Friday, March 15, 2013

Its Been A While

Oh yay I've just slept for 8 whole hours since 7pm last night and its 3.30am now so I am in a very good mood...

And its been such a long time since I've blogged!

I am very irritable and hateful this week, mostly to boys because they are less sensitive than girls.

On bio, BJ sat next to me and I was very mean to him. I didn't laugh at his jokes, undermined him and I consistently had a pissed off face the whole time.

But it wasn't his fault also haha.

It was because that this week, there was a second drama audition and I was horrible!! D: I stuttered, paused and my expression was totally off.

Its not like I am confirmed to join or anything but its so embarrassing for a senior to have a bad audition while the others did great... If only there was a pissed off bitch in the script, I'd nail it.

Great just great. Now I'm gonna be a tree or worse, a rock.

I have a small inkling that teacher won't give me a role at all ... What to do!

No, I shouldn't think about such negative thoughts.

Ok never mind about that. What's done is done.

*crawls to a corner and weeps

Anyway something else that made me hateful is my Additional Mathematics teacher.

I know how people say that should forgive and forget if someone does us wrong but everytime I forgive him, he would just piss me off all over again in the next lesson.

I asked him a question about index numbers and all that and he was so undetailed about explaining it. And then he used a patronising voice when I asked about everything he wrote. In the end I just said I understood what he said and he said, 'So boring,' and left.

Sigh, I am emotionally scarred and traumatised. How can a teacher act that way??!!

So I decided to take up Add Maths tuition and it is awesome! I don't get scolded when I ask questions.

There are teachers who are horrible and there are those who are overly nice. Like my chemistry teacher.

A guy in class was eating some biscuits in right in front of her so she told him to put them away.

But then the guy just slowly put the biscuit into his mouth and slowly chewed them as if to say, what can you do to me? The whole class laughed.

Not me la of course, I don't find being an asshole funny.

Cause when a teacher is so nice, why the hell would you provoke her? The whole class would pay the price if she gets really pissed off.

Be appreciative of what you have. In this case, its a nice teacher.

So as of today, my respect for that guy lowered significantly. I don't like assholes. AT ALL! *scoffs

On a more happier note, I am going to the Mighty Minds competition tomorrow! So that will be a full day of being in Suria Sabah, one of the most popular shopping mall, and I kinda hope that we lose so I can go shopping. Haha, silly selfish thought.

Mighty Mind is a quiz competition where you have to build models and answer questions as a group. So basically, I'll be a parasite

But seriously, I hope that we really give our best. Even if we lose, then at least we (I) can drown my sorrow in shopping.

Its been such a while since I've had a proper shopping outing. Eventhough this isn't really a proper one, but its good enough.

Yeeee so excited!

Wish me luck!

P.S : Wish the other groups misfortune so they lose.

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