Okay, I'm done from being a spaz. I think my attitude is wrong la. I shouldn't have acted like a baby.
So, I want to say that it is okay that I didn't get to go to Korea. My life is very much happy and great as it is so it would be okay that I wasn't chosen, because I believe that my chance will come someday!
I already have amazing friends who put up with me in my most childish moments.
I have money to go shopping right here in Sabah!
I already have all the skincare products I would want!
I already have my winnings for SINDEX anyway so I'm already grateful for that.
I already went to Singapore in Form 2. And they both haven't been on a plane so this would be their chance!
And since Elvena and Ben worked so hard on the project (harder than me) I think that I should be supportive of them and hope that this will be one of the best moments of their life.
And of course, if the world has an ounce of justice, they should have the best moment in Korea.
Anyway, just because I was disappointed this this time, doesn't mean something just as great won't ever happen to me. So just as Sarah, Frieda, Jessica, everybody la said, 'its okay!'
Its really okay! ^^
Because someday, this will all be something funny to talk about, while I am with my friends, wearing a bikini, lounging beside my home pool in paradise. While male models serve frozen yogurts and we being totally unimpressed by their beauty... because we would be even more beautiful! Then we'll talk about how I was so desperate to go to Korea but in that time, I'll be travelling the whole world!
Okay, new item on my wishlist, TRAVEL TO KOREA (OR THE WORLD)!!! HWAITING!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Crying Like A Baby
That was how I felt earlier today.
I was doing nothing when Mr. Thien came to class and called Ben out, for Korea... and he didn't call me....
So of course I wasn't chosen to go to Korea, but then Ben called me out. Mr Thien said that Elvena and Ben are going to Korea and if that was okay with me. It went like this :
MT : Are you okay with Elvena and Ben going?
Me : Yeah.. (smile)
MT : Because the teachers said that Elvena worked the hardest.
Me : Can la...
MT : You must say if that is true..
Me : Mmmm hmmm...
MT : And since Ben is the leader, naturally he would go.
Me : Okay okay...
MT : Sure ah? Don't write to the newspaper that this isn't fair or anything.
At that point I was still okay though I felt a little bit disappointed. Then we went to see Carlin, another group member and repeated the process over again. Then finally, we confirmed that Ben and Elvena will be representing our group in Korea and Mr Thien left us.
As we were going upstairs back to our class, the first drop of tears started to fall and Ben was so nice, he offered his place to me! But I said no, cause that wouldn't be right you know?
That was how I felt earlier today.
I was doing nothing when Mr. Thien came to class and called Ben out, for Korea... and he didn't call me....
So of course I wasn't chosen to go to Korea, but then Ben called me out. Mr Thien said that Elvena and Ben are going to Korea and if that was okay with me. It went like this :
MT : Are you okay with Elvena and Ben going?
Me : Yeah.. (smile)
MT : Because the teachers said that Elvena worked the hardest.
Me : Can la...
MT : You must say if that is true..
Me : Mmmm hmmm...
MT : And since Ben is the leader, naturally he would go.
Me : Okay okay...
MT : Sure ah? Don't write to the newspaper that this isn't fair or anything.
At that point I was still okay though I felt a little bit disappointed. Then we went to see Carlin, another group member and repeated the process over again. Then finally, we confirmed that Ben and Elvena will be representing our group in Korea and Mr Thien left us.
As we were going upstairs back to our class, the first drop of tears started to fall and Ben was so nice, he offered his place to me! But I said no, cause that wouldn't be right you know?
How I felt when the news came.
Then I went to class and I saw my friends talking. I ran to a small space behind where they were talking and just collapsed to the ground, covered my face with my hands and cried.
I wish I looked this pretty when I'm crying.
Its the kind of crying where you can't breathe and you don't want to make a sound but you just can't help it. I think I was really really really loud too... just imagine a baby crying.
And all my friends crowded around me and comforted me!!!
Jessica, who gave me tissues when for my snot and tears!!
Frieda, who hugged me and gave me her shoulder to cry on but I don't want cause I was scared that my makeup would stain her shirt!
Sarah, who rubbed my back and kept comforting me and telling me the silver lining of things!
The friend who told Ben to stop smiling because that made me feel shittier about things! I don't know who that was because I was blurred by tears.
Ben, who offered his place to me! I said congratulations to him while I was sobbing violently so it didn't seem very genuine... but I really mean it!
*sob sob Congrats Ben.... *sniffel sniffel *sobs harder*sobs like a maniac*
Carlin, Caroline, Julia, Michelle, Calvin and everybody la who was there but I didn't notice because I was too busy trying to calm down!!!!
And soon, with the help of my friends, I cried in a controllable manner and it was time to go home...
Then Carlin talked to me at the bus stop and comforted me more because I still felt like the biggest shit in the world. She said that I should take Ben's offer because I wanted it so so so so so so much, but I don't think that would be fair to Ben.. so... sigh, next time la.
I was still crying controllably until my dad came to pick me up. When I told him the news, I began crying like a baby again, how la like this. Then my dad comforted me, saying I'll get something better next time if I worked harder. So work harder I will!
Haiya, I was really sad, disappointed and just overall devastated... It took me a few hours to stop bawling and that is only when I got my fix of 9gag and McDonalds that I stopped crying.
9gag is magical!
I really can't get pissed off at anyone because I know that I'm not the most deserving to go. So, I'll just assume that God is doing what he needs to do and let bygones be bygones.
It's not like its the end of the world.
Ah crap, I feel like crying again... and theres a stack of papers that needs some violent tearing so bye! I need to vent of my anger and frustration in a physical way!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Crappy Prez and Korea
I have about 50 more pages of homework to finish, a SINDEX folio to type out and sleep waiting for me. But still I choose to blog!
I feel like such an idiot today! I was pengerusi for St. John Ambulans and teacher wasn't around so I wanted to discuss our activities for the year. And then I asked my AJKs to come out and introduce themselves and the DON'T WANT TO!!! WTF MAN? Especially the Form 3 AJKs.
I asked them to introduce themselves so people would know where to find them, who they are and so that people would feel comfortable around them. I don't care if they're not a people's person, I would change that about them next year or I'd change my AJKs.
And I really hate AJKs who don't want to do their job. If they refuse to do something I tell them to do, I'd seriously cut them off. I really feel as if people who act coy and shy and lazy when they can't afford to be coy and shy and lazy are really annoying!
And my friend Caroline says that my head would get stepped on if I continue being nice so I'm gonna be a little more fierce next time eventhough I already told them I don't like getting angry.
And and and! When I asked everybody what they wanted to do during the year, I didn't get much of a response.... I FEEL LIKE SUCH A FAILURE AS A PRESIDENT!! T__T
Okay la, nevermind. I'm still determined to make this the best club ever! Mark my words!
Okay, enough of that then.
So tomorrow, the school will tell which two out of five of us will be chosen. I'd be so devastated if I'm not chosen... But Lord, give me strength so that whatever the outcome, I'd be content. I really hope that I wouldn't cry, and that I will be supportive of my friends who did go.
But I'd be more content if I was chosen!
I'm actually really afraid that I'm getting my hopes to high, and the higher it is, the more broken when I fall. But if I don't fall, then I would be flying sky high!
Let's take a moment for you to pray for me that I would be strong no matter the outcome.
But, theres someone in my group who deserves more credit and deserves to go to Korea more than me, Elvena. She worked so hard on this project!!! I'd feel guilty if she doesn't go!
But there's a little selfish part of me that wants myself to go no matter what! I don't know!
