Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bye Bye Blogger

I'm moving to Wordpress.

And maybe I won't like it and come sniffling back to blogger but I'm just gonna try it out. Heard its better.

So if you're interested, its here.

Okay nevermind, I just tried it and it is so complicated.... so back to blogger I am!

Today is a holiday which means that I am free to blog yay!

So, I noticed that some of my friends are in a bad mood nowadays and I am really not emphatic to these things. I won't ask what's wrong because I know that they won't tell me and even if they do, I don't really know what to do except pat them on the back and say Aw....

So here's a video to all you sad people out there on how to stay positive. Just watch it. Its really funny (to me anyways).

I like her. She's funny.

Okay, done watching?

Don't worry and be happy.

And I am trying to stay positive because this Saturday is my school's cross country run and I can't run because I have to do my St. John Ambulance duties and treat all the sicklings.

To all the athletes or runners or whatever, DO NOT take these nurses, St Johns', PBSMs and scouts for granted because they (mainly me) are sacrificing their (last for me) run for you. So buy them (me) a drink.

And its not that I am forced by my teacher but as the president of St John, I'd rather be a responsible leader for my last year than be the jerk prez who tells her juniors to do the boring work. So at least my conscience is clear! =D

And my cat ran away to who knows where!!!! =(((

I hope Kooks comes back.... I'm getting kinda worried...


Do I have a problem? Yes. Can I do anything about it? No. So why worry.


Sniffle sniffle, I'm damn worried and I'm going crazy! I haven't seen him yesterday or today...

What to do what to do what to do??? There's nothing I can do!!!

What if he died of somewhere? Or some kids took him away and dismembered his limbs. Oh crap.

Calm... calm. He'll be back by nightfall.

Oh ya, I haven't even made a new year's resolution! Last year's resolution was a complete fail...

It was.

1. Work super duper hard. (Fail)
2. Keep your cool, no more screaming. (Fail)
3. ALWAYS do your homework. (Fail, definitely)
4. Never go to school ugly. (I can't remember how many times I didn't brush my hair, or wore mismatched socks)
5. Don't fake sickness again. (Fail lol)
6. Study 2 hours every night. (FAIL HAHAHA!)
7. Don't hate my teacher. (Failllllll)
8. Accept criticism with grace. (Hmmm, not sure.)
9. Don't gossip about anyone. (Fail la of course)
10. Don't forget any books. (Fail)
11. Have a notebook at all times. (Okay, this one pass)

Eyer, my 15 year old self could have done this no problem, but turned 16 and there goes my studying motivation.

So here's my resolutions of 2013! *cue drumroll

1. Eat vegetables everyday. (So far, so good!)
2. Heal my skin. (So far, so good!!)
3. Study and do homework. (So far so good!)
4. Try not to be a jerk. (Uhhh, not sure. But I'm trying!) If I am being a jerk, just tell me.
5. Try to blog more about nice things.
6. Be more serious in class. My BM teacher told me this last year.
7. Admit that I'm wrong when I am and apologize after that.
8. Save money to buy a treat for myself at the end of each month.
9. Stop wearing makeup. Or at least lessen it.
10. Screw cute and become more elegant.
11. Be a responsible person.
12. Learn to say no to responsibililities if I know I'm not capable.

So that is my 2013 resolution for the month of January hahaha. I'll make a new one on February. I'd post a new one so its one step at a time.

One step closer to perfection.

2013 has been really nice so far. Surprisingly, I like my teachers, even my Add Maths teacher.

And as for boys, I don't think I want to have a relationship with anyone. But its fun to talk to boys because they're so different from girls. So everyone who has the XY chromosomes are in the friendzone. For now.

And beside, I think a boy is so distracting if I like him. Actually, even if I don't like him, it will still be distracting.

What with all the phone calls, texts, facebook chats, have to spend time, and then can't even concentrate on schoolwork and the whole mess in the breakups. Its easier to avoid that until I and this future guy will be mature enough to have a proper and healthy relationships.

So no relationships for me! *applause

At least I hope so because sometimes, these things can't be helped.

Responsible student or not hehehe. But if there's a guy I like, I'll probably blog it out. Boys are always good blogging substances.

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