Today's post is going to be a boring one. Boring but meaningful so that means that you should read on anyway.
I'm writing about quite a controversial topic and I know I know, you'll say something like I should stick to blogging about shopping or other bimbo-ish things.
But I'm gonna blog about it anyway!
It's about the movie Innocence of Muslims. Which I'm just gonna write IOM, cause I'm lazy.
IOM is a movie made by anti-muslims, muslimphobics and idiots. Google it or something.
I mean, why disrupt the peace that our religious leaders are trying so hard to make because of something so trivial? It's like, "OMG, there are people who are good and nice but they don't worship my exact God. I really can't handle it," seriously man...
Here's a story from the Bible,
One fine day, John, the youngest of the disciples, came to Jesus and said, "There are people who are casting away demons in your name, but they are not one of us. Stop them."
But Jesus with his wisdom said, "No, those who are not against us, are with us."
To me, I agree with Jesus. As long as its for the good of everybody, I'd help. As long as what they are fighting and striving for is a good thing, I'm in. Be it any religion.
All the religions in the world are the same more or less, right. Be good, don't be bad.
Of course, there are some people who are 'lost'. And sometimes, we choose to brand these people as their religion. Tell you what, why don't we stop looking at the bad people and judge a religion by the good people?
One day, I was talking to my friends and they said that immigrants should be shooed away to their own country. But I think, maybe the immigrants that they see are the ones who are bad. Okay, personally, I've never had a bad experience with an immigrant, except this one time where someone threw an empty coke bottle at me. But then his friends told him to stop what!! And personally, I've had bad experiences with locals here too. I've seen loads of good people, and they are immigrants. People believe that once the immigrants are gone, Sabah will automatically become a paradise. Pffft, lots of locals are just as bad. If its like that then you should also focus on the All.S students cars and roads. Seriously, they cut illegally everywhere.
Then we should first make ourselves better. Whenever I wait for my dad at the bust stop in front of my school, I always see people littering. Stop littering first then think about making Sabah a paradise.
Okay back to IOM. Its real you know. I mean I've met some really uptight people who believe that every fault I make is because I'm a Christian. And I've heard people judging me because I'm a Catholic. Telling me that Catholics is wrong and forcing their religion onto me. Harrumph.
I'm not the most perfect Catholic, I know that. But I can surely say that I'm not the worst either. I may not go to church every week, I may not pray before I eat, I may say some things I am not proud of, but you know what, at the end of the day, I feel good. Be it for helping somebody, for thanking God for all the things I have, for doing my best, or just do something that makes me feel good you know?
Oh yeah, I've also heard about people mostly girls, who put down other religions on the net. And in their description box, it says that 'Jesus Is My Life'. No.... no I don't think you grasp Jesus' concept correctly.
Haih, I'm kinda afraid of publishing this post. What if someone sues me or something?
So ya la, viewer discretion is advised.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Dear JELL-O Ass
Dear JELL-O Ass,
By the time you read this, I'll be maxing out your Visa. I'm sorry for doing this but, OK, I'm really not. I know this might comes as a bit of a brain aneurysm to you - especially because you're an emotional cripple. But I'm sorry – I just need a change. I think you're swell, but I don't think we're right for each other. First of all, we're not compatible. You're a Leo, and I'm vastly superior to you. You like declawed rodentia colonics, you eat endangered species, and enjoy defrauding the elderly, and I don't like any of these things. Your favorite movie is Glitter, and your favorite band is Jefferson Starship. Do you even know what my favorite movie or band is? I once asked you what color my eyes are and you said "Shiny". Anyway, I want to date other people. But you know what? I still want to be dead to you. We can totally forget the other is alive . We had some good times, or so you told me . But please, don't be bitter like last time. That means no clawing your face. And look - I won't even make an issue out of the $100 you owe me, or the fact that you dissected my Dalmatian. So take care of yourself - and choke on your own vomit.
Eat Shit,
By the time you read this, I'll be maxing out your Visa. I'm sorry for doing this but, OK, I'm really not. I know this might comes as a bit of a brain aneurysm to you - especially because you're an emotional cripple. But I'm sorry – I just need a change. I think you're swell, but I don't think we're right for each other. First of all, we're not compatible. You're a Leo, and I'm vastly superior to you. You like declawed rodentia colonics, you eat endangered species, and enjoy defrauding the elderly, and I don't like any of these things. Your favorite movie is Glitter, and your favorite band is Jefferson Starship. Do you even know what my favorite movie or band is? I once asked you what color my eyes are and you said "Shiny". Anyway, I want to date other people. But you know what? I still want to be dead to you. We can totally forget the other is alive . We had some good times, or so you told me . But please, don't be bitter like last time. That means no clawing your face. And look - I won't even make an issue out of the $100 you owe me, or the fact that you dissected my Dalmatian. So take care of yourself - and choke on your own vomit.
Eat Shit,
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Someone I See Myself Marrying
Geez I hope my family never sees my blog cause this post would be so embarrassing if they saw it.
Okay, so, someone I see myself marrying.
Honestly, there is nobody I have a major crush on right now. Unless you count Daniel Henney.

But what if you've had some sort of fascination to a boy for 8 years. And what if you've been fascinated with this boy ever since you met him for the first time.
By the way, just to clarify, this is a real person.
Anyway, I met this guy, lets call him S, cause that's his initial, and I met his when I first moved to St Agnes when I was 8.
I've made some new friends and they asked me who I liked. Being the eight year old who was naive and knew nothing, I said S's name. And being the eight year old naive girls they were, they told the whole class.
Well, everybody knew. Even him. We became friends but I don't remember much about our friendship since it was so short lived. But there are small snippets of it.
We played family during moral class, and I was the mommy and he was the daddy.
He wrote me as his crush in his biodatas. You know, like the ones we always ask people to write their Bio? Name, fav colour, drink, crush.
We used to play hop scotch!
Play hide and seek!
Play ice and fire!!
(Me in primary 3, writing on the whiteboard.)
Me : *write write write
S : Wah, your handwriting is so ugly!!
Teacher : Why S? Wanna help your wife?
And then we exchanged letters. *blush The whole class teased him because I liked him. But I don't know why! I mean, I was a decent looking little girl!
Me : I'm sorry everybody teased you.
S : Nah, its okay. :-)
How could you not fall for this boy?!
So soon, our friendship dwindled and we stopped talking when we went to separate classes at age 10 and we never talked since then. He hung out with his kind of people and I hung out with my kind of people. You would think its the rich girl, poor boy romance lol. Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble but its actually the nerd girl, cool boy romance. Personally, I like rich girl, poor boy romance better.
When I was 12 years old, I got over my crush on him. People still talked about me liking him, and I made a mistake. When people asked me about him, I acted as if I don't know him. Gah!! Stupid me!
So we went to our separate secondary schools. He grew up to be this incredibly tall, dark and handsome boy. And then there's me. *dark aura. The short, and full of flaws girl. We didn't meet when we were 13. Nor did we meet when we were 14. Then when I was 15, I was doing something in front of the shops of All Saints, and I saw S. I liked what I saw lol. But he ran away. Like literally run away. Like turn 90 degrees and run away. So, I just shrugged it off and walked on. I was walking ahead of my dad and my dad called my name. I turned around and well well well! There is S again! And again, he turned 90 degrees and ran.
And when I went to his school's bazaar, I saw him again! I was wearing a purple top and grey jeans and black high heels. No specs. So yeah, I felt pretty! But he didn't even look at me! Harrumph! Oh well....
And then this year, when I am almost 16, I met him at the IU day bazaar. I was with Karen, who is really popular and she was talking to some girls from his school. Naturally, I was at my default position, arms crossed and 1 foot in front of the other, as if I am pissed. I wasn't really listening to their conversation and my thought flew away. Suddenly, I realised that S was in the conversation too!!! Smoothly, I backed away, slowly and went somewhere else. Gah! Stupid me again!
And thennnnn! This year's drama competition is held at his school! As I was on my way to the toilet to rinse my 1 inch makeup, I passed him. Doing a brave thing, I said hi! AND HE SAID HI BACK TOO!!!!! *jumps in joy
Unfortunately, my makeup was waaaaay too thick to my liking and I looked like a clown. Couldn't I have been more presentable?? Dammit.
The sad thing is, just recently, people have been telling me that he liked me till primary 6. But since I acted like I didn't know who he was, he thought I didn't like him.
Soooo, that's the end of the story of my first crush. No, there's no one that I could see myself marrying at the moment. I don't even know if I'll ever marry.
He's not a crush anymore now, he's a fascination. Lol.
But I know that he would be the hardest of the boys in my life to forget. And I really don't want to forget these kinds of memories. Which is why it will all be recorded in this blog of mine.
Okay, so, someone I see myself marrying.
Honestly, there is nobody I have a major crush on right now. Unless you count Daniel Henney.