Let's just leave my troubled selfish thoughts here and I'll blog about the results tomorrow.
I feel like such an idiot today! I was pengerusi for St. John Ambulans and teacher wasn't around so I wanted to discuss our activities for the year. And then I asked my AJKs to come out and introduce themselves and the DON'T WANT TO!!! WTF MAN? Especially the Form 3 AJKs.
I asked them to introduce themselves so people would know where to find them, who they are and so that people would feel comfortable around them. I don't care if they're not a people's person, I would change that about them next year or I'd change my AJKs.
And I really hate AJKs who don't want to do their job. If they refuse to do something I tell them to do, I'd seriously cut them off. I really feel as if people who act coy and shy and lazy when they can't afford to be coy and shy and lazy are really annoying!
And my friend Caroline says that my head would get stepped on if I continue being nice so I'm gonna be a little more fierce next time eventhough I already told them I don't like getting angry.
And and and! When I asked everybody what they wanted to do during the year, I didn't get much of a response.... I FEEL LIKE SUCH A FAILURE AS A PRESIDENT!! T__T
Okay la, nevermind. I'm still determined to make this the best club ever! Mark my words!
Okay, enough of that then.
So tomorrow, the school will tell which two out of five of us will be chosen. I'd be so devastated if I'm not chosen... But Lord, give me strength so that whatever the outcome, I'd be content. I really hope that I wouldn't cry, and that I will be supportive of my friends who did go.
But I'd be more content if I was chosen!
I'm actually really afraid that I'm getting my hopes to high, and the higher it is, the more broken when I fall. But if I don't fall, then I would be flying sky high!
Let's take a moment for you to pray for me that I would be strong no matter the outcome.
But, theres someone in my group who deserves more credit and deserves to go to Korea more than me, Elvena. She worked so hard on this project!!! I'd feel guilty if she doesn't go!
But there's a little selfish part of me that wants myself to go no matter what! I don't know!
Let's just leave my troubled selfish thoughts here and I'll blog about the results tomorrow.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Eventful Tuesday
This week was really fun but tuesday was when the fun part starts. My school had the Ekspo KoKum and OMG was it fun!! Except that I had to work that day in my SINDEX booth. It was so damn hot that day that I didn't even bother to attract anybody to listen to me. And there was practically no studying that day!! *kneel and praise the Lord
So during the breaks that I had from my booth I went :
Carolling!! Normally I would never sing in public in front of an audience but I'm already feeling christmassy so I thought, what the hell. Its a sweet memory to be kept. Most of the time, I kept messing up the tune and lyrics but whatever haha. Sigh, I wish I had pictures.
Then I went to my koperasi sale where they sold a crapload of cute, cheap stuff but I was on a spending diet, so I just put it down and walked away.... only to run back and buy a crapload of pens. Haiya. But they were cheap, so I'm a happy cheapskate shopaholic yay! Then I got an eraser for my cabutan bertuah. How can!? Oh well, better than nothing.
Then I visited my friend, Vanissa's booth for PBSM. Where the PBSM of KK did a live demo on how to perform CPR. I thought there was gonna be a volunteer or something but no, they did in on a doll named John. Not creepy at all.. But since I was the president or Sargent or whatever for St John next year, I absorbed everything like a sponge. I want to be a good president next year! Then they had a quiz and I answered one and got a free pen! How long can a human last without oxygen? Hehe, I know.
Then I went on my way to the hall where I hear music coming!
By the way, I was alone the whole time lol. But I didn't feel lonely cause it was fun!
En route to the hall, I saw some face painting thingy by some people from Carol's Face Painting and I really wanted to try it, but people already used the brush and that would be so yucky. Even if they cleaned the brush, the makeup would still be infested by bacteria by some teens oily face. So I just passed it and made my way to the hall where they had ZUMBA!
I don't know why my school is so cool lol! There I spotted my friends and shimmied up to them and danced along. Even though I arrived quite late, but I was still sweating quite a lot. And behind me, the boys were dancing along and I love how sporting they were!
After a while, the dancing just became too ridiculous to copy so we all sat down and just watched the show. Finally, I went out and got a free Tropicana Twister and a Oh My English magazine and went back to my booth where I listened to the csrolling and talked a guy named Isaiah about religion. I feel very rebellious when someone tries to force their religion on me, especially when it is so ridiculous.
After some time, our principal and the bigshots of the school arrived at our booth. I heard him say to Mr Thien, 'Which two of them are going to Korea?' Then Mr Thien said, 'Its not confirmed yet.'
What's not confirmed?? That two of us are going to Korea or which two of us are going to Korea??? I want to go to Korea soooo badly!!!! I really hope we are going to Korea, all of us! Please God please please please!!! But if we are all competing amongst ourselves to go to Korea, I would bribe the principal to choose me lol. No la, it would all be fair and square.
So yeah. This is one of the times when the crap I put up withnLok Yuk seems worth it. I love Lok Yuk! No matter how much extra classes it puts me through!
So during the breaks that I had from my booth I went :
Carolling!! Normally I would never sing in public in front of an audience but I'm already feeling christmassy so I thought, what the hell. Its a sweet memory to be kept. Most of the time, I kept messing up the tune and lyrics but whatever haha. Sigh, I wish I had pictures.
Then I went to my koperasi sale where they sold a crapload of cute, cheap stuff but I was on a spending diet, so I just put it down and walked away.... only to run back and buy a crapload of pens. Haiya. But they were cheap, so I'm a happy cheapskate shopaholic yay! Then I got an eraser for my cabutan bertuah. How can!? Oh well, better than nothing.
Then I visited my friend, Vanissa's booth for PBSM. Where the PBSM of KK did a live demo on how to perform CPR. I thought there was gonna be a volunteer or something but no, they did in on a doll named John. Not creepy at all.. But since I was the president or Sargent or whatever for St John next year, I absorbed everything like a sponge. I want to be a good president next year! Then they had a quiz and I answered one and got a free pen! How long can a human last without oxygen? Hehe, I know.
Then I went on my way to the hall where I hear music coming!
By the way, I was alone the whole time lol. But I didn't feel lonely cause it was fun!
En route to the hall, I saw some face painting thingy by some people from Carol's Face Painting and I really wanted to try it, but people already used the brush and that would be so yucky. Even if they cleaned the brush, the makeup would still be infested by bacteria by some teens oily face. So I just passed it and made my way to the hall where they had ZUMBA!
I don't know why my school is so cool lol! There I spotted my friends and shimmied up to them and danced along. Even though I arrived quite late, but I was still sweating quite a lot. And behind me, the boys were dancing along and I love how sporting they were!
After a while, the dancing just became too ridiculous to copy so we all sat down and just watched the show. Finally, I went out and got a free Tropicana Twister and a Oh My English magazine and went back to my booth where I listened to the csrolling and talked a guy named Isaiah about religion. I feel very rebellious when someone tries to force their religion on me, especially when it is so ridiculous.
After some time, our principal and the bigshots of the school arrived at our booth. I heard him say to Mr Thien, 'Which two of them are going to Korea?' Then Mr Thien said, 'Its not confirmed yet.'
What's not confirmed?? That two of us are going to Korea or which two of us are going to Korea??? I want to go to Korea soooo badly!!!! I really hope we are going to Korea, all of us! Please God please please please!!! But if we are all competing amongst ourselves to go to Korea, I would bribe the principal to choose me lol. No la, it would all be fair and square.
