23rd December 2012
The day my dad announced that we would paint his family house.

The long process of painting the living room walls and ceiling. Its actually quite fun that the whole family pitches in and and we gossip about other people lol.
And my uncle's wine bottle collection was polished and arranged nicely!

I think this looks really cool so I will add that into my things to decorate my house with when I grow up.
When I grow up, I'll definitely try to learn how to drink wine. I used to think that drinking wine (or beer or any alcoholic drinks) is just like drinking water but apparently, no. Its more complicated because I can't even take a sip without getting dizzy lol. But 'my people' (lol) are supposed to be experts in drinking, so I guess its in my genes (?).
Then when the men took over the painting of the ceilings, I went downstairs to make some cookies! And I quite failed at even that.
Sigh, I remember the good old times when I was younger and I used to follow my aunt to kampung extra early because I missed my cousin, Nono and I really liked being in kampung then. Eventhough I always get annoying rashes and excessive mosquito bites, I still loved being in my hometown!
Anyway, there was a time when I loved to make traditional cookies! Yeah I know, me, Crystal Sarah, loving being in the kitchen? Unbelievable? Believe it lol.
I used to love the feeling of the dough and adding egg to the thingy and rolling the kuih makmur into little tiny balls and then smiling over how delicate it is. Then I would have the fun of eating half of the cookies myself and stab anyone in the eyes with a fork if they dare deny that its delicious.
But this time, no. I keep messing up like the dough breaks in my hands and I didn't put enough nuts in or something. Haiya! I'm losing my woman touch! Who would wanna marry me now?!
Anyway, people were probably eating some form of chemicals from my hands because I was painting before that. But its okay! Because the body will expel those kinds of things anyway right? Or if not and I get cancer...... Oh crap.
Anyway, it was soon midnight so I went to my mom's famil house to sleep. It was a peaceful sleep and no allergic reactions so yay!
Oh ya!! Earlier that day, I saw this new kitteh and its a siamese cat!

Its adorable!!!!! But so lazy.... I like kittehs with more life and energy to them.
24th December 2012
Its Christmas Eve!!!!!
I woke up quite late. Actually not so late la, at 8am but for me thats late. I usually wake up around 5 or 6am if I go to sleep in my usual time. Then I just stared at the ceiling for half an hour and listened to cocks cock a doodling outside. Its quite therapeutic.
Then I got up, folded my mattress and sweeped the living room and then played with the kittehs, watched some youtube vids. Digi only charges RM4 for a week of internet!
Then when I couldn't stand the slow internet and lack of social interraction, I walked over to my dad's house where I played with Gabby, my niece!

And and and shes so delicate! And she laughs at the smallest things like I said "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she giggled.
And her brother who is 4 years old is so cute also! Yet so stubborn. I love to annoy him as well.
Like my brother and I were going to my mom's family house.
Him : Uncle! Where are you going?!
Big Brother : I'm going back to my spaceship.
And like when he was playing with Sam the Cat ad Sam hissed at him..
Me : Nah, see! Don't touch my cat anymore. *deluded
Him : Nooo la! Sam is my cat! See he likes me! *equally deluded
Me : What no!! (pats Sam and she closed her eyes). See!
Him : No! Sam is mine! *picks up Sam and runs away
And he has the genuine Chinese/Singapore accent!! Hahahha! I love him! One of the few kids I actually love.
Then it was time for church and there were a few guessing games! Like guess how many beans are in the bottle and what item is inside a box. My cousin spent RM 10 to bet like, 6 times on every game. But she won none lol, so sad. Oh well, its for charity to the church also so why not have fun in the process.
Then it was church time and after that there were the presents exchange and I got a potato peeler!!!! I've been meaning to get one and its such a useful present compared to the one I gave... which was a crappily wrapped container..
Then I went home, watched a few movies with my cousins, read a book (I'm going through every Julia Quinn's books) and passed out from exhaustion.
25th December 2012
I woke up and immediately got ready for church again and went to church with a cardigan on because it was so cold in the morning here and I didn't think about how hot it was going to get. Its like a dessert here, super cold at night, and super hot in the morning. And its not even a humid kind of hot. Its like a really dry, wanna die of heat stroke kind of hot. I dislike Malaysian weather.
Then, there was a potluck after church which is amazing!! And my sister and her boyfriend came from KK and it was so fun to watch the boyfriend being grilled by family members!
I ate crab which makes me feel slightly itchy (I think its the crab, not confirmed yet) but I live in the dangerous side. Badass.
Then we went home and watched some thailand horror movies over some fizzy drinks and kampung biscuits lol. We watched 4bia 2 and the last movie was soooo funny! Then when we were done watching done, we went to Labui which was 10 minutes away and went to my dad's eldest brother's house.
And I think this is a really amazing fact, they have 13 kids! The eldest is maybe close to 40 and the youngest is my age, 16. And the eldest grandchild is 13 years old! Like wow...
There, I stayed for a while at their house till a cousin of mine brought me to go christmassing and yeah it was fun. It made me relive my crush which I had a long time ago named Donnes.
A long time ago (6 years to be exact) I went to church at Labui and after church there was a potluck. And then suddenly this boy asked me if I knew karate, which was quite random. But I said yes, why? I don't know, I did.
Then we went to a secluded part of the church (so dangerous because there was only me and Nono (my cousin) and there was a gang of them) so I could show them my karate skills. Obviously, I don't have any skills to show, so I just ran to Mia (an older cousin), and told her they were bullying me. And Mia scolded them and I got away wth.
I was a bitch ya la I know.
Then a few months later, Nono told me he had a crush on me, and I saw him and we played on a bicycle and ya la, we never saw each other since that day.
Until I saw a picture of him on christmas day and I give him a 7/10 rating on his looks. And I heard he's a nice guy too!
Haiya, puberty has been kind to him and yet....
Okay back to my christmas!
On one of the houses we visited, I saw this indon series where these girls say double everything and it gave me diarrhea. Then just as shit was about to be shat, we took our leave and went back to Nono's house and then I went home where I found that my brother and sister and her boyfriend went back to KK. Haiya, no christmas spirit at all!
Then I took a bath and watched more movies and retired to my mattress.
Well, that was my christmas! I hope you guys have a great christmas too and if it just wasn't that happening, theres always next year lol.
And guess what? THE EARTH DIDN'T END!
My sister probably feels stupid now hehehehe. She even stock up on canned food.
Cute baby and kitty.