But if I had to pick one person that has influenced me greatly, it would be my father.
Let's do a little background on him first. He was born in the country area to a humble family. But! He worked hard, and was handpicked to attend a boarding school that is a 2 hour car ride and a 2 hour plane ride from home and then after that went to Europe to study some more. Wahhhh my dad is Cinderella!
If I didn't have my dad, I wouldn't be here typing this post. I don't know where I would be, but right now, I'm in a very happy place! I've got a roof over my head and a shirt on my back. (and smartphone, tablets, laptop, plus lots of hair and skincare products. My dad was the one who bought me everything I currently own -duh- including my tablet and samsung smartphone. Plus! My Digi top ups which is very very important for me)
I remembered one day, my dad sent me to primary school and he walked me to the gate. And I was too attached to my dad that I felt so sad to enter school and wait another 6 hours to see him. Then when school was over, I'd be staring at the road for his car. Like a puppy lol.
During sales season, which comes quite often in Malaysia (or is it just me?) he'd be the only one willing to bring me go. During my birthday, he let me roam in my natural habitat and shop till I literally dropped (I fell down heh). But its not just that, its that he is willing to spend time with me doing something that other's might deem boring.
In fact, during the year end's sale this year, he brought the whole family go shopping around! Although this year, I controlled myself and limited my spending to RM20. But its nice to spend time with family and go around the city and just, HAVE FUN! Having fun is my favorite past time hehe. Especially having fun with the people I love!
And most importantly, he instilled my moralistic values in me. From simple things such as never ever throwing rubbish on the ground (my mantra lol) to more serious things, like honesty. When I was young, I used to collect abandoned pens and pencils from my drawer. And when I told this to my father, he said, what if those belong to someone? To which I replied, but I found them, so its mine (haha, totally influenced by the finders keepers bull). Then he told me that that wasn't true and asked me what if I forgot my things and someone took it based on the finders keepers logic. And that stuck with me till today.
He also taught me multitudes of things from how to cook eggs haha to the importance of intelligence. I love my dad! 사랑해요! Translation : I love you! (formally)
Haha, a drawing of him. I am definitely not the next Picasso.
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