So yeah. This is one of the times when the crap I put up withnLok Yuk seems worth it. I love Lok Yuk! No matter how much extra classes it puts me through!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Ranting Rants of A Ranter
Well well well, aremt you a lucky reader. Cause I'm going to do a ranting post today!!
I am stupid.
I'm not even gonna try to sugarcoat it, please. I failed 5 subjects, got only one B and even that's EST, and the rest are Ds. Sigh, I can hear people audibly gasping, 'Crystal! How can you be do stupid?!'
I know, I know. T__T
No, I don't really know. How did I manage to go from straight A student to stupid crap of a half failing student? No, don't tell me its the blogs fault cause I reduced Facebook time lol.
You know what, for your intertainment, I'll list down my stupid excuse of grades.
BM - 60 something C
BI - 69 (first time I had a C in English in my life)
Moral - 62 C
EST - 74 or was it 72. B
Biology - Fail.
Chemistry - Fail.
Physics - Fail.
History - Fail. (45)
Add Maths - Fail (27)
Maths - 60. C
Yeah, I can hear you audibly gasp again, 'Crystal, its worse than I imagine!!)
I think my problem is that I don't know how to answer it. For physics, if I had gotten the format right, I would've passed roar!
I hate formats. Formats sucks. Did the Neanderthals used formats when they discovered fire? No, I don't imagine so.
Margaret Thatcher once said that we care to much about our feelings that people don't think anymore. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions become our habits. And our habits become our destiny. Or so I think that's what she said.
I think I am stupid.... oh crap.
I even feel stupid right now.
I guess I'm following my feelings to much nowadays. I study when I feel like studying which is never and I do my notes like never. Which reminds me that I have to finish up my moral kursus and then wrap all my books. Sigh, work work work. When will the work end?
When I'm 60? And then what? By then I'll be an old cat lady!
I won't have the energy to travel or have fun when I'm 60!
My teacher says that I should continue my studies until PhD.... well, I'll be damned if I have to study all my life.
If I study, I'll get good grades. If I get good grades I have good university. If I get a good university, I get good master's degree. If I get my masters, I can get a PhD. If I get a PhD, I can get a good job. Then because I have a PhD, my life would be so busy that I have to work day and night. Then I'll have white hair and wrinkles. Then before I know it, I'll be 60 and retiring. Then when I want to sunbathe naked in the Bahamas people say I should've done that when I was 20. We work so we can have a relaxing life... but to me, it doesn't seem so relaxing at all.
I have insomnia now I think. And it sucks. Lol, so random.
And you know what else is random, the bright side! The silver lining!
I got ahli cemerlang, which means the best club member for Fencing Club!
I became President for St John Ambulans.
I became secretary for Fencing Club.
And that is where my silver lining ends.
I don't mean the things I said about the good grades. I really really really want good grades actually. My life has to matter. I don't want to be a small blip in the world. So, mark my words. I'll make my comeback someday!
I am stupid.
I'm not even gonna try to sugarcoat it, please. I failed 5 subjects, got only one B and even that's EST, and the rest are Ds. Sigh, I can hear people audibly gasping, 'Crystal! How can you be do stupid?!'
I know, I know. T__T
No, I don't really know. How did I manage to go from straight A student to stupid crap of a half failing student? No, don't tell me its the blogs fault cause I reduced Facebook time lol.
You know what, for your intertainment, I'll list down my stupid excuse of grades.
BM - 60 something C
BI - 69 (first time I had a C in English in my life)
Moral - 62 C
EST - 74 or was it 72. B
Biology - Fail.
Chemistry - Fail.
Physics - Fail.
History - Fail. (45)
Add Maths - Fail (27)
Maths - 60. C
Yeah, I can hear you audibly gasp again, 'Crystal, its worse than I imagine!!)
I think my problem is that I don't know how to answer it. For physics, if I had gotten the format right, I would've passed roar!
I hate formats. Formats sucks. Did the Neanderthals used formats when they discovered fire? No, I don't imagine so.
Margaret Thatcher once said that we care to much about our feelings that people don't think anymore. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions become our habits. And our habits become our destiny. Or so I think that's what she said.
I think I am stupid.... oh crap.
I even feel stupid right now.
I guess I'm following my feelings to much nowadays. I study when I feel like studying which is never and I do my notes like never. Which reminds me that I have to finish up my moral kursus and then wrap all my books. Sigh, work work work. When will the work end?
When I'm 60? And then what? By then I'll be an old cat lady!
I won't have the energy to travel or have fun when I'm 60!
My teacher says that I should continue my studies until PhD.... well, I'll be damned if I have to study all my life.
If I study, I'll get good grades. If I get good grades I have good university. If I get a good university, I get good master's degree. If I get my masters, I can get a PhD. If I get a PhD, I can get a good job. Then because I have a PhD, my life would be so busy that I have to work day and night. Then I'll have white hair and wrinkles. Then before I know it, I'll be 60 and retiring. Then when I want to sunbathe naked in the Bahamas people say I should've done that when I was 20. We work so we can have a relaxing life... but to me, it doesn't seem so relaxing at all.
I have insomnia now I think. And it sucks. Lol, so random.
And you know what else is random, the bright side! The silver lining!
I got ahli cemerlang, which means the best club member for Fencing Club!
I became President for St John Ambulans.
I became secretary for Fencing Club.
And that is where my silver lining ends.
I don't mean the things I said about the good grades. I really really really want good grades actually. My life has to matter. I don't want to be a small blip in the world. So, mark my words. I'll make my comeback someday!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Contributing To The Economy
Yesterday, I went to Suria Sabah to once again do good and contribute to the economy. I went there quite early, around 11am and right away, my friend Tiara and I started shopping!
I woke up to my ringtone 'Hey would you pick up the phone' and Tiara told me Erik was going to be there in Suria with his girlfriend but since I was still a zombie, I just said 'Mmmm, okay la.... .'
First we went to buy her dress for Installation Night, which is something like a prom where all the Interact club around KK gathet and I don't know, talk about world peace lol.
I don't remember much of the shops we went to for me, it was bloody expensive la. I do remember one shop where it sells this gorgeous red dress for RM 25 and if I went, confirm I would buy oh!!! Hehe, now I know where to buy cheap dresses.
In the end, we went to LylaRuth and dress hunted over there. I tried on some of the dresses because according to Tiara, if I can fit it, so can she. So I became her mannequin for a day lol and do whatever she ordered.
They had pastel coloured dresses there omg so cute! It made me wish I was going! Next time, next time... I did try on this gorgeous white dress that was very demure and had a lace back, I would've bought that one!! Sigh... this is how a shopping addict is.
The shop was so nice. It has a really calming feeling to it and since we were the only customers at that time, we just camwhored the whole time lol. At least I did la.
Then, Tiara chose a tube white long dress that she really liked! For me actually, I wouldn't buy it cause I'm cheapskate and would be tempted to rip the dress when I get home but if the price was a little lower..... I would still buy the demure white dress I found earlier!! Lol.
But its Tiara's dress, not mine. So on her it looks great and I guess if the price doesn't bother her then two thumbs up. Lol, actually the demure white dress wasn't that cheap either
Just as she chose the dress, Nate, another friend, and Tiara's boyfriend came to join us. As Tiara was trying on the dress, we talked.
Him : Hey, how are you?
Me : I'm fine. (Actually, I was trying to be cool and said it in a nonchalant way that sounded slightly sleepy)
Him : No you're not.
Me : (Lol what?) Yeah I am.
Him : No you're not.
Me : Oh... I didn't get to be president for Fencing Club next year.. (I said it just to please him). But how are you?