But what if you've had some sort of fascination to a boy for 8 years. And what if you've been fascinated with this boy ever since you met him for the first time.
By the way, just to clarify, this is a real person.
Anyway, I met this guy, lets call him S, cause that's his initial, and I met his when I first moved to St Agnes when I was 8.
I've made some new friends and they asked me who I liked. Being the eight year old who was naive and knew nothing, I said S's name. And being the eight year old naive girls they were, they told the whole class.
Well, everybody knew. Even him. We became friends but I don't remember much about our friendship since it was so short lived. But there are small snippets of it.
We played family during moral class, and I was the mommy and he was the daddy.
He wrote me as his crush in his biodatas. You know, like the ones we always ask people to write their Bio? Name, fav colour, drink, crush.
We used to play hop scotch!
Play hide and seek!
Play ice and fire!!
(Me in primary 3, writing on the whiteboard.)
Me : *write write write
S : Wah, your handwriting is so ugly!!
Teacher : Why S? Wanna help your wife?
And then we exchanged letters. *blush The whole class teased him because I liked him. But I don't know why! I mean, I was a decent looking little girl!
Me : I'm sorry everybody teased you.
S : Nah, its okay. :-)
How could you not fall for this boy?!
So soon, our friendship dwindled and we stopped talking when we went to separate classes at age 10 and we never talked since then. He hung out with his kind of people and I hung out with my kind of people. You would think its the rich girl, poor boy romance lol. Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble but its actually the nerd girl, cool boy romance. Personally, I like rich girl, poor boy romance better.
When I was 12 years old, I got over my crush on him. People still talked about me liking him, and I made a mistake. When people asked me about him, I acted as if I don't know him. Gah!! Stupid me!
So we went to our separate secondary schools. He grew up to be this incredibly tall, dark and handsome boy. And then there's me. *dark aura. The short, and full of flaws girl. We didn't meet when we were 13. Nor did we meet when we were 14. Then when I was 15, I was doing something in front of the shops of All Saints, and I saw S. I liked what I saw lol. But he ran away. Like literally run away. Like turn 90 degrees and run away. So, I just shrugged it off and walked on. I was walking ahead of my dad and my dad called my name. I turned around and well well well! There is S again! And again, he turned 90 degrees and ran.
And when I went to his school's bazaar, I saw him again! I was wearing a purple top and grey jeans and black high heels. No specs. So yeah, I felt pretty! But he didn't even look at me! Harrumph! Oh well....
And then this year, when I am almost 16, I met him at the IU day bazaar. I was with Karen, who is really popular and she was talking to some girls from his school. Naturally, I was at my default position, arms crossed and 1 foot in front of the other, as if I am pissed. I wasn't really listening to their conversation and my thought flew away. Suddenly, I realised that S was in the conversation too!!! Smoothly, I backed away, slowly and went somewhere else. Gah! Stupid me again!
And thennnnn! This year's drama competition is held at his school! As I was on my way to the toilet to rinse my 1 inch makeup, I passed him. Doing a brave thing, I said hi! AND HE SAID HI BACK TOO!!!!! *jumps in joy
Unfortunately, my makeup was waaaaay too thick to my liking and I looked like a clown. Couldn't I have been more presentable?? Dammit.
The sad thing is, just recently, people have been telling me that he liked me till primary 6. But since I acted like I didn't know who he was, he thought I didn't like him.
Soooo, that's the end of the story of my first crush. No, there's no one that I could see myself marrying at the moment. I don't even know if I'll ever marry.
He's not a crush anymore now, he's a fascination. Lol.
But I know that he would be the hardest of the boys in my life to forget. And I really don't want to forget these kinds of memories. Which is why it will all be recorded in this blog of mine.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I Feel Lonely, then, I Shopped
I was wearing a mint green cardigan, happily going through 9gag. When suddenly out of the blue, comes this Facebook notification on my Samsung galaxy tab beside me. I don't even know why it decided to notify me this little piece of information, cause its not like I subscribed to any of these people.
Tiara, Erik and Nate are in Taman 'something'. I forgot where. My mouth hung open and my eyebrows shot up, it almost reached my hairline. I thought they were fighting!? Why wasn't I alerted to their sudden re-friendship?
Immediately, I felt lonely. Why are they there together? Why wasn't I invited? What are they doing?
I know I have no right to expect to be invited. Nor do I expect that they report their every move to me. Its not like we're such close friends anymore. *pout
No, I think its more than that I miss them. I think its competitiveness! Cause their from All Saints, and I have this 'thing' where everything in Lok Yuk has to be better than there.
And you can know who's better for now.
Sigh, they are having fun with friends, and here I am, giggling over cat photos and dirty jokes on 9gag. I'm probably destined to be a cat lady when I grow old. Crap, THE HORROR! I literally cringe whenever I think of an unfabulous future for myself.
While I was just starting to open my blog, about to write yet another emo post, my mom said 'Crystaaaaal!! Wanna go buy shoes!?'
Uhhhh, hell YEAH!! Muahahahahah! And just like that my loneliness faded and I completely forgot about them. See, its the magic of shopping.
Ahhh. The joys of shopping. Shopping is the best medicine. An hour of shopping can heal a broken/lonely heart. Shopping can bring people together. In fact, shopping makes me wanna succeed in life so I can earn a crapload of money. I'll happily marry my job if it includes shopping. My favorite part of school is shopping in the koperasi. My favorite part of the world is a shopping mall. If you wanna make me happy, just gimme money and drop me off in a shopping mall.
I went to Swallows Enterprise, and I've only been there once a few years ago. And you could say it's kind of a shoppers paradise! Everything is so cheap!! I bought my cardigan for Rm 22 and 3 cute underwear for RM 4. Tell me its not worth it to buy and I'll break your wrist! May you never swipe a credit card lol.
You can bet I'll be going to swallows again!
So now, after buying yet another cardigan, a striped one hehe, and some panties, and a new pair of shoes, I am completely engulfed in the blissful euphoria of shopping.
Damn, drop me in a shopping mall and I can be a poet!
Shopping had become like a drug to me. I think when God was designing me, He sprinkled a crapload of shopping addiction on me. Or maybe He linked the addiction part of my brain to shopping. Like how He probably linked anger and tears. And then, He unlinked alcohol and yumminess cause I can't stand the taste if alcohol, nor do I want to.
I don't know why I love shopping so much. Shopping is just so... fun!! Haha, I don't know. I just love the smell of shops, the feel of new items, the ecstasy when you wrap your fingers around that shopping bag! Eeeep!
Do you have anything that you guys really love? Like seriously LOVE! Like the world is a better place when you have/do it. Then you'd know what shopping is to me.
Till next time!

