Aw man... my feelings are so muddled......
Every guy I see, I will confirm find something about that guy that is attractive and then form a crush on that guy.
And I am so easily terperasan!! That means easily won over by the slightest compliment.
Like a guy called me cute (JOKINGLY of course) and I was sooooo happy, and then he says like a dog. Okay, dog sounds so harsh, maybe like a puppy. Anyway, it was a joke and it made me laugh.
But all I could focus on was "cute". Lol.
To another different topic, a guy named Leon in my class reminds me of Jong Kook aka Mr. Capable, from Running Man, a funny korean reality show. Because Leon is very capable and freakishly muscly (or so I heard. I don't notice it) and garang (fierce).
And then my mind thought that BJ (also a classmate) reminds me of Gary. And Kwang Soo, the bullied one is Richmond.
And just as I was thinking these things, Leon was telling me how he thinks we should decorate our class but I was just nodding and thinking about how Jong Kook is so funny. Then when he paused and I realised that he was waiting for a response, that I snapped back into earth and said "Huh?"
And so Adzman who is also my classmate says I am Blank Ji Hyo.
Coincidence that I was just thinking about Running Man members that Adzman mentions it? I think not!
Anyway, that is all that is interesting this week haha. Life has turned so dull with just studying.
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