Him : Life sucks.
Then I made him feel all guilty because I said hi yo him on Facebook and he didn't reply me and how we haven't talked for months.
After that, we paid for the dress and left to eat! I was starving! Nate, being the gentleman he is, payed for our whole lunch that day!!! I insisted on going to the food court where drinks are like, RM 2 and chicken rice is like RM 5. But noooo, he wanted to go to fancy smancy One Station. I don't usually go to Suria cause my default mall is 1B so I thought One Station was cheap. Little did I know that a one person meal would cost RM 20!
But I was surprised to see a computer on each table at One Station. So I showed Tiara my recent frog disection pics to gross her out lol. Nate just seemed like, meh... frogs.
I ordered a Deep Fried Fish something and some chocolate milk because they didn't have Iced Lemon Tea which is my favorite drink of all time. When I said I wanted Iced Lemon Tea, Nate said 'No, Crystal don't be that girl.' 'But I like Iced Lemon Tea... Yer! Why Nate marah me?' Lol, I was having my period so everything made me sensitive. 'Order something like Vodka,' he said. Ohhh.. he was joking lol.
After we ordered everything, Tiara got a call which went something like this...
'Hello?.... we're at One Station.... what?.....Sarah is lost and you wanna come here?'
When I heard that I started freaking out. I was hoping to avoid him and just pretend he didn't exist. I do really wanna pretend to be dead to each other.
Just once I would like this guy to let me spend some time with Nate and Tiara. Ever since I met him last year, there's always him when I make plans with Nate and Tiara.
Every time when I almost have my period or if its the first day of my period, I would always cry or scream. And this time, I really felt like crying. I even almost blogged about it since there was a computer right there but Tiara stopped me.
Then, Nate went out to find Erik to stop him from coming. Aww, it seems like they are protective of me!!! If it were me and I saw myself being a baby like that, I would tell myself to shut up and suck it up.
But alas, the odds are not in my favour and Nate came followed by Erik. I just became really silent and when he said hi, I didn't even want to look at him.... but I whispered a hi out of me anyway even though I wasn't looking at him.
Then, I stayed silent because all I wanted was to stab his eyeballs out of their sockets until Tiara said if I wanted to go to the toilet. I didn't hesitate and I said yes! But who followed me was not Tiara, but Nate.
Nate was so nice to me!! I blew up on him and he just kept on comforting me. I kept saying stupid gibberish and he didn't even say I was stupid. Then when I went the wrong direction because I was so disoriented, he asked me if I was okay! What have I done in my past life to deserve a friend like this?
Just as I was going to pee, my phone rang again 'Hey won't you pick up the phone?' And pick it up, I did and it was Tiara. She asked me if I was okay and she said that I looked as if I was about to cry. Personally, I blame it on my period that I was so reactive to my emotions that day.
Then I peed real fast and we went back to the restaurant. My food already arrived and I attacked my fish. Then, I noticed Erik being sad that his girlfriend ditched him or something, and can you believe it, he updated his Twitter!! Lol, to me, a boy who puts his relationship problems into the world is so not masculine. Hehe, then I just laughed at him inside my head, enjoyed looking at his misery and ate my fish in contentment. After that, my mood went uphill from there.
But I couldn't say the same for Erik. He looked really sad. I couldn't understand that kind of sadness, because I've never been through it before. I wonder if its the same as being dumped? I really couldn't understand how he managed to let himself be dumped by the same person four times. Anyone can make a mistake once, it takes an idiot to make the same mistake twice. It takes a special idiot to make the same mistake thrice. It takes a true blue Erik to make the same mistake four times.
I was sikently pondering on this inside my head when Erik actually said, 'You're not gonna talk to me, are you?'
'Who are you again?
'Yeah, I should introduce myself, I'm Erik (LAST NAME),' His actual quote!
'Oh, I'm Darth Vader,' Oh God why??? I was actually trying to make him get the message that I didn't want to talk to him by saying something ridiculous.
Then Nate laughed which made me feel funny lol.
Then fast forward again la through the whole thing!
Erik mope, update twitter, punches his fist oooh so badass!!!
After that we finished our food and as I was going out of the restaurant, I saw S looking as handsome as ever. But he just looked at me and then looked away. I felt so unglamorous..
But oh well, Tiara told me that he has a girlfriend already which means he has moved past the phase. T___T
Then after that, we basically just shopped around. Cotton On had a RM 5 sale and Tiara bought me a top that originally costs RM 69!! Can you believe that bargain?
And then as I was trying on the clothes there, Nate slipped a jacket over my chamging room door and told me that Erik wanted me to wear it. Ew, no. Just... no. How about no? Then when I went out, I asked Erik why he wanted me to wear his stupid ugly jacket and he said he didn't want me to wear his stupid ugly jacket. So I kicked Nate for embarrassing me.
Then we went to Starbucks where Erik finally left and then we shopped in peace! I was instantly happy again! We went to this shop where I bought a pair of golden, rustic shorts for RM 15.
Then we went to F.O.S, where I bought a white watch for RM 25 and Tiara helped me pay RM 10. Why are these people so nice?
As we were shopping, suddenly Erik made an appearance. And I said loudly, 'WHY IS HE HERE?!' Which made Tiara cover my mouth. Okay, I admit, that was rude of me.
Turns out, he gave up looking for Sarah and was going home. About time!
I think I'm the rudest customer imaginable. Whenever I see a ridiculous price, I would exclaim "SO MAHAL!!' and if its cheap, 'OMG SO CHEAP!!!' And Tiara kept shushing me lol.
Then with nothing to do, we went to Wisma Merdeka which I was so afraid to go because we have to cross the road. One of my greatest fear is dying by getting smashed so I'm always a coward when I cross the road.
There was really nothing there. We wanted to search for a pair of shoes for Tiara but theres really nothing there. So, we went back and Nate carried our bags. Tiara didn't like it cause she felt guilty but I had no problem because ice water runs through my veins and my shoulders hurt at that time.But Nate went ahead of us and left us behind so we tried hiding behind a door. Our plan was that if he came looking for us, we would scare him. But really fail oh cause Nate didn't go look for us.
After that, we walked around, shopping mindlessly and I bought my last purchase of RM 22 in E-Noveal for beauty products. Its RM 12 for 10 sheet masks! Is that a good deal or is that a good deal?
And then we sat down in Times Bookstore, camwhoring in public which is something I thought I'd never do willingly but I did! Hahah, all in all, it was a great day! I spent RM 47. Very good day!
The end.
I woke up to my ringtone 'Hey would you pick up the phone' and Tiara told me Erik was going to be there in Suria with his girlfriend but since I was still a zombie, I just said 'Mmmm, okay la.... .'
First we went to buy her dress for Installation Night, which is something like a prom where all the Interact club around KK gathet and I don't know, talk about world peace lol.
I don't remember much of the shops we went to for me, it was bloody expensive la. I do remember one shop where it sells this gorgeous red dress for RM 25 and if I went, confirm I would buy oh!!! Hehe, now I know where to buy cheap dresses.
In the end, we went to LylaRuth and dress hunted over there. I tried on some of the dresses because according to Tiara, if I can fit it, so can she. So I became her mannequin for a day lol and do whatever she ordered.
They had pastel coloured dresses there omg so cute! It made me wish I was going! Next time, next time... I did try on this gorgeous white dress that was very demure and had a lace back, I would've bought that one!! Sigh... this is how a shopping addict is.