I'm wearing the new cardigan!
Tiara, Erik and Nate are in Taman 'something'. I forgot where. My mouth hung open and my eyebrows shot up, it almost reached my hairline. I thought they were fighting!? Why wasn't I alerted to their sudden re-friendship?
Immediately, I felt lonely. Why are they there together? Why wasn't I invited? What are they doing?
I know I have no right to expect to be invited. Nor do I expect that they report their every move to me. Its not like we're such close friends anymore. *pout
No, I think its more than that I miss them. I think its competitiveness! Cause their from All Saints, and I have this 'thing' where everything in Lok Yuk has to be better than there.
And you can know who's better for now.
Sigh, they are having fun with friends, and here I am, giggling over cat photos and dirty jokes on 9gag. I'm probably destined to be a cat lady when I grow old. Crap, THE HORROR! I literally cringe whenever I think of an unfabulous future for myself.
While I was just starting to open my blog, about to write yet another emo post, my mom said 'Crystaaaaal!! Wanna go buy shoes!?'
Uhhhh, hell YEAH!! Muahahahahah! And just like that my loneliness faded and I completely forgot about them. See, its the magic of shopping.
Ahhh. The joys of shopping. Shopping is the best medicine. An hour of shopping can heal a broken/lonely heart. Shopping can bring people together. In fact, shopping makes me wanna succeed in life so I can earn a crapload of money. I'll happily marry my job if it includes shopping. My favorite part of school is shopping in the koperasi. My favorite part of the world is a shopping mall. If you wanna make me happy, just gimme money and drop me off in a shopping mall.
I went to Swallows Enterprise, and I've only been there once a few years ago. And you could say it's kind of a shoppers paradise! Everything is so cheap!! I bought my cardigan for Rm 22 and 3 cute underwear for RM 4. Tell me its not worth it to buy and I'll break your wrist! May you never swipe a credit card lol.
You can bet I'll be going to swallows again!
So now, after buying yet another cardigan, a striped one hehe, and some panties, and a new pair of shoes, I am completely engulfed in the blissful euphoria of shopping.
Damn, drop me in a shopping mall and I can be a poet!
Shopping had become like a drug to me. I think when God was designing me, He sprinkled a crapload of shopping addiction on me. Or maybe He linked the addiction part of my brain to shopping. Like how He probably linked anger and tears. And then, He unlinked alcohol and yumminess cause I can't stand the taste if alcohol, nor do I want to.
I don't know why I love shopping so much. Shopping is just so... fun!! Haha, I don't know. I just love the smell of shops, the feel of new items, the ecstasy when you wrap your fingers around that shopping bag! Eeeep!
Do you have anything that you guys really love? Like seriously LOVE! Like the world is a better place when you have/do it. Then you'd know what shopping is to me.
Till next time!

