Tuesday, December 02, 2014

2nd December 2014

It has been raining heavily these past few days and yesterday, it rained the whole day. The weather is so pretty like this! :D

I am back in Sabah now, having my semester holidays and I feel unusual. I was so busy with studying and assignments back in school that I was begging for the holidays to come. But now that I am having my holidays, I don’t know what to do and I feel empty.

And everyday I think, what am I gonna do today? And then I answer myself with nothing or something incredibly boring like sleeping. But before I know it, night comes and my family comes home and yay I have company again.

On a sadder note, I just found out my GPA pointer for the semester and its… not as good as I want it to be. I was aiming for 3.5 and above and I didn’t reach it. I got a 3.31 CGPA.

I am tempted to explain to everyone that the grading scale is high and the subjects were hard to justify my less than satisfactory results, but I think its immature to make excuses like that. So I’m just going to redeem myself next time.

There is a reason for me to want a 3.5 CGPA and that is because it is a minimum requirement for me to fly overseas next august. It is a huge setback for me but nevermind la, just study in Malaysia for another year also ok. :D

I don’t know why I am so desperate to fly next year. I really really want to but then again, there are some silver linings. Like for example, I could grow to be more mature and learn to find myself in a familiar environment.  And I’m still figuring out my life so waiting another year might be a good idea.

So for now, I don’t have to worry about university applications or interviews or anything that’s weighing my shoulders down. The CGPA thing is pretty bummy, but I’ll live.
Oh and also, I am totally loving living away from my family. I know some people who are incredibly homesick, and I myself get homesick sometimes too, but most of the time, I feel more free to live on my own with housemates. I like being able to buy late night snacks, and doing my own laundry without any of it going missing, and I like going to study rooms to study and staying at the library late.

Living in boarding school (although I’m not in a boarding school. I’m in college) is awesome. I can see why people love it.

I have also made some friends who I've really come to love and care for and who I know will always be there for me, so that just proves that I'm not the socially awkward seal I think I am! 

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