Sunday, September 30, 2012


Today's post is going to be a boring one. Boring but meaningful so that means that you should read on anyway.

I'm writing about quite a controversial topic and I know I know, you'll say something like I should stick to blogging about shopping or other bimbo-ish things.

But I'm gonna blog about it anyway!

It's about the movie Innocence of Muslims. Which I'm just gonna write IOM, cause I'm lazy.

IOM is a movie made by anti-muslims, muslimphobics and idiots. Google it or something.

I mean, why disrupt the peace that our religious leaders are trying so hard to make because of something so trivial? It's like, "OMG, there are people who are good and nice but they don't worship my exact God. I really can't handle it," seriously man...

Here's a story from the Bible,

One fine day, John, the youngest of the disciples, came to Jesus and said, "There are people who are casting away demons in your name, but they are not one of us. Stop them."

But Jesus with his wisdom said, "No, those who are not against us, are with us."

To me,  I agree with Jesus. As long as its for the good of everybody, I'd help. As long as what they are fighting and striving for is a good thing, I'm in. Be it any religion.

All the religions in the world are the same more or less, right. Be good, don't be bad.

Of course, there are some people who are 'lost'. And sometimes, we choose to brand these people as their religion. Tell you what, why don't we stop looking at the bad people and judge a religion by the good people?


One day, I was talking to my friends and they said that immigrants should be shooed away to their own country. But I think, maybe the immigrants that they see are the ones who are bad. Okay, personally, I've never had a bad experience with an immigrant, except this one time where someone threw an empty coke bottle at me. But then his friends told him to stop what!! And personally, I've had bad experiences with locals here too. I've seen loads of good people, and they are immigrants. People believe that once the immigrants are gone, Sabah will automatically become a paradise. Pffft, lots of locals are just as bad. If its like that then you should also focus on the All.S students cars and roads. Seriously, they cut illegally everywhere.

Then we should first make ourselves better. Whenever I wait for my dad at the bust stop in front of my school, I always see people littering. Stop littering first then think about making Sabah a paradise.

Okay back to IOM. Its real you know. I mean I've met some really uptight people who believe that every fault I make is because I'm a Christian. And I've heard people judging me because I'm a Catholic. Telling me that Catholics is wrong and forcing their religion onto me. Harrumph.

I'm not the most perfect Catholic, I know that. But I can surely say that I'm not the worst either. I may not go to church every week, I may not pray before I eat, I may say some things I am not proud of, but you know what, at the end of the day, I feel good. Be it for helping somebody, for thanking God for all the things I have, for doing my best, or just do something that makes me feel good you know?

Oh yeah, I've also heard about people mostly girls, who put down other religions on the net. And in their description box, it says that 'Jesus Is My Life'. No.... no I don't think you grasp Jesus' concept correctly.

Haih, I'm kinda afraid of publishing this post. What if someone sues me or something?

So ya la, viewer discretion is advised.

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