I was wearing a mint green cardigan, happily going through 9gag. When suddenly out of the blue, comes this Facebook notification on my Samsung galaxy tab beside me. I don't even know why it decided to notify me this little piece of information, cause its not like I subscribed to any of these people.
Tiara, Erik and Nate are in Taman 'something'. I forgot where. My mouth hung open and my eyebrows shot up, it almost reached my hairline. I thought they were fighting!? Why wasn't I alerted to their sudden re-friendship?
Immediately, I felt lonely. Why are they there together? Why wasn't I invited? What are they doing?
I know I have no right to expect to be invited. Nor do I expect that they report their every move to me. Its not like we're such close friends anymore. *pout
No, I think its more than that I miss them. I think its competitiveness! Cause their from All Saints, and I have this 'thing' where everything in Lok Yuk has to be better than there.
And you can know who's better for now.
Sigh, they are having fun with friends, and here I am, giggling over cat photos and dirty jokes on 9gag. I'm probably destined to be a cat lady when I grow old. Crap, THE HORROR! I literally cringe whenever I think of an unfabulous future for myself.
While I was just starting to open my blog, about to write yet another emo post, my mom said 'Crystaaaaal!! Wanna go buy shoes!?'
Uhhhh, hell YEAH!! Muahahahahah! And just like that my loneliness faded and I completely forgot about them. See, its the magic of shopping.
Ahhh. The joys of shopping. Shopping is the best medicine. An hour of shopping can heal a broken/lonely heart. Shopping can bring people together. In fact, shopping makes me wanna succeed in life so I can earn a crapload of money. I'll happily marry my job if it includes shopping. My favorite part of school is shopping in the koperasi. My favorite part of the world is a shopping mall. If you wanna make me happy, just gimme money and drop me off in a shopping mall.
I went to Swallows Enterprise, and I've only been there once a few years ago. And you could say it's kind of a shoppers paradise! Everything is so cheap!! I bought my cardigan for Rm 22 and 3 cute underwear for RM 4. Tell me its not worth it to buy and I'll break your wrist! May you never swipe a credit card lol.
You can bet I'll be going to swallows again!
So now, after buying yet another cardigan, a striped one hehe, and some panties, and a new pair of shoes, I am completely engulfed in the blissful euphoria of shopping.
Damn, drop me in a shopping mall and I can be a poet!
Shopping had become like a drug to me. I think when God was designing me, He sprinkled a crapload of shopping addiction on me. Or maybe He linked the addiction part of my brain to shopping. Like how He probably linked anger and tears. And then, He unlinked alcohol and yumminess cause I can't stand the taste if alcohol, nor do I want to.
I don't know why I love shopping so much. Shopping is just so... fun!! Haha, I don't know. I just love the smell of shops, the feel of new items, the ecstasy when you wrap your fingers around that shopping bag! Eeeep!
Do you have anything that you guys really love? Like seriously LOVE! Like the world is a better place when you have/do it. Then you'd know what shopping is to me.
Till next time!

I'm wearing the new cardigan!
Tiara, Erik and Nate are in Taman 'something'. I forgot where. My mouth hung open and my eyebrows shot up, it almost reached my hairline. I thought they were fighting!? Why wasn't I alerted to their sudden re-friendship?
Immediately, I felt lonely. Why are they there together? Why wasn't I invited? What are they doing?
I know I have no right to expect to be invited. Nor do I expect that they report their every move to me. Its not like we're such close friends anymore. *pout
No, I think its more than that I miss them. I think its competitiveness! Cause their from All Saints, and I have this 'thing' where everything in Lok Yuk has to be better than there.
And you can know who's better for now.
Sigh, they are having fun with friends, and here I am, giggling over cat photos and dirty jokes on 9gag. I'm probably destined to be a cat lady when I grow old. Crap, THE HORROR! I literally cringe whenever I think of an unfabulous future for myself.
While I was just starting to open my blog, about to write yet another emo post, my mom said 'Crystaaaaal!! Wanna go buy shoes!?'
Uhhhh, hell YEAH!! Muahahahahah! And just like that my loneliness faded and I completely forgot about them. See, its the magic of shopping.
Ahhh. The joys of shopping. Shopping is the best medicine. An hour of shopping can heal a broken/lonely heart. Shopping can bring people together. In fact, shopping makes me wanna succeed in life so I can earn a crapload of money. I'll happily marry my job if it includes shopping. My favorite part of school is shopping in the koperasi. My favorite part of the world is a shopping mall. If you wanna make me happy, just gimme money and drop me off in a shopping mall.
I went to Swallows Enterprise, and I've only been there once a few years ago. And you could say it's kind of a shoppers paradise! Everything is so cheap!! I bought my cardigan for Rm 22 and 3 cute underwear for RM 4. Tell me its not worth it to buy and I'll break your wrist! May you never swipe a credit card lol.
You can bet I'll be going to swallows again!
So now, after buying yet another cardigan, a striped one hehe, and some panties, and a new pair of shoes, I am completely engulfed in the blissful euphoria of shopping.
Damn, drop me in a shopping mall and I can be a poet!
Shopping had become like a drug to me. I think when God was designing me, He sprinkled a crapload of shopping addiction on me. Or maybe He linked the addiction part of my brain to shopping. Like how He probably linked anger and tears. And then, He unlinked alcohol and yumminess cause I can't stand the taste if alcohol, nor do I want to.
I don't know why I love shopping so much. Shopping is just so... fun!! Haha, I don't know. I just love the smell of shops, the feel of new items, the ecstasy when you wrap your fingers around that shopping bag! Eeeep!
Do you have anything that you guys really love? Like seriously LOVE! Like the world is a better place when you have/do it. Then you'd know what shopping is to me.
Till next time!

I'm wearing the new cardigan!
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