There's this song that has been stuck in my head and it is so addicting!
Anyone else?
I first heard about this song when Sarah told me and then others started raving about it as well. So, I got curious and checked it out. Damn regretful... T___T
It just stays in your head and repeats itself again and again and again. If I don't listen to this song when I want to, I'll get very frustrated, kinda like doing an add maths question haha.
And what's up with youtube buffering the videos so slow lately? And then when I try to rewind the vid it starts buffering from the very beginning. It is very annoying.
Today after my Add Maths tuition, I went to 1Borneo to buy a book!
I've read the first one and that made me laugh like mad. Its so entertaining and its short and to the point. And also, this book was 20% off. Yes, double win!

Didn't make you laugh??!
I hope I don't get sued for copyright but this is all over the internet so what's one more.
I hope that the author, Boey makes a gazillion of these books so I can read them till I'm like, 100 (more or less). I can relate to some of these things cause its about a childhood in Malaysia and well me=Malaysian.
But I lost the first book that I bought months ago and I wanna find ittttttt why do I keep losing things I love!
Sigh, actually the point of this blog post is to procrastinate from reading hsitory. Its just so boring to read about the past! Why can't we read about the future or the present. Why is there nothing in that textbook about Christopher Columbus or about the big horse statue that went into the Troy city place?
Actually, I've about it sometime in my childhood.
Its when the Greek wanted to enter Troy using a very sly method. They pretended to sail away and left this big wooden horse. So the Troys (Trojans? Troys? Meh, potahtoh potaytoh) pulled that big wooden horse into their city. Then, when night came and everyone was asleep, a troop of greek soldiers came out from that horse and attacked everyone in their sleep.
Its quite a funny story to me. But I remember when I read about it at the age of 5/6/7 and thought that the greeks were geniuses for doing that.
Right? Its like when you're in a fight in school and you pretend to surrender and just when the other kid walks away, you kick them in the ass. Yeap, just like that.
OR, in a girly drama-ey fight in school, you pretend to be mature and make up with that bitch but sabotage them behind their backs.
Gah! What am I doing! I'm supposed to be taking a break from history and yet I'm talking about history! And this history isn't even going to come out in my exam!
Ok nothing more about history
Other than that.....
Meow has been such a darling that my name for him this week is Darling! I love him so much! He hasn't bitten me for quite a while and he's always so quiet but lovable! I like quiet animals lol.
Right now he's sleeping by the door cause he got tired of waiting for me to open it. Heee, I'm so happy to have such a nice kitty!
Though I think he thinks of himself as a human. Ah well. Come Darling! Time for cuddly wuddley!!
Ok time to go back to studying. *pops bubble of fantasy and procrastination