I'm wearing the new cardigan!
Friday, September 21, 2012
The Trip That Was Never Meant To Be
I have come to the conclusion that cats are stupid. I went shopping mall the other day and picked up some flea spray, cat food and lotion for its creams. I paid RM 42, and when I came home, the cat ran away from me! Well hot damn, no cat food or it then. Oh well, I'll just use the flea spray and lotion on my new dog!!
Lol, I haven't gotten it yet. Pfft, its not even a hundred percent confirmed that we are gonna get a dog.
But my mom seems pretty serious about it! *jumps with joy
I've always wanted a dog! My mom promised one to me if I managed to get 7A's in PMR, and she broke that promise. See, that's why I'm not serious in my studies right now!
I want to get a German Shepherd!! A puppy of course, so it can be trained. Hehehe, I always see people in my neighbourhood walking their toy poodles, and imagine me, with my gigantuan German Shepherd!!
Okay, enough about dogs. I don't want to get myself too excited for something that might not happen.
The school asked us to confirm what subject we would be dropping. I really want to drop EST... but my oh so wise parents said no. So whatever la! I'll just make them annoyed by asking them to pick me up from school in ridiculous hours! Oh well, since I've decided to become a writer (for now la, my career choice keeps on changing), I have to be very informative. What better way than studying English For Science and Technology. At first I thought it sounded really fancy, but then its just general knowledge what.
Speaking of not getting myself excited, I am supposed to be going to KL, then fly to... somewhere la, then fly to Perlis next Thursday till Sunday for Big Brother's convocation. But Lok Yuk strikes again to spoil my fun! FML I've got exams. I thought my mom would be more sympathetic, telling me that we'd go shopping or thrust a crapload of money to my poor shaking hands. But she just casually said, 'What to do,' and didn't even look at me.
Yeah, might as well rub a crapload of salt to the wound right! My brother and mom started planning their trip. Hearing that my family was leaving me just like that hurt me right here. *points to chest
My mom, driving. Me in the front seat. Little brother and mom's student in the backseat.
Mom : we're going to KL first then (add fancy place here) then we'll fly to KL.
Little Brother : We're going to leave Crystal behind ka?
Mom : Ya la, she got exam right.
Little Brother : *snicker snicker like the decil's spawn he is.
So being the emotional weakling I am, I cried. Like really really cry. But I didn't make a sound, because my mom's student was in the car too and that would be embarrassing.
So we arrived at 1Borneo to drop off the student, Ethan. Ethan has a crapload of money and he lives in 1 Borneo apartments!
Okay anyway, we stopped to eat at 1B and just as we were parking, my mom saw me cry. 'You crying cause of the trip?' No la, I'm just washing my eyeballs!! Harrumph.
'I wanna go home!!' I wailed. In fact, I think I sounded like a whale.
So home we went. En route, my mom tried to comfort me by saying she would buy we craploads of stuff, or maybe we would go shopping together. On normal circumstances, I would stop crying and go back to normal. But I wanted to go shopping for craploads in KL!!!! But I just shook my head.
After a while, my mom said 'haiya, stop crying!' And Little Brother did the sweetest thing ever! He said 'eee, don't be like that bah mommy! She is crying and your telling her to stop crying? You can be so stupid sometimes!' Aww, if you're reading this right now, I love you Little Brother!
Then we arrive home. I knocked the door and when Big Brother answered it, I immediately shoved him away, heard him say 'aww' and ran up to my room. I then proceeded to cry and curse and 9gag my sorrows away.
Alas, the internet connection is slow today which meant no 9gag to cheer me up. By now, my sobs were heavy and breathless. The kind of sobs a baby would make. Yeah, unattractive right. I always put my face in front of the fan helps when I'm crying and that is where Big Brother found me. Eyes swollen, cheeks stained with tears, lips pouting and hair disheveled.
'Here, you can have Toffee,' he said and pushed Toffee towards me.
So, I sat in front of the fan, with Toffee in my arms until finally, I fell asleep. And when I woke up still in my uniform, I went downstairs to find french fries on the table! Yay!
I know what'll happen later. My mom will tell my dad how upset I was, and then I can ask for anything I want! Shopping, money, food... shopping! Everything is according to plan!
Lol no la, the best that would happen is that I'd get French fries for dinner.
Sigh, I'm still upset about the trip, but oh well. I'll have more travelling oppurtunities in the future! Who knows, maybe I'd be travelling to Paris, Rome, Italy!!
As you can tell, I like the word crapload.
Lol, I haven't gotten it yet. Pfft, its not even a hundred percent confirmed that we are gonna get a dog.
But my mom seems pretty serious about it! *jumps with joy
I've always wanted a dog! My mom promised one to me if I managed to get 7A's in PMR, and she broke that promise. See, that's why I'm not serious in my studies right now!
I want to get a German Shepherd!! A puppy of course, so it can be trained. Hehehe, I always see people in my neighbourhood walking their toy poodles, and imagine me, with my gigantuan German Shepherd!!
Okay, enough about dogs. I don't want to get myself too excited for something that might not happen.
The school asked us to confirm what subject we would be dropping. I really want to drop EST... but my oh so wise parents said no. So whatever la! I'll just make them annoyed by asking them to pick me up from school in ridiculous hours! Oh well, since I've decided to become a writer (for now la, my career choice keeps on changing), I have to be very informative. What better way than studying English For Science and Technology. At first I thought it sounded really fancy, but then its just general knowledge what.
Speaking of not getting myself excited, I am supposed to be going to KL, then fly to... somewhere la, then fly to Perlis next Thursday till Sunday for Big Brother's convocation. But Lok Yuk strikes again to spoil my fun! FML I've got exams. I thought my mom would be more sympathetic, telling me that we'd go shopping or thrust a crapload of money to my poor shaking hands. But she just casually said, 'What to do,' and didn't even look at me.
Yeah, might as well rub a crapload of salt to the wound right! My brother and mom started planning their trip. Hearing that my family was leaving me just like that hurt me right here. *points to chest
My mom, driving. Me in the front seat. Little brother and mom's student in the backseat.
Mom : we're going to KL first then (add fancy place here) then we'll fly to KL.
Little Brother : We're going to leave Crystal behind ka?
Mom : Ya la, she got exam right.
Little Brother : *snicker snicker like the decil's spawn he is.
So being the emotional weakling I am, I cried. Like really really cry. But I didn't make a sound, because my mom's student was in the car too and that would be embarrassing.
So we arrived at 1Borneo to drop off the student, Ethan. Ethan has a crapload of money and he lives in 1 Borneo apartments!
Okay anyway, we stopped to eat at 1B and just as we were parking, my mom saw me cry. 'You crying cause of the trip?' No la, I'm just washing my eyeballs!! Harrumph.
'I wanna go home!!' I wailed. In fact, I think I sounded like a whale.
So home we went. En route, my mom tried to comfort me by saying she would buy we craploads of stuff, or maybe we would go shopping together. On normal circumstances, I would stop crying and go back to normal. But I wanted to go shopping for craploads in KL!!!! But I just shook my head.
After a while, my mom said 'haiya, stop crying!' And Little Brother did the sweetest thing ever! He said 'eee, don't be like that bah mommy! She is crying and your telling her to stop crying? You can be so stupid sometimes!' Aww, if you're reading this right now, I love you Little Brother!
Then we arrive home. I knocked the door and when Big Brother answered it, I immediately shoved him away, heard him say 'aww' and ran up to my room. I then proceeded to cry and curse and 9gag my sorrows away.
Alas, the internet connection is slow today which meant no 9gag to cheer me up. By now, my sobs were heavy and breathless. The kind of sobs a baby would make. Yeah, unattractive right. I always put my face in front of the fan helps when I'm crying and that is where Big Brother found me. Eyes swollen, cheeks stained with tears, lips pouting and hair disheveled.
'Here, you can have Toffee,' he said and pushed Toffee towards me.
So, I sat in front of the fan, with Toffee in my arms until finally, I fell asleep. And when I woke up still in my uniform, I went downstairs to find french fries on the table! Yay!
I know what'll happen later. My mom will tell my dad how upset I was, and then I can ask for anything I want! Shopping, money, food... shopping! Everything is according to plan!
Lol no la, the best that would happen is that I'd get French fries for dinner.
Sigh, I'm still upset about the trip, but oh well. I'll have more travelling oppurtunities in the future! Who knows, maybe I'd be travelling to Paris, Rome, Italy!!
As you can tell, I like the word crapload.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Why German Shepherds Are Cool
The German Shepherd is an intelligent dog that is bred to protect and herd sheep. It is the most registered dog in the U.S due to it's intelligence and loyalty.

The German Shepherd has a strong jaw. It has the second strongest jaw among canines, coming second to the Rottweiler.
It is also considered a celebrity dog, as it has appeared in various movies since back in the days.
Because it is intelligent, it can be trusted to protect homes, and easily trained.
Plus, Adolf Hitler had a German Shepherd.
A dog not only has to know how to bite, bark and protect (which a toy sized dog can't do) it has to listen to it's owner when it has to back down. A dog without disiplin and intelligence would be stupid and get itself hit by a car or something. When the owner says stay, the dog should stay. Which is when the intelligence part is important.
German shepherd woukd take a bullet for it's owner.
The German Shepherd is cute and cuddly, and has long fur. Long fur pets are a sign of luxury.
German shepherds are huge, as big as a grown person, to intimidate its victims. No not victims, those unlucky enough to piss it off.
German shepherds are easily potty trained.
A German shepherd is mad adorable.

Have I mentioned huge. Its like a Teddy bear!

The German Shepherd has a strong jaw. It has the second strongest jaw among canines, coming second to the Rottweiler.
It is also considered a celebrity dog, as it has appeared in various movies since back in the days.
Because it is intelligent, it can be trusted to protect homes, and easily trained.
Plus, Adolf Hitler had a German Shepherd.
A dog not only has to know how to bite, bark and protect (which a toy sized dog can't do) it has to listen to it's owner when it has to back down. A dog without disiplin and intelligence would be stupid and get itself hit by a car or something. When the owner says stay, the dog should stay. Which is when the intelligence part is important.
German shepherd woukd take a bullet for it's owner.
The German Shepherd is cute and cuddly, and has long fur. Long fur pets are a sign of luxury.
German shepherds are huge, as big as a grown person, to intimidate its victims. No not victims, those unlucky enough to piss it off.
German shepherds are easily potty trained.
A German shepherd is mad adorable.

