that I screamed at him and hit him. He runs away when I approach him now. Good.

Stupid incarnated.
Well I guess that's all my thoughts for now. I'd like to say that I'd write again soon but that's a lie.
See ya!
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