The shop was so nice. It has a really calming feeling to it and since we were the only customers at that time, we just camwhored the whole time lol. At least I did la.
Then, Tiara chose a tube white long dress that she really liked! For me actually, I wouldn't buy it cause I'm cheapskate and would be tempted to rip the dress when I get home but if the price was a little lower..... I would still buy the demure white dress I found earlier!! Lol.
But its Tiara's dress, not mine. So on her it looks great and I guess if the price doesn't bother her then two thumbs up. Lol, actually the demure white dress wasn't that cheap either
Just as she chose the dress, Nate, another friend, and Tiara's boyfriend came to join us. As Tiara was trying on the dress, we talked.
Him : Hey, how are you?
Me : I'm fine. (Actually, I was trying to be cool and said it in a nonchalant way that sounded slightly sleepy)
Him : No you're not.
Me : (Lol what?) Yeah I am.
Him : No you're not.
Me : Oh... I didn't get to be president for Fencing Club next year.. (I said it just to please him). But how are you?
Him : Life sucks.
Then I made him feel all guilty because I said hi yo him on Facebook and he didn't reply me and how we haven't talked for months.
After that, we paid for the dress and left to eat! I was starving! Nate, being the gentleman he is, payed for our whole lunch that day!!! I insisted on going to the food court where drinks are like, RM 2 and chicken rice is like RM 5. But noooo, he wanted to go to fancy smancy One Station. I don't usually go to Suria cause my default mall is 1B so I thought One Station was cheap. Little did I know that a one person meal would cost RM 20!
But I was surprised to see a computer on each table at One Station. So I showed Tiara my recent frog disection pics to gross her out lol. Nate just seemed like, meh... frogs.
I ordered a Deep Fried Fish something and some chocolate milk because they didn't have Iced Lemon Tea which is my favorite drink of all time. When I said I wanted Iced Lemon Tea, Nate said 'No, Crystal don't be that girl.' 'But I like Iced Lemon Tea... Yer! Why Nate marah me?' Lol, I was having my period so everything made me sensitive. 'Order something like Vodka,' he said. Ohhh.. he was joking lol.
After we ordered everything, Tiara got a call which went something like this...
'Hello?.... we're at One Station.... what?.....Sarah is lost and you wanna come here?'
When I heard that I started freaking out. I was hoping to avoid him and just pretend he didn't exist. I do really wanna pretend to be dead to each other.
Just once I would like this guy to let me spend some time with Nate and Tiara. Ever since I met him last year, there's always him when I make plans with Nate and Tiara.
Every time when I almost have my period or if its the first day of my period, I would always cry or scream. And this time, I really felt like crying. I even almost blogged about it since there was a computer right there but Tiara stopped me.
Then, Nate went out to find Erik to stop him from coming. Aww, it seems like they are protective of me!!! If it were me and I saw myself being a baby like that, I would tell myself to shut up and suck it up.
But alas, the odds are not in my favour and Nate came followed by Erik. I just became really silent and when he said hi, I didn't even want to look at him.... but I whispered a hi out of me anyway even though I wasn't looking at him.
Then, I stayed silent because all I wanted was to stab his eyeballs out of their sockets until Tiara said if I wanted to go to the toilet. I didn't hesitate and I said yes! But who followed me was not Tiara, but Nate.
Nate was so nice to me!! I blew up on him and he just kept on comforting me. I kept saying stupid gibberish and he didn't even say I was stupid. Then when I went the wrong direction because I was so disoriented, he asked me if I was okay! What have I done in my past life to deserve a friend like this?
Just as I was going to pee, my phone rang again 'Hey won't you pick up the phone?' And pick it up, I did and it was Tiara. She asked me if I was okay and she said that I looked as if I was about to cry. Personally, I blame it on my period that I was so reactive to my emotions that day.
Then I peed real fast and we went back to the restaurant. My food already arrived and I attacked my fish. Then, I noticed Erik being sad that his girlfriend ditched him or something, and can you believe it, he updated his Twitter!! Lol, to me, a boy who puts his relationship problems into the world is so not masculine. Hehe, then I just laughed at him inside my head, enjoyed looking at his misery and ate my fish in contentment. After that, my mood went uphill from there.
But I couldn't say the same for Erik. He looked really sad. I couldn't understand that kind of sadness, because I've never been through it before. I wonder if its the same as being dumped? I really couldn't understand how he managed to let himself be dumped by the same person four times. Anyone can make a mistake once, it takes an idiot to make the same mistake twice. It takes a special idiot to make the same mistake thrice. It takes a true blue Erik to make the same mistake four times.
I was sikently pondering on this inside my head when Erik actually said, 'You're not gonna talk to me, are you?'
'Who are you again?
'Yeah, I should introduce myself, I'm Erik (LAST NAME),' His actual quote!
'Oh, I'm Darth Vader,' Oh God why??? I was actually trying to make him get the message that I didn't want to talk to him by saying something ridiculous.
Then Nate laughed which made me feel funny lol.
Then fast forward again la through the whole thing!
Erik mope, update twitter, punches his fist oooh so badass!!!
After that we finished our food and as I was going out of the restaurant, I saw S looking as handsome as ever. But he just looked at me and then looked away. I felt so unglamorous..
But oh well, Tiara told me that he has a girlfriend already which means he has moved past the phase. T___T
Then after that, we basically just shopped around. Cotton On had a RM 5 sale and Tiara bought me a top that originally costs RM 69!! Can you believe that bargain?
And then as I was trying on the clothes there, Nate slipped a jacket over my chamging room door and told me that Erik wanted me to wear it. Ew, no. Just... no. How about no? Then when I went out, I asked Erik why he wanted me to wear his stupid ugly jacket and he said he didn't want me to wear his stupid ugly jacket. So I kicked Nate for embarrassing me.
Then we went to Starbucks where Erik finally left and then we shopped in peace! I was instantly happy again! We went to this shop where I bought a pair of golden, rustic shorts for RM 15.
Then we went to F.O.S, where I bought a white watch for RM 25 and Tiara helped me pay RM 10. Why are these people so nice?
As we were shopping, suddenly Erik made an appearance. And I said loudly, 'WHY IS HE HERE?!' Which made Tiara cover my mouth. Okay, I admit, that was rude of me.
Turns out, he gave up looking for Sarah and was going home. About time!
I think I'm the rudest customer imaginable. Whenever I see a ridiculous price, I would exclaim "SO MAHAL!!' and if its cheap, 'OMG SO CHEAP!!!' And Tiara kept shushing me lol.
Then with nothing to do, we went to Wisma Merdeka which I was so afraid to go because we have to cross the road. One of my greatest fear is dying by getting smashed so I'm always a coward when I cross the road.
There was really nothing there. We wanted to search for a pair of shoes for Tiara but theres really nothing there. So, we went back and Nate carried our bags. Tiara didn't like it cause she felt guilty but I had no problem because ice water runs through my veins and my shoulders hurt at that time.But Nate went ahead of us and left us behind so we tried hiding behind a door. Our plan was that if he came looking for us, we would scare him. But really fail oh cause Nate didn't go look for us.
After that, we walked around, shopping mindlessly and I bought my last purchase of RM 22 in E-Noveal for beauty products. Its RM 12 for 10 sheet masks! Is that a good deal or is that a good deal?
And then we sat down in Times Bookstore, camwhoring in public which is something I thought I'd never do willingly but I did! Hahah, all in all, it was a great day! I spent RM 47. Very good day!