Have I mentioned huge. Its like a Teddy bear!

Sunday, September 16, 2012
I Am Bad, And I Should Feel Bad. Plus, A New Cat!
My last post was mean la!
I acted based on anger and I blogged crap about them. Truth is, I do love them.
Just now, Tiara wrote on my timeline. She remembered my birthday and she's gonna bring me shopping. She knows me so well! I love shopping, like fantasize about it, cry for it! So yeah, I feel ashamed la! *draws circles in the corner with dark aura radiating
Here I am, blogging crap, and she remembers my birthday! Harrumph.
On a totally different note, I found a cat on my porch, hungry and wounded.

As you can see, it is making itself at home.

Lol. This cat is damn adorable and when it came to me, it was in such a state! So I fed it some sardines, and gave it a bath. The fur was so tangled, I had to cut some of it off. Poor thing!
But no matter how adorable it is, its damn annoying. I was feeding it just now, and I made it some milk, no it doesn't want. I made some chicken soup from the maggi packets, damn it, it doesn't want also! So I just called it stupid, locked it out and left it to starve. Sigh, I'll be a great mum!
Then today, I went shopping also! But in the end, I bought nothing. I guess there were some cheap stuff, but I am really looking for cheap cardigans, and most of the ones I found were RM 50 and above. Or its cheap but ugly. Oh well, I'll continue the hunt tomorrow la if I can. That is, if I can force my dad to go to 1 Borneo again.
The quest for cheap, cute clothes never ends!!
Until I find its owner, or its owner finds me, I'll take care of it. So I'm gonna need a name. I'm thinking of Brief Candle, so I can say Out! Out, Brief Candle! Or maybe Mathias. Or Reginald. Or something out of the Les Miz cast. Javert, Jean Valjean, Marius, Enjolras. Or maybe just Cat? Oh wait, SIR DELCATTY!! Gee that sounds awesome!!
Yer, I just wish my parents could send me to the pet store ASAP, so I can buy some flea spray. The poor thing looks so poor sleeping outside. And I have a feeling it likes the cereal kind of food, not the wet kind. Hmm, weird Delcatty.
I acted based on anger and I blogged crap about them. Truth is, I do love them.
Just now, Tiara wrote on my timeline. She remembered my birthday and she's gonna bring me shopping. She knows me so well! I love shopping, like fantasize about it, cry for it! So yeah, I feel ashamed la! *draws circles in the corner with dark aura radiating
Here I am, blogging crap, and she remembers my birthday! Harrumph.
On a totally different note, I found a cat on my porch, hungry and wounded.

As you can see, it is making itself at home.

Lol. This cat is damn adorable and when it came to me, it was in such a state! So I fed it some sardines, and gave it a bath. The fur was so tangled, I had to cut some of it off. Poor thing!
But no matter how adorable it is, its damn annoying. I was feeding it just now, and I made it some milk, no it doesn't want. I made some chicken soup from the maggi packets, damn it, it doesn't want also! So I just called it stupid, locked it out and left it to starve. Sigh, I'll be a great mum!
Then today, I went shopping also! But in the end, I bought nothing. I guess there were some cheap stuff, but I am really looking for cheap cardigans, and most of the ones I found were RM 50 and above. Or its cheap but ugly. Oh well, I'll continue the hunt tomorrow la if I can. That is, if I can force my dad to go to 1 Borneo again.
The quest for cheap, cute clothes never ends!!
Until I find its owner, or its owner finds me, I'll take care of it. So I'm gonna need a name. I'm thinking of Brief Candle, so I can say Out! Out, Brief Candle! Or maybe Mathias. Or Reginald. Or something out of the Les Miz cast. Javert, Jean Valjean, Marius, Enjolras. Or maybe just Cat? Oh wait, SIR DELCATTY!! Gee that sounds awesome!!
Yer, I just wish my parents could send me to the pet store ASAP, so I can buy some flea spray. The poor thing looks so poor sleeping outside. And I have a feeling it likes the cereal kind of food, not the wet kind. Hmm, weird Delcatty.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Forgive And Forget
It is said that in every relationship, you lose two close friends. When I thought about this I was like pfft, I have coke, I have McDonalds, where would I find the time for friends? I'm joking, okay. I DO HAVE FRIENDS, TRUST ME!
Anyway, I thought about two friends I lost and realized that I didn't notice I've lost two close friends from All Saints, Nate and Tiara. I didn't realise this until just a while ago.
I didn't really realise that I don't keep in contact with them anymore because I don't really feel like I've lost a really big part of my life. We've never fought, though sometimes we all got a little annoying. Maybe the friendship got boring because of that. I don't even feel like I miss them and I used to think that I couldn't live without them!
Its amazing how things and people change so fast. In just a few months, your best friend could turn out to be a nobody.
I guess I'm feeling a sense of relief too because the other day, my English teacher asked the class if we could forgive and forget. I do find it hard to forgive some things but sooner or later, I'll come around. But geez, I am the most forgettable person ever and yet, there are some things that I just can't squeeze out of my brain. Mostly I can't forget embarrassing stuff that happened to me, but once in a while, I remember some times when I get disappointed by people. I'm really an easy person to please you know! But then comes a situation like this..
I found out about the movie the Hunger Games and while talking on the phone with Tiara, I immediately asked her out to see it. I remembered how enthusiastic I was and excited before watching the movie. I've read the book, watched the trailer countless times and yada yada yada. So we made plans to go that Saturday, yay!
Of course, the odds aren't in my favour (hahaha what a pun) since I had school that Saturday. So, I took the bus to Suria and you should know, that I don't lightly take the bus. If I can, I won't ever let my future daughter take public transport either. So yeah, the bus. I didn't expect the bus to be so late so i arrived a little late. Oh yeah, I wasn't alone la. I had someone with me.
When I was almost at Suria, after taking two buses, TWO BUSES (what a big sacrifice on my part), I texted Nate and Tiara saying I was almost there. And the reply made me so frikkin pissed and disappointed!!
"We're at the cinema with Erik and Sarah."
The odds are definitely not in my favour. These are the two most hated people in the depths of my deep dark ebony heart and you're watching the very movie that you are supposed to be watching with me (who was damn excited, like a kid getting to meet a friendly clown), to watch with Erik and Sarah
(the clown turned into the Joker)???! I mean seriously, I get Erik, he's Nate's best friend, but you could've just flipped the girl the finger cause you don't like her anymore than I do! Who the what cares if she's his then girlfriend? And damn, when I met the girl for the first time, she immediately thought that I hated her. Well, okay, that's actually true, my hatred wasn't really a secret.
I didn't even know they were going to be there oh... gaaaaah!! If I did, I would've spammed makeup on my face lol.
Of course, I got over the whole hatred thing, but I'm still angry at them because I felt betrayed, you know? My teacher told us a story about how someone made her feel and she can't forget that feeling, and I can't forget this one, even though its quite petty.
But I was glad of how I acted yay! Because I was very civilised even though some venom slipped out when I said Sarah looked like a Primary 3 student. And they thought I was joking pfft haha!
Oh well. That was a few months ago and I'm in the slow process of forgiving and forgetting.
Did I sound angry in this post? Because I am not actually haha. Its just the frustration channeling through my fingertips and now, I feel so much better!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sindex 2012!!! (Sabah Invention and Design Exhibition)
I seriously am overwhelmed during the weekend because of SINDEX.
On Friday...
We all came to school as usual and went to UMS, where SINDEX was held using the school bus. We brought all the decorations that our hands could get a hold of and when we arrived, we were the second school to arrive. So yay!! We could decorate our booth in peace!
That's what we thought because we took half an hour to decide what to do. In that half hour, everyone around us came. So yeah, no more privacy.
After a few hours of decorating, I still felt unsatisfied! NO NO NO! How are we supposed to win the Best Booth Award if its ugly!? There wasn't even a teacher to guide us at the time. When I saw Vanissa's booths, it was so pretty and I am jealous to see that there were teachers helping them. So... I did what any other spoiled brat would do, I called my mom.
So my mom brought over some fabric for us to use and she told us how to decorate it the best. I have never been more happy to see my mom than that time. At the end of the day, although the booth looked less shabby, it was still empty. So I went home, and rummaged around the house for random decorations...
Saturday DUN DUN DUN!
I was the earliest the come and all around me, I saw that most booths collapsed. I brought along Toffee, my huge green teddy bear, some legos to make star wars, a tower plate for candy and speakers for songs. We also added paintings from Elvena, legos from teacher, some fabric from Ben and me, and lots of other stuff la!
I got started on the tower and while doing it, Zul, Ben and Caroline came! Then everybody else came!
We managed to finish everything just in time for the Opening Ceremony which was boring. For this one, they presented us the Certificate Of Participation which Teacher Marzita took for us.
The whole day passed in a blur of disney songs and people asking about our project. Smart Reflex. The judges came early so we were fresh and ready when they came to our booth! They seemed impressed which was a good sign! Yay, I was happy! The tension diffused quite early for us so we relaxed the whole day.
We went around and saw lots and lots of booths! There were quite some interesting ones like a computer program, tables, chairs. But I was drawn to beauty items! There were scrubs, makeup removers and lotions and they were right in fron of our booth! The joy!
The first booth I went to was this fish fertiliser booth where they make fish fat so they are yummier. I was the first one to try it!
Then, at the end of the day, they announced the winners. They were calling out name and just when we thought we lost, they said that it was the lower division and just like that our hopes went back up. I knew we couldn't have possibly lost because, well we worked too hard for it! And we won Winner for the Education and Office Award! And consolation prize for Overall winner.

