Saturday, April 06, 2013

More And More Drama

Well, the drama team asked me to join them 2 days ago.

I was really in a dilemma on whether or not if I should join because they really hurt me and I don't really care much about them anymore.

And the teacher in charge didn't even ask about what I wanted, she just snapped her magic fingers and poof, I'm in just cause she said so.

The only reason I'm in is because Fish pulled out. If he didn't, I don't think they would even think twice about me.

I feel like the unwanted backup plan....

So why am I joining? I can always say no. Why should I care?

Well, I don't wanna leave Sarah alone by herself. And also, there is that little part of me that still love being a geeky drama queen.

I went to the rehearsals yesterrday and teacher said she wanted me to try out being a bitch and she said she doesn't think I can be a bitch because I look very innocent. *scoff

Oh please. I AM a bitch.

Actually, I don't know how to act like a diva sort of bitch, only a mean and a dumb blonde kind but, practice makes perfect.

However, I don't think I'm showing much dedication anyway cause today, I skipped the rehearsal to go for tuition. And even when I went for tuition I wasn't paying any attention to teacher anyway!

I feel so bad for that! So, this is the last time. The whole drama cast needs help cause they suck bad.

I'll make sure they're better in the competition. Until next time then.

Next day..... (Brace yourselves, I have lots to complain about)

Yer yer yer yer yerrrrr! The drama team is so frustrating!!!

Today Sarah and I trained them on their voice projection and I felt so frustrated! I felt like punching something because they're not doing it seriously! A whole hour just to perfect a stupid expression on one person is ridiculous!!!

They were laughing and laughing and laughing and UNTIL THEY DIE LA THEY LAUGHING HAIYAAAA!!!!!! Tell me where the hell laughing is gonna get you on the day of the competition huh? To embarassment and beyond?!!!! *frustrated scream

And the whole thing was so very boring... I was yawning through the whole thing and when it was finally the time to say my lines, I needed that kick in the arse to get me going.

I don't know what's more boring, the tone of the voices or the script. Maybe a combination of both.

AND we're not even rehearsing the amount of time we have to everyday! Only two hours and a half a day.... That's not enough... AT ALL. I'm skipping tuition which I pay RM 20 per day for and I only get to say my lines ONCE during the time. I'm definitely doing something about that. Maybe ask the principal or something if I'm brave enough harhar.

Speaking of saying my lines, I am very embarrassed this year cause of my idiotic lines. They're so embarrassing to the point where I feel the need to puke when I think about it. It's just... so awkward to say my lines to the person I say it to. I wish the guy I say my lines to was someone else.

Well, I guess we're doomed! Good bye world. I'm gonna go crawl under a rock or something now.

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