Sunday, April 07, 2013


Today I went to tuition for Add Maths and if you know me, anything to do with numbers is not my thing.

Maths has never been my thing, or at least it has never come naturally for me. My sense of numbers is warped to the extent that a plus could be a minus and a 2x2 could be a 6. (true story)

But why am I such a retard in maths? Not just maths la, but everything that involves calculating. So basically that means my physics and chemistry are screwed as well.

Well, it all started on my first day of Standard 4. I was a happy kid who was neutral about maths. The years before that, maths was all about spelling numbers and 1+1 kind of crap. Until an evil wretch whom we all called Teacher Grace asked me to multiply a 4 digit number with a 2 digit number! I remembered thinking if it was a trick question because I have never seen such a question before and I stood there for a really long time until Teacher Grace scolded me for drying up her ink and then hit me with a book.

That's right! Hit me. On my butt.

Hmph till this day, I still hate her. Anyway, that's the story of my un-mathematicalness.

Back to today, we were doing a few exercises and teacher asked if it was hard and yeah, I thought it was.

By it, I thought the subject.

Then he said, why?

"Because its Add Maths" I said.

So teacher got into this long lecture about trying and everything and it was true and I felt so ashamed! Haih.

Teacher told us about people who never tried (gah... Guilty) and that saying you can't do it is just an excuse. Its all about our mentality, whether or not we're willing to really try or not.

There is no such thing as I'm not born to do maths, teacher said. You fail before you even start if you think like that.

From saying you can't or you're stupid, say you tried.

I felt so ashamed and it was all true! I am just making up excuses and I'm just a really negative person when it comes to things I can't do.

In the end of teacher's talk, we discussed the question and I got it right.

"You say its hard and you got it right?"

"I was talking about the subject."


Well, because I never wanted to feel as ashamed as I did again, I'm going to study my arse off. Get smart in those calculations and love those numbers!

I'm gonna scream, cry, bleed, sweat and love every minute of it.

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