After that everybody cleaned up and went home, leaving me. I went home at 6pm. How lonely.
We came around as usual. The whole day passed as usual, lots of talking and such. So lets just look at lots of pics.

Yes, I carried Toffee around the booths. And when I passed this booth, the guy said if he could hug Toffee! Yes of course! Love is free!!

And since a picture has a tousand words, a video must have a gazillion! So here's one.

I was so happy I looked ugly!! That's how happy I was!

Most Marketable Award.

Most Innovative Award! Darn it, I look ugly.

With all our medals and trophies and Toffee! And we got tons and tons of certificates!!
Yay! I am really happy that I said yes when I was asked to join SINDEX. It was all worth it!

Isn't it beautiful!
On Friday...
We all came to school as usual and went to UMS, where SINDEX was held using the school bus. We brought all the decorations that our hands could get a hold of and when we arrived, we were the second school to arrive. So yay!! We could decorate our booth in peace!
That's what we thought because we took half an hour to decide what to do. In that half hour, everyone around us came. So yeah, no more privacy.
After a few hours of decorating, I still felt unsatisfied! NO NO NO! How are we supposed to win the Best Booth Award if its ugly!? There wasn't even a teacher to guide us at the time. When I saw Vanissa's booths, it was so pretty and I am jealous to see that there were teachers helping them. So... I did what any other spoiled brat would do, I called my mom.
So my mom brought over some fabric for us to use and she told us how to decorate it the best. I have never been more happy to see my mom than that time. At the end of the day, although the booth looked less shabby, it was still empty. So I went home, and rummaged around the house for random decorations...
Saturday DUN DUN DUN!
I was the earliest the come and all around me, I saw that most booths collapsed. I brought along Toffee, my huge green teddy bear, some legos to make star wars, a tower plate for candy and speakers for songs. We also added paintings from Elvena, legos from teacher, some fabric from Ben and me, and lots of other stuff la!
I got started on the tower and while doing it, Zul, Ben and Caroline came! Then everybody else came!
We managed to finish everything just in time for the Opening Ceremony which was boring. For this one, they presented us the Certificate Of Participation which Teacher Marzita took for us.
The whole day passed in a blur of disney songs and people asking about our project. Smart Reflex. The judges came early so we were fresh and ready when they came to our booth! They seemed impressed which was a good sign! Yay, I was happy! The tension diffused quite early for us so we relaxed the whole day.
We went around and saw lots and lots of booths! There were quite some interesting ones like a computer program, tables, chairs. But I was drawn to beauty items! There were scrubs, makeup removers and lotions and they were right in fron of our booth! The joy!
The first booth I went to was this fish fertiliser booth where they make fish fat so they are yummier. I was the first one to try it!
Then, at the end of the day, they announced the winners. They were calling out name and just when we thought we lost, they said that it was the lower division and just like that our hopes went back up. I knew we couldn't have possibly lost because, well we worked too hard for it! And we won Winner for the Education and Office Award! And consolation prize for Overall winner.
After that everybody cleaned up and went home, leaving me. I went home at 6pm. How lonely.
We came around as usual. The whole day passed as usual, lots of talking and such. So lets just look at lots of pics.
Yes, I carried Toffee around the booths. And when I passed this booth, the guy said if he could hug Toffee! Yes of course! Love is free!!
You wouldn't believe how popular Toffee is. When I was going home, it wasn't "Bye, Crystal!!" But, "Bye TOFFEEEEEEE OMGYOU'RESOADORABLEI'MGONNADIE!!!"
I actually got a little jealous of Toffee for a while because he was getting all the men and ladies.
And since a picture has a tousand words, a video must have a gazillion! So here's one.
Everybody loves the Toffee! Toffee is happy that he touched a lot of people lol. That's a bad joke.
Finally, it was the end of the day and they were going to announce the winners! They announced Bronze first and we got one for the mosquito trap. Then came the silvers and we got one for the skirt. I was getting really anxiousby now, what about the SMART REFLEX??? Surely we must get something right? So then there were 7 Gold Medals to be awarded and I counted off the names.
7 medals. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.
There's only one left. So I said, "Haiya... better not get our hopes up la," and played my Galaxy Tab and watched a home design magazine with Elvena. Caroline and Vanissa was sure we would get it and I didn't want to disappoint them and quickly said, "No la, its impossible tu...".
"And last, but not least...." the commentator said... I really didn't want to listen at all and got myself ready for sadness that was definitely going to wave over me. I knew I was going to cry... loudly, and I braced myself.
"The last Gold Medal goes to...." I couldn't help it! I looked up, filled with impossible hope. But I knew hope was going to be the one to crush me....
"LOK YUK, for their invention, SMART REFLEX!!," Then, I screamed. I wasn't the only one though. My chair was almost toppling over because I was jumping around and then I ran up to the stage. Halfway, I stopped and waited for my friends and together, we won!
Then when we sat down, we looked at the marvelous medals, a silver and a gold! Bronze didn't get a medal.
Then, it was time for the Special Awards.
First is the Most Innovative Award. And guess who swiped it away!!! Smart Reflex!!! We also got the Most Marketable Award, and all around me, people were glaring daggers of jealousy. LOL. Hahahhaha!
I really couldn't believe it! I almost cried!!
I was so happy I looked ugly!! That's how happy I was!
Most Marketable Award.
Most Innovative Award! Darn it, I look ugly.
With all our medals and trophies and Toffee! And we got tons and tons of certificates!!
Yay! I am really happy that I said yes when I was asked to join SINDEX. It was all worth it!
Isn't it beautiful!
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Of All Things SINDEX!
I really hope we'll get to win SINDEX competition. Crossing my fingers!!
3 projects from our school were selected and one of them is the smart reflex from my group! Decorations are going well I suppose and I'm waiting for the paint to dry now.
Last night, I had a dream. I've had a lot of weird dreams recently and this one is about me finding a lost love lol.
Remember Cyde? The mean guy I used to have a crush on when I was 12. I dreamt that I met him while working as a part time waitress and giving him his bill. Then I asked him out but we realised we couldn't be together because he was in boarfing school. Lol. Just a dream only.
And what a coincidence, I saw another one of my crushes at All saints looking as swell as ever. I'd say hi but that would seem awkward. We have never talked since Primary 6. Hmmm... I wonder if he thinks about me. But I know that he has lots and lots of girlfriends because a face like that can never hold back the girls lol.
Julia says he's nice. She'd know because they go for Physics tuition together. How tempting to go for tuition just to see his face, but that would seem stalkerish right?
He's the longest guy I have ever thought about in this way. And I heard that if you have a crush on someone for more than 7 months, its love. But I don't think mine is love...more like fascination. I'm always fascinated by beautiful males.