The end.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Dear Santa
Dear Santa Claus,
This year, I have been a very materialistic little girl. I have not murdered, and I have always helped people with their insecurities, eventhough I inwardly roll my eyes. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of money this year!
Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring Valium. For my daddy, please bring a new Rogaine prescription. For my little brother, please bring Legos. For my doggy, please bring non-surgical sterilization. Oh – and for my mail man, please bring some work ethic.
Now about me! Please bring me all of the Harry Potter toilet paper, and front row tickets to Mathias Lauridsen's fashion shows – plus backstage passes so I can get behind the scenes! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0 in pastel pink. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $100,000,000! For shopping of course.
Anyway, I hope you like the coca cola I left out for you.
PS: Please say Merry Christmas to Ralph, the heartless Elfin slavemaster.
PPS: Oh yeah, and remember A#1 and that girlfriend of his? They have been two really homicidal dorks all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put dog crap in their stocking. Thanks!
Gasp! Christmas is in 10 weeks! Time just flew by this year didn't it? If you didn't notice, the letter was a joke, obviously. Just pointing it out. And that comment about A#1 and his girlfriend was a joke too. A mean joke but still, its not something serious.
Here's a list of things I want for Christmas! (Most of them are impossible)
1. I want it to snow!
2. I want my christmas to be like when I was younger, full of christmassy movies, songs, all my relatives gathering together.
3. Money, that will never change.
4. Christmas clothes that was better than last year.
5. My skin to be okay for christmas pictures.
6. I would be able to chug a can of beer, impossibru!! And not get drunk.
7. Perhaps, I would dye my hair for the first time?
8. Christmas romance!! Oh! Christmas kiss!!
9. The rambutan tree behind my dad's house will be fruitful so my cousins and I could climb it.
10. Miraculously lose some of my baby fat without working out or dieting.
11. Basically that everything would be all highs and smiles!
12. My whole family would be there for christmas! Last christmas, Big Brother wasn't around. And whole family as in cousins, aunts, uncles and the whole shibang.
13. I get to hug the random santa that goes around in shopping malls.
There's a lot more I'm sure but thats all I can think of right now.
Why do I love christmas so much ah...
Christmas always has that feeling to it. And no, its not about the presents. It is way more than presents and drinking and partying... and money lol. In this case, money is not the thing that makes me happy.
Hmm, maybe its the bond between my family. Since I don't get to see my cousins as much as I'd like to so when we get together, there's always something to talk about. And we never get bored during christmas since theres so many things to do like bake cookies! Tradisional cookies lol. And its so yummy that every morning I would steal some from the big container full of it.
And the rambutan tree is where the fun is lol. My cousins and I used to climb it and pretend that we were power rangers and the random dogs and chicken were aliens. And there was that one time, one of my older cousin buried a dead buffalo calf under our tree and we just watched. We even touched it, gross I know! It just came out from the vagina again that! YUCKYUCKYUCK OH GOD WHY.
Christmas is never complete without....
1. Ghost stories.
2. Hallmark christmas movies.
3. Sneaking a peek at our presents.
4. Church, duh.
5. Christmas carols.
6. Uncles getting drunk.
7. Adventures that I can't mention in this blog or I'll get in trouble.
8. Witnessing chickens being slaughtered by aunts.
9. Babies.
10. Shopping.
11.Some disastor happening and someone crying (quite possibly me)
I can't wait for the christmas season to come! There must be lots of sale in the malls right!? *big shiny eyes I can just see the bright light at the end of the tunnel now!!
Actually, I think the season has already come for me cause I'm already planning on stocking up on seasonal clothes (green, red and white themed!!) and christmas songs for those rides back and forth from my hometown in Beaufort and KK. What is wrong with me, already spent RM 75 last Saturday, want to spend more money again. Haiya.
But its okay! What good is money if you don't spend it, right? And besides, shopping is contributing to the economy so that means I am a good citizen lol. That's what I tell my piggy bank every night.
To end this post, I shall put a badly taken video of my hometown and me doing some embarassing things and talking too fast.
This year, I have been a very materialistic little girl. I have not murdered, and I have always helped people with their insecurities, eventhough I inwardly roll my eyes. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of money this year!
Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring Valium. For my daddy, please bring a new Rogaine prescription. For my little brother, please bring Legos. For my doggy, please bring non-surgical sterilization. Oh – and for my mail man, please bring some work ethic.
Now about me! Please bring me all of the Harry Potter toilet paper, and front row tickets to Mathias Lauridsen's fashion shows – plus backstage passes so I can get behind the scenes! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0 in pastel pink. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $100,000,000! For shopping of course.
Anyway, I hope you like the coca cola I left out for you.
PS: Please say Merry Christmas to Ralph, the heartless Elfin slavemaster.
PPS: Oh yeah, and remember A#1 and that girlfriend of his? They have been two really homicidal dorks all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put dog crap in their stocking. Thanks!
Gasp! Christmas is in 10 weeks! Time just flew by this year didn't it? If you didn't notice, the letter was a joke, obviously. Just pointing it out. And that comment about A#1 and his girlfriend was a joke too. A mean joke but still, its not something serious.
Here's a list of things I want for Christmas! (Most of them are impossible)
1. I want it to snow!
2. I want my christmas to be like when I was younger, full of christmassy movies, songs, all my relatives gathering together.
3. Money, that will never change.
4. Christmas clothes that was better than last year.
5. My skin to be okay for christmas pictures.
6. I would be able to chug a can of beer, impossibru!! And not get drunk.
7. Perhaps, I would dye my hair for the first time?
8. Christmas romance!! Oh! Christmas kiss!!
9. The rambutan tree behind my dad's house will be fruitful so my cousins and I could climb it.
10. Miraculously lose some of my baby fat without working out or dieting.
11. Basically that everything would be all highs and smiles!
12. My whole family would be there for christmas! Last christmas, Big Brother wasn't around. And whole family as in cousins, aunts, uncles and the whole shibang.
13. I get to hug the random santa that goes around in shopping malls.
There's a lot more I'm sure but thats all I can think of right now.
Why do I love christmas so much ah...
Christmas always has that feeling to it. And no, its not about the presents. It is way more than presents and drinking and partying... and money lol. In this case, money is not the thing that makes me happy.
Hmm, maybe its the bond between my family. Since I don't get to see my cousins as much as I'd like to so when we get together, there's always something to talk about. And we never get bored during christmas since theres so many things to do like bake cookies! Tradisional cookies lol. And its so yummy that every morning I would steal some from the big container full of it.
And the rambutan tree is where the fun is lol. My cousins and I used to climb it and pretend that we were power rangers and the random dogs and chicken were aliens. And there was that one time, one of my older cousin buried a dead buffalo calf under our tree and we just watched. We even touched it, gross I know! It just came out from the vagina again that! YUCKYUCKYUCK OH GOD WHY.
Christmas is never complete without....
1. Ghost stories.
2. Hallmark christmas movies.
3. Sneaking a peek at our presents.
4. Church, duh.
5. Christmas carols.
6. Uncles getting drunk.
7. Adventures that I can't mention in this blog or I'll get in trouble.
8. Witnessing chickens being slaughtered by aunts.
9. Babies.
10. Shopping.
11.Some disastor happening and someone crying (quite possibly me)
I can't wait for the christmas season to come! There must be lots of sale in the malls right!? *big shiny eyes I can just see the bright light at the end of the tunnel now!!
Actually, I think the season has already come for me cause I'm already planning on stocking up on seasonal clothes (green, red and white themed!!) and christmas songs for those rides back and forth from my hometown in Beaufort and KK. What is wrong with me, already spent RM 75 last Saturday, want to spend more money again. Haiya.
