Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just another day in the mountains.

I went for an hour drive up to Tambunan on Saturday. And see the little village there? That's the place my father and I were heading to.

I woke up on Saturday and my father asked me if I wanted to go to Tambunan for a 7th day. Images of struggling to stay awake in the car, awkward forced chats with cousins and people forcing me to eat flashed into my mind so automatically, I said no.

But then I thought, hey, its not everyday I get an opportunity to have a real reason to shower. So I changed my mind.

I think it was so pretty going up Crocker Range! The air was so cool and the sky was so blue! It's just so nice. :D

I even finished my meal. ^^

I also went to a rafflesia farm but rafflesia's aren't in bloom right now. Rafflesia is the biggest flower in the world and they have no specific blooming season, its random and they can't be preserved for some reason.

But I am determined to see a real rafflesia with my own eyes someday! It's so shameful that I want to go to other countries and yet have not experienced the full beauty of my own country. *deep

It was so nice to get out of the house and go somewhere! I've been rotting for more than a week. The sims was right? One does go a bit crazy when they don't step outside once in a while.

And after that, we went to a mall aka my natural habitat. *yay!

And I found my most favorite purchase ever!!!!

The Body Shop All In One BB Cream
It comes out white but when you blend it, it turns into your skin colour. Cool or cool? :D

Apparently, it has magic capsules that burst and magically blend into your skin colour. I don't know how that works but it works.

And it makes my skin looks nice AND it was 20% off but even with that, this was still the most expensive product I've bought. This is fulfilling my new year's resolution! To go for quality and not quantity.

It's too early to tell if its actually making my skin better though.

I guess that's all the things I've done that's exciting for the weekend. *sad

I should take up a class or something like that. That would be something that's not a waste of my time at least.

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