- I am wearing a brown comfy dress my dad bought for me.
2. Ever been in love?
-Nope. Except to fictional characters and celebrities haha. *coughjongsukcough* Some of my obsessions were Natsume Hyuuga, Edward Cullen (I was young and stupid), Lee Jong Suk, Mathias Lauridsen
3. Ever had a terrible breakup.
-No... *shifty eyed
4. How tall are you?
-I am 153 cm or 5 feet tall. For 5 years I thought I was 156 cm..... haih, the agony!
5. How much do you weigh?
-45 kg. I plan to lose some.
6. Any tattoos?
-No and I don't think I'll ever have any.
7. Any piercings?
-I've pierced my ear 8 times and the last time was in 2009 but it always heal closed because I take such bad care of it. Now I only have one piercing on my right ear.
8. My favorite OTP.
- I had to google what OTP means hahaha. It means ONE TRUE PAIRING. I don't really have any... I guess Monday Couple la. Just hantam haha.
9. Favorite show?
- EXO Showtime!!! I can watch each episode an infinite amount of times. I also love Running Man and The Heirs but EXO Showtime is my favorite. If its western ones, I like Law and Order, Castle and Bones.
10. Favorite bands.
- EXO. (Even though they're not really a band, and in that case its CN Blue)
11. Something you miss.
- My secondary school days. I miss my friends and food and life and going out of the house daily!
12. Favorite song?
- My Lady by EXO.
13. How old are you?
- I'm 17 going on 18.
14. Zodiac sign.
15. Quality you look in a partner.
- Funny like Baekhyun, kind and joyful like Chen and real and relatable Tao.
16. Favorite quote.
- "The timing is now". -Yoo Jae Suk.
"A wolf doesn't care about the opinion of sheeps". I think this everytime my confidence breaks down.
"It all goes back in the box." Whenever I get too competitive in Monopoly, this is important to remember.
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."
17. Favorite actor.
- Park Shin Hye. I also like Katherine Heigl in her comedy movies.
18. Favorite color.
-Pinkish beige.
19. Loud music or soft.
-Soft. Loud music annoys me.
20. Where do you go when you're sad.
- To 9gag. If after that I'm still sad, I'll drown my sorrows in blogging.
21. How long does it take for you to shower.
- 10 minutes.
22. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
- Half an hour.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
- Well I was in fencing, so yes. I also fight with my little brother. Usually over something like the tablet or book. If its like a catfight, I don't think so. Way to sissy for such things. If I soil myself how?
24. Turn on.
- You have to love EXO for us to be friends haha no I joke. Kindness, a sense of humour, brains and sensitivity. A good heart is what's important.
25. Turn off.
- Pretentious and rude people who think they are better than everyone else are the absolute worst! Just confidence isn't enough to be charismatic, we need compassion as well.
26. The reason I joined blogger.
- To have fun :D
27. Fears.
- Uncertainty.
28. Last thing that made you cry.
- Watching a series called Bones just now.
29. Last time you said you love someone.
- few moments ago. I said, "I love Chen!!!!"
30. Meaning behind your blogger name.
- Krystal Cera is the pronunciation of my name but not the spelling. I thought it was clever lol.
31. Last book you read.
- The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane. I read this to ace my interviews and I think its really interesting!
32. The book you're currently reading.
- Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. Not very impressed, but its ok.
33. Last show you watched.
- Bones.
34. Last person you talked to.
- My sister.
35. The relationship between you and the last person you texted.
- Friends.
36. Favorite food.
- Waffles right now. *salivate
37. Place you want to visit.
- South Korea!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeee someday... and I will go see a kpop concert! And eat the food (although I hate kimchi and tteokbeokki)! And go shopping!
38. Last place you were.
- A restaurant to eat noodles yeammm.
39. Do you have a crush?
- Nope.
40. Last time you kissed someone.
- I don't know haha. This question presumes that I have kissed someone! So the answer is, in a parallel universe lol.
41. Last time you were insulted.
- A few weeks ago, when this guy called me to recruit me to his university. So I said I wanted to study psychology and he said its a waste of my "talents" and I'll just end up working in an asylum. Bas After that, I said ok thanks bye and scratched that university from my list.
42. Favorite flavor of sweet.
- Milk sweets. There was this milk sweets sold in my school canteen last time and those were the only ones I would buy. If there wasn't any, and I really needed something sweet, it would be guava.
43. What instrument do you play.
- I don't know how to play anything. I would like to learn piano though.
44. Favorite piece of jewelry.
- I don't wear jewelry.
45. Last song you sang.
- Overdose by EXO. Oh she's got me, oh she wants me, oh she hurts me something something in korean bla bla overdose.
46. Last sport you played.
- Basketball or badminton waaaaaay last year.
47. Favorite chat up line.
- "I'm not supposed to speak to strangers, but we've met before." -Princess Aurora- hahahah
48. Have you ever used it?
- No, but I hope to someday. Its so funny eh! I have tried "Can I give you a kiss? *opens palm to reveal hersheys* A hershey's kiss?" I don't think thats a pickup line though.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone.
- On monday, Sarah, Esther and I had the same interview.
50. Who should answer these questions next.
- YOU.
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