But its okay! What good is money if you don't spend it, right? And besides, shopping is contributing to the economy so that means I am a good citizen lol. That's what I tell my piggy bank every night.
To end this post, I shall put a badly taken video of my hometown and me doing some embarassing things and talking too fast.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Screw Lazy People Who Says My Efforts Doesn't Matter
I am the pastel pink one. My friend is the dark purple. The ass is the red one. The rest are just random commenters.
This made me super pissed today.
Dear Asshole #2,
Your comments just prove that you do things half-assedly and that you are a bum. People that post on facebook and twitter says things like "OMG PMR WAS SO HARD I'M GONNA FAIL OH NO!!!" Stop lying to yourself that it doesn't matter, because it does. People are posting that they are worried, but their words on Facebook won't fix them. So, my friend, lets call them by their colours. Ahem, Purple was just stating the silliness of these people. And how can you say your friend Alan studied hard and none of the topics came out. Study everything la!! If you study everything then whatever comes out, you've studied. So my conclusion is that he didn't prepare earlier, which means that he didn't study as hard as he could have. You do half-assed work, you get half-assed results. Deal with it.
Then, Red commented this.
Meh, nevermind, your response sealed my opinion for good. And it isn't about how great it is that people of this country love it or etc.Actually no. It doesn't seal any of his opinions. Which I said,
That's just nice Red. I'm happy for you!! :DTo which he said
Well, I'm pretty sure a few more years and we'll see how things go.Excuse me? Is he implying that people who are half-assed will live a happier, fulfilling life than I? Harrumph.
Do you have an ambition, Red?
Yes, and based on my many opinions of things I tend to have possibly more than just 1 ambition although it might not be suited to the tastes of our sensitive people.Sensitive people such as yourself perhaps?
Me too and one of them depends the ability to memorize information,in some point you're maybe right,but the rigidness of your opinion outweights that truth to the point of rendering it useless, you're lying to yourself if you are saying that none of your ambitions doesn't have any need for memorizing. Might want to start practicing now old chap.
My memorization is perfectly fine although my prejudice for certain areas tends to affect my ability to memorize anything related to those areas. I manage to make up for it quite fine with innovation. And I have never stated my ambitions don't have any need for memorizing, please check back if I did any sort of implication for that. But memorizing will only ever get you so far my dear lass.By the way, who ever said innovation did not require any knowledge? How can somebody be innovative without knowledge in the area of these innovations? How can we dare to innovate without curiosity. And with curiosity, we explore... wait for it... knowledge. And with knowledge, you learn to... wait for it... memorize. If we simply learn and then forget, then how can we have knowledge?
Prejudice does not excuse your reluctantcy to study these "certain areas"you speak of, that is however a good excuse for your laziness to do so. Innovation on the other hand relies on several factors, one of them,knowledge. From memorizing, we can understand better. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle,it's only complete if all the pieces are there. You might have not stated that not one of your ambition require memorization,true,but you sure are looking down on that particular ability.
I look down on the overemphasizing on the need of memorizing. And yes, prejudice doesn't excuse my reluctance to study the certain areas but I always would love to ask the leading power of our education : "Why is there a need to study these certain areas? For example History. No offense, but why must we study about the history of our country? I acknowledge the need to learn about what mistakes we should NOT repeat, but what is to say the events detailed in the book is true to every single last fact? Is our history the real truth? Or are our opinions slowly being modified by our historians to think bad of other countries?Perhaps I should be the bigger person and back off. But I gues Red is truly challenged, because he commented again.
I admit that I am in fact, lazy to study but that is not the reason for my prejudice on the certain areas I speak of. It is the fact that my inquisition for the reasons of studying and memorizing them that my prejudice is founded on. Are our opinions on other factions our own? Or are they the product of our education which might not even be true?Okay, I'm backing off there. But not here hahaha!
First off red, we study history because our history defines who we are. How did the chinese people, your people, get to be in Sabah? You would't know, cause you didn't study it and if you did, it just went out the other ear. Anyway, through history, we know who we are and to guide the future generations. If we don't know our history, how are we able to move forth? We would just repeat it again and again.
Secondly, I didn't memorize because it came easy for me... well, easier for Red maybe, but not so very easy either. I did it because I worked hard.
Digression as usual. I didn't work hard this year, I did things half assedly!!! I just hope that I won't be in the same class as Red cause that would destroy my point.
Anyway, our education system does not just consist of history. It consists chemistry, physics, biology, maths and science. That's five logic subjects versus one, History. So, wouldn't it be that my opinions are based on logic too? And wouldn't it be that it would be based on logic more than history? Plus, Malaysia offers enough freedom for me to go listen to other's opinions on the web, newspaper and books. That's right, I do that more than PLAY.
My opinions aren't easily swayed, not like Red, who is so easily influenced that whatever comes out from his mouth won't be complete without a curse or two. I know who I am. I am ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENT in my opinions, my thoughts, my words that people can voice out their opinion to me and I won't question myself, unless of course, if that opinion has an ounce of logic in it. Then I would think about it, and then my opinions would mutate or something to form a new opinion. Thus, I improve. I don't have an opinion for the sake of rebelling.
And there is no over emphasizing on memorizing. There is an emphasis on doing well and knowing. It just so happens that knowing things requires a little bit of memorizing. You know and memorize ABC. You know and memorize Do Re Mi. You know and memorize the spectrum of the rainbow. You know and memorize people's names. Without realizing it, you memorise things.
And also, it is the survival of the fittest around here. You learn to adapt to where you are. Around here, you need GOOD GRADES to survive. The weak will merely be stomped on.
Okay, I guess I'll stop here or I'll go on and on about this the whole night. The thing is, people think that being smart comes naturally to me. Truth is, it doesn't. I was just passionate enough to study for it. Then to have someone say that my hard work doesn't matter... Sigh.
And my passion dwindled this year. Suddenly, my grades aren't soaring sky high anymore. I failed Physics today... *sob sob sniffle snot
But its okay! If I do well on the next test, I can ask for a better class perhaps? Fingers crossed and may the odds be ever in my favor. Actually, no. Screw the odds, I'll take matters into my own hands.
Monday, October 08, 2012
Eventful Sunday
Today, I woke up to the sound of my mom barging into my room and telling me that I need to wash my uniform, that my room is a mess, asking me what the hell is wrong with my hair and why is it falling off so severely and that I should wake up if I wanted to go with them back to my hometown.
It's impossible for me to go back to sleep so I just plugged in my earphones and listened to songs about retaliating females and broken hearts.
Finally, I checked the time and since it is almost 12 pm, I decided that 12 hours of sleep is quite a lot so I woke up and dragged myself to the bathroom where I proceeded to pop pimples and sleep on the toilet bowl for a while. Really, there's something wrong with me.
Then I went downstairs to eat and happily found some nasi lemak waiting for me. Then me, my dad and Big Brother talked about Taken 2 which they watched without me. Harrumph.
Hold on!! Let me digress! Yesterday, I went to 1Borneo again to watch Hotel Transylvania (heartwarming story) and made a stop at Cotton On again. There were no more cardigans how can?! But they're selling panties for RM 6 lol just saying. I wanted to buy one cute one but the cashier was a guy. Cashier's should always be girls especially WHEN YOU'RE HAVING A SALE ON LINGERIE!!!! But thank God also la, I didn't spend any money on shopping.
End of digression.