3 projects from our school were selected and one of them is the smart reflex from my group! Decorations are going well I suppose and I'm waiting for the paint to dry now.
Last night, I had a dream. I've had a lot of weird dreams recently and this one is about me finding a lost love lol.
Remember Cyde? The mean guy I used to have a crush on when I was 12. I dreamt that I met him while working as a part time waitress and giving him his bill. Then I asked him out but we realised we couldn't be together because he was in boarfing school. Lol. Just a dream only.
And what a coincidence, I saw another one of my crushes at All saints looking as swell as ever. I'd say hi but that would seem awkward. We have never talked since Primary 6. Hmmm... I wonder if he thinks about me. But I know that he has lots and lots of girlfriends because a face like that can never hold back the girls lol.
Julia says he's nice. She'd know because they go for Physics tuition together. How tempting to go for tuition just to see his face, but that would seem stalkerish right?
He's the longest guy I have ever thought about in this way. And I heard that if you have a crush on someone for more than 7 months, its love. But I don't think mine is love...more like fascination. I'm always fascinated by beautiful males.
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Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Girl Drama
Based on Bubzbeauty's recent vid.
Once in a while, I sit down and like to write a useful post for a change. So I hope this will be helpful for all the girls out there and I hope this is different from my normal useless ramblings.
Its true! I do hate some girls because of the silliest reasons like what they are wearing or how they act.
But somehow boys are like meh... whatever. Girls will claw each other's eyes out!
As Bubz says, girls are obsessed with other girls. And that's true too, because like me for example, I just get jealous of some girls and how I sometimes respond to my jealousy by mindlessly picking out their flaws one by one. That's wrong of me, I know.
In a perfect world, everybody will love you.
But its not a perfect world. People get jealous. People have pride. People have opinions. People are stupid. People forget that other people don't revolve around them. Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will worship the toilet you shit on. But don't forget that there are people who loves you nonetheless, and one of them is yourself. I mean, if you want to hang out with positive people, you have to be positive yourself. And how can we be positive when we don't love ourselves.
In our teenage high school years, there are some girls that put other people down to look bigger and better. And I'm sure at some point in our lives, we have been that sort of bitch before. We've talked behind other people's backs. We've been bitchy face to face. We've spread rumours and bad mouthed people. Right right? So, we're not so perfect ourselves. Anyone can make a mistake. It takes a special someone to make a mistake twice.
So, some girls would want to know how to deal with this.
Just because someone doesn't like you, it doesn't mean you are a bad person. Just because someone said something mean, doesn't mean its true. Just because someone gives you shit, doesn't mean you have to take the shit. I mean, would you? That wuld just mean that you are causing self inflicted psychological trauma on yourself.
You can be the nicest, most helpful person in the world, and some people still wouldn't like you. Because they could hate you because of the pettiest reasons. Mostly because of jealousy, pride, competitiveness, insecurity and boredom. They could hate you for the very reason others love you? So why bother making these people happy when you could be spending your time and energy for people who love you?
If they don't like you, that's their problem. Not yours. So why make their problem your problem? Why would you want to please this person, when there is nothing you can do about it?
So, it easier to just accept that not everybody is going to like you. The best thing you can do is to mind your own business. If this person is someone who's opinion you don't even care about, then who cares?
If this is a person who matters to you and their judgement really matters, then just give yourself some time and space. Don't react straight away, because anger will fuel anger. And acting based on anger will not only make you look stupid, but you'll likely regret it.
For example, I wrote some nasty stuff about someone in my blog. Saying that he is stupid and he is at fault but really, aside for calling me a liar and saying some stuff about me and lying to me, most of the things I said were overreacted. And that was because I was angry. I didn't think. Don't bother looking for the post now because I took it down. Haha. But I'm still a little bit pissed.
Someone called me fake, because I am really interested in beauty and make up. Well... I don't really care. If thats all it takes to be fake, I'd like to see him say that to his mother.
I called someone ugly, lame, loser and made fun of her because she has something I can't have. Then I realised she didn't care and then I realised that I am the loser here. =.= So koyak. I don't really think about her anymore except for the occasional joke between me and myself (I'm that lame). It's actually pointless to hate her because when I think about it, its really just me self inflicting pain on myself.
And when I said that I don't hate her anymore to a classmate, he called me FAKE. Someone called me fake for that? Haha, no, I refuse to take his crap.
And for those of you who are the ones bitching about others, swallow that crap and have a taste of it. Doesn't taste nice does it? So, stop shoving your crap into other people's mouths and flush it down the toilet.
That's kinda disgusting isn't it?
Go check out Bubzbeauty's video, Girl vs Girl. Most of the stuff in the video is already in here, but I'm sure she can give loads more advice.
I dedicate this post to my friends who are having some drama in their lives. You know who you are.
Once in a while, I sit down and like to write a useful post for a change. So I hope this will be helpful for all the girls out there and I hope this is different from my normal useless ramblings.
Its true! I do hate some girls because of the silliest reasons like what they are wearing or how they act.
But somehow boys are like meh... whatever. Girls will claw each other's eyes out!
As Bubz says, girls are obsessed with other girls. And that's true too, because like me for example, I just get jealous of some girls and how I sometimes respond to my jealousy by mindlessly picking out their flaws one by one. That's wrong of me, I know.
In a perfect world, everybody will love you.
But its not a perfect world. People get jealous. People have pride. People have opinions. People are stupid. People forget that other people don't revolve around them. Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will worship the toilet you shit on. But don't forget that there are people who loves you nonetheless, and one of them is yourself. I mean, if you want to hang out with positive people, you have to be positive yourself. And how can we be positive when we don't love ourselves.
In our teenage high school years, there are some girls that put other people down to look bigger and better. And I'm sure at some point in our lives, we have been that sort of bitch before. We've talked behind other people's backs. We've been bitchy face to face. We've spread rumours and bad mouthed people. Right right? So, we're not so perfect ourselves. Anyone can make a mistake. It takes a special someone to make a mistake twice.
