Wednesday, July 01, 2015

June 2015

Hey guys!

It is the end of June 2015 already (I've said it, and I'll say it again: TIME FLIES SOOO FAST!) and I can't believe it.

This month has been an amazing month for me because I had so much fun. It is summer semester and since I didn't repeat any subjects, it was basically a breeze for me. If you were in INTEC ADFP, summer semester is "the" semester for you to go out and have fun because people are leaving and you are going to want to maximize your memories with them.

One of the things I did was go to SUNWAY LAGOON!!

And it was super duper amazing! Hands down the highlight of ADFP. I have been wanting to go to Sunway Lagoon ever since I could remember. I always thought that an arificial water park, especially one as hyped up as Sunway Lagoon, must be awesome, right?

I'll tell you, it was great. *drool

I told my classmates it was my dream to go to Sunway Lagoon when we were in our Fall (first) semester but everything was just so hectic that we only found the time to go in the Summer (third semester)

We went there quite late, around 10.30am and there were a lot of people cause there was a function at that time. But w stayed till the park clothes and tak puas la! I wish they opened at mabe 7am and closed at night time.

The price made me bite my tongue (The total came to be so expensive :/)but it was so worth it. I'd go there again if someone would bring me. *hint hint

My favorite ride there is the Vuvuzella, which is this waer ride where you get on a float with four other people and go down this crazy long tube and come out into a bowl kind of thing where inertia just tries its best to make you scream and then you go down another chute and out of the ride.

Isn't that just a spectacular ride?

However, there were some *ahem* moments when I wasn't feeling so hot. There was this one ride where you had to spin a wheel in the middle and the faster you spun, the faster your ride would go. Well, I got on the ride with two other guys and they're really strong, and they got really excited with the ride and they spun th wheel crazy fast. After the ride, I was K.O and had to miss two rides after that.

What got me out of my drunken state was the ghost house which was actually fun even though I am terrified of ghost houses.

Another thing that happened this month was ATUSA night which I have blogged about. 

This is us.

This night made me cherish the friendship I made in less than a year. What would I do without them!!? We also had a small farewell for the people who are flying off to the U.S soon *tearful and I miss them so much already, especially Qid. Qid is one of the friends that always looks out for me and treats me like a little sister, which is so kind of her. She also always tries always include me in things like outings and group stuff. Ahhhh! Writing about people makes me miss them moreeeee!

Ok, stop doing that now.

And another big thing I did this month was a community service. Just to say honestly, this community service wasn't really voluntary because it is mandatory for all students in my school. But, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

My group did ours a bit longer than the others. Where the other groups did their community service from maybe 8am-12pm, my group did it from the ungodly hours of 7am to 8pm. And! We all woke up at 5am which is the most ridiculous time to wake up and get up and running.

As our community service, my group took orphans from the ages of 4-7 to a day out at Petrosains at KLCC. And oh, they were soooooo cute and tiny! On the way to KLCC, my kid kept asking me if we were there yet which is what I used to do to my mum and dad hahaha! In the end, I gave her my phone so she could watch videos on YouTube. Which was another thing. None of the others dared to let the kids play with their phone cause all their phones were so expensive, but since my phone was bought and designed pada zaman mesolitik, it was okay. If my constant dropping of the phone in the past 4 years couldn't break it, it is indestructable.

But my kid also threw a lot of tantrums. Like at the bus, she lay on the floor and I refused to baby her if she was a brat so I just let her cry there. #asian That is what I'm supposed to do right??? In the end, she gave up and asked me for chocolates and after that, she fell asleep. *raise fist

I got to be a big sister for a day. :D  Little Brother is not so little anymore for me to baby him.

So that is what I did for June 2015!! There is actually so much more but those were just the highlights cause I am too lazy to write down every single thing. And! I am making it my mid-year resolution to blog more because I feel like life is passing by way too fast and blogging is a great way for me to slow down and enjoy it to its fullest. Cause when I blog I remember little details and notice things that normally I wouldn't notice.


I hope next semester would turn out to be awesome as well. There are going to be new classmates and new lecturers and new juniors and I would be a senior *gasp

And it would be my unofficial first year of degree in engineering. And I have already made peace with my future as an engineer... Its not gonna be so bad is it?

Anyways, see you again guys.

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