So, some girls would want to know how to deal with this.
Just because someone doesn't like you, it doesn't mean you are a bad person. Just because someone said something mean, doesn't mean its true. Just because someone gives you shit, doesn't mean you have to take the shit. I mean, would you? That wuld just mean that you are causing self inflicted psychological trauma on yourself.
You can be the nicest, most helpful person in the world, and some people still wouldn't like you. Because they could hate you because of the pettiest reasons. Mostly because of jealousy, pride, competitiveness, insecurity and boredom. They could hate you for the very reason others love you? So why bother making these people happy when you could be spending your time and energy for people who love you?
If they don't like you, that's their problem. Not yours. So why make their problem your problem? Why would you want to please this person, when there is nothing you can do about it?
So, it easier to just accept that not everybody is going to like you. The best thing you can do is to mind your own business. If this person is someone who's opinion you don't even care about, then who cares?
If this is a person who matters to you and their judgement really matters, then just give yourself some time and space. Don't react straight away, because anger will fuel anger. And acting based on anger will not only make you look stupid, but you'll likely regret it.
For example, I wrote some nasty stuff about someone in my blog. Saying that he is stupid and he is at fault but really, aside for calling me a liar and saying some stuff about me and lying to me, most of the things I said were overreacted. And that was because I was angry. I didn't think. Don't bother looking for the post now because I took it down. Haha. But I'm still a little bit pissed.
Someone called me fake, because I am really interested in beauty and make up. Well... I don't really care. If thats all it takes to be fake, I'd like to see him say that to his mother.
I called someone ugly, lame, loser and made fun of her because she has something I can't have. Then I realised she didn't care and then I realised that I am the loser here. =.= So koyak. I don't really think about her anymore except for the occasional joke between me and myself (I'm that lame). It's actually pointless to hate her because when I think about it, its really just me self inflicting pain on myself.
And when I said that I don't hate her anymore to a classmate, he called me FAKE. Someone called me fake for that? Haha, no, I refuse to take his crap.
And for those of you who are the ones bitching about others, swallow that crap and have a taste of it. Doesn't taste nice does it? So, stop shoving your crap into other people's mouths and flush it down the toilet.
That's kinda disgusting isn't it?
Go check out Bubzbeauty's video, Girl vs Girl. Most of the stuff in the video is already in here, but I'm sure she can give loads more advice.
It's worth it, I promise.
P.S If there was something in this post that insulted you, I apologize in advance. If it seems harsh, well, no offense okay? Viewer discretion is advised. I don't even know what that means.
I dedicate this post to my friends who are having some drama in their lives. You know who you are.
Saturday, September 01, 2012
First Day Of Tennis
I just had my first tennis lesson and my left arm aches. How weak!!
My parents wanted me to join tennis lessons because I need to try something new and get out of the house. I told them I could be shopping but I guess that doesn't count a productive in their terms. So, despite my protests, I went.
Normally when I go for sports, I wear my school sports uniform, because the only sports I will participate is mandatory for school. But just for fun kind of sports? Nuh-uh. So that's why when I looked at my wardrobe, I felt at loss of what to wear.... So I just settled for shorts and a pink shirt.
After getting ready, off we went!! We arrived half an hour late though. I planned to stick right beside my mother like the baby I am, but the coach said since my mom knew how to swing the racket, she is going to the other coach (there were three coaches, one of which is my cousin).
So I was left alone.... Well, not so alone because there was also a guy. I forgot his name, but it was also his first time. I thought he was Form 5 or something close to my age but when we got to know each other, I found out he was 24!! (Insert guy's name here), if you ever found out about my blog and read this, I apologize in advance if I seem awkward and weird.
Our conversation :
Me : *whisper to coach* Is it his first time too?
Coach : Yup!
Me : *drop the whispering when I realize he can hear me* Hi. I'm Crystal!
Guy : Hi. (Name). Uh, Crystal right?
Me : Mm hmm.
Then we talked..
Guy : How old are you?
Me : 16. You?
Guy : 24.
Me : Ahh.
Lol. It was awkward. I almost asked him. "What Form are you?" Then he would say, "Oh just finished University," or something like that.
First thing I learnt was the forehand, then backhand, then serve. I was okay okay la. More to suckish than a natural.. I hit it wrong, stop midswing, my wrist was always wrong but BUT but, I didn't fall down!
Maybe my fencing has something to do with my suckishness, because when the ball came towards me, I tend to lunge for it rather than running towards the ball. But my aim was okay!!! Eventhough I lunged, I managed to hit it. If someone recorded me, it would look cool hoho! Or maybe I would look retarded who knows.
Along the lesson, I actually had fun. The coach was always patient! And I think this coach is a deserving person who deserves my best! So I shall definitely work hard!
But he didn't see my best. It always happens!! That when I am training all by myself when nobody is watching, I do okay, but then when coach comes to see how I'm doing, I always miss the ball, hit it sideways or do something stupid. Maybe I felt nervous or maybe I just have crap luck.
While we were practising, there happened to be an accident! A motorcycle and a van ka that? But the motorcyclist was okay. He didn't die.. But we all stared at him while he struggled with his bike which was embarassing on his behalf.
And Guy (I'll just call him Guy till I remember his name. Was it Chia?) and I spent half the time picking up balls. Which means lotsa squatting, which means I will soon have firm butt and thighs! Just as well, I hate the thought of my butt and thighs jiggling.
Oh the joy the joy!!
So after having a good training, I decided that I will go again next week. I only hope that my coach will continue to be patient with me as I can be very annoying sometimes. And I hope that the wole swimming scenario doesn't happen again.
Swimming scenario : I have been training in swimming for 3 years already. My coach was a friendly guy, he never scolded me. One day!!! He scolded my friend who was crying because her dad disappeared for a while. "Don't cry!!" he said harshly. Ever since that day I never came back. Which is quite a shame. It seemed like three years of training was wasted. I went there Monday to Friday at 6pm and it was freezing! All that sacrifice, swept away because I was a pussy.
I was getting tired of it anyway. But I don't know if I can survive in the sea or a flood because my arms and legs are weak...
So now I can put these three sports in my resume!
Swimming - 3 years. (actually 4 because I went swimming in form 1)
Fencing - 4 years (or 5 if I count next year)
Tennis - 1 day lol.
Finally when I was getting ready to go home, one of the coaches recognized me as "anak Monsu" my dad's child. Apparently, he was my dad's coach back in the days. So its like a butler that is passed down from generation to generation.
P.S I'm going to change my URL to
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