We talked about how old men were always better actors and how the lead actor of Taken 2 was so ganas. It's mornings (or afternoons) like this that I like my life. Talking to my family while casually throwing insults at each other. My favorite insult today is "You like declawed rodentia colonics, you eat endangered species and you enjoy defrauding the elderly," (in the most annoying voice I can conduct) hahahah, sound familiar? By the way, my brother said there are some people who eat EXTINCT SPECIES, worse.
Anyway, Big Brother said he wasn't going with us to my hometown and neither was Little Brother. So, more space for me!!
So, I wore a purple cardigan, white tank top, shorts and we set off. Except I forgot my earphones!!!! I always bring my earphones, especially if it is a two hour ride! We stopped at some shops and there was a shop where they sold earphones but I asked myself, do I need this? The answer was no, I really didn't, I just wanted it. So yay. That made me proud of myself lol. Gotta keep the shopping beast inside.
After a while, I found some CD's and we played those in the car. And there were some Les Miz songs in there!!
Finally, finally, finally!! We arrived at Beaufort!! We stopped to buy some stuff for my grandparents and while my mom was doing her duty, I went to the Fashion Section. There were a lot of cheap, cute clothes but I didn't need any of those. What I needed were some bras. Boys, you can click that red X there.
Ahem, so girls. You know how bras and panties are always sold at ridiculous prices like RM 60 or even up to RM 100? Well, the bras I found were RM 5 or RM 10 each!! So I bought three cute ones for RM 20. And don't tell me that bras don't have to be cute cause nobody will see them because it is scientifically proven by the esteemed blogger, Purcrystally that it raises your self confidence. I don't know why, but it just does.
The only thing I don't like shopping for lingerie in department stores is because it's so out in the open. Everybody including the men can see you selecting your pick. And it makes me nervous! But in the end I just chose to ignore everybody and browse underwear in peace.
Now, girls (and some boys who were curious about these things), moral of this shopping experience. Don't fall for things just because they are expensive. Expensive does not mean good. I buy things for like, RM 5 and they've lasted for a year and counting.
Hahaha, my dad asked me...
Dad : So what did you buy Crystal?
Me : Something..
Dad : What kind of something?
Me : Something like a bra... or three.
Dad : ...
Awkward or not!
Anyway, we paid for everything which was like RM 300 or so but mind you, I paid for my own stuff and left and drove to my grandparent's house.
There, I tried to feed the chicken and failed miserably. The chicken ran away, what ungratefl chickens!!
Then, I walked to my dad's house. My parents are neighbours so every holiday we don't have to decide which family to go, just decide where to take our mess lol.
And in my dad's house, I met my niece Gabriella for the first time!! Actually, I don't even know she was born yet. Her skin is so soft, I can't stop caressing her!!! Okay, okay, I bet you guys are wondering why am I going on and on about this and you're getting bored. Haih, yeah... a really useless post.
It's impossible for me to go back to sleep so I just plugged in my earphones and listened to songs about retaliating females and broken hearts.
Finally, I checked the time and since it is almost 12 pm, I decided that 12 hours of sleep is quite a lot so I woke up and dragged myself to the bathroom where I proceeded to pop pimples and sleep on the toilet bowl for a while. Really, there's something wrong with me.
Then I went downstairs to eat and happily found some nasi lemak waiting for me. Then me, my dad and Big Brother talked about Taken 2 which they watched without me. Harrumph.
Hold on!! Let me digress! Yesterday, I went to 1Borneo again to watch Hotel Transylvania (heartwarming story) and made a stop at Cotton On again. There were no more cardigans how can?! But they're selling panties for RM 6 lol just saying. I wanted to buy one cute one but the cashier was a guy. Cashier's should always be girls especially WHEN YOU'RE HAVING A SALE ON LINGERIE!!!! But thank God also la, I didn't spend any money on shopping.
End of digression.
We talked about how old men were always better actors and how the lead actor of Taken 2 was so ganas. It's mornings (or afternoons) like this that I like my life. Talking to my family while casually throwing insults at each other. My favorite insult today is "You like declawed rodentia colonics, you eat endangered species and you enjoy defrauding the elderly," (in the most annoying voice I can conduct) hahahah, sound familiar? By the way, my brother said there are some people who eat EXTINCT SPECIES, worse.
Anyway, Big Brother said he wasn't going with us to my hometown and neither was Little Brother. So, more space for me!!
So, I wore a purple cardigan, white tank top, shorts and we set off. Except I forgot my earphones!!!! I always bring my earphones, especially if it is a two hour ride! We stopped at some shops and there was a shop where they sold earphones but I asked myself, do I need this? The answer was no, I really didn't, I just wanted it. So yay. That made me proud of myself lol. Gotta keep the shopping beast inside.
After a while, I found some CD's and we played those in the car. And there were some Les Miz songs in there!!
Finally, finally, finally!! We arrived at Beaufort!! We stopped to buy some stuff for my grandparents and while my mom was doing her duty, I went to the Fashion Section. There were a lot of cheap, cute clothes but I didn't need any of those. What I needed were some bras. Boys, you can click that red X there.
Ahem, so girls. You know how bras and panties are always sold at ridiculous prices like RM 60 or even up to RM 100? Well, the bras I found were RM 5 or RM 10 each!! So I bought three cute ones for RM 20. And don't tell me that bras don't have to be cute cause nobody will see them because it is scientifically proven by the esteemed blogger, Purcrystally that it raises your self confidence. I don't know why, but it just does.
The only thing I don't like shopping for lingerie in department stores is because it's so out in the open. Everybody including the men can see you selecting your pick. And it makes me nervous! But in the end I just chose to ignore everybody and browse underwear in peace.
Now, girls (and some boys who were curious about these things), moral of this shopping experience. Don't fall for things just because they are expensive. Expensive does not mean good. I buy things for like, RM 5 and they've lasted for a year and counting.
Hahaha, my dad asked me...
Dad : So what did you buy Crystal?
Me : Something..
Dad : What kind of something?
Me : Something like a bra... or three.
Dad : ...
Awkward or not!
Anyway, we paid for everything which was like RM 300 or so but mind you, I paid for my own stuff and left and drove to my grandparent's house.
There, I tried to feed the chicken and failed miserably. The chicken ran away, what ungratefl chickens!!
Then, I walked to my dad's house. My parents are neighbours so every holiday we don't have to decide which family to go, just decide where to take our mess lol.
And in my dad's house, I met my niece Gabriella for the first time!! Actually, I don't even know she was born yet. Her skin is so soft, I can't stop caressing her!!! Okay, okay, I bet you guys are wondering why am I going on and on about this and you're getting bored. Haih, yeah... a really useless post.
Friday, October 05, 2012
The Past Catches Up With Me
Oh my God!!!!
What an unexpected twist of the day!!
I was derping around on Facebook just now when Michelle, a friend said that anybody who answered in essay form in physics failed. And I answered in essay form!!
I was already freaking out about this so I turned on my Facebook chat to find some sort of confirmation.
That was when Asshole #1 chatted with me. You see, just earlier today, I have been bitching about him while eating noodles. And he was the guy who I hated the most and thought he just wished my birthday to make me feel bad.
So he asked me how I was doing and I said fine. We talked about how our birthday went and I asked him how he was doing. And he said he wasn't doing quite so well. And when I asked more about it, he said its not such a good idea to talk about it with me cause I was still mad at him. Well, I am mad at him but not for the reason he thinks so I said, 'no I'm over that.'
And he gushed out his feelings at me. Doesn't he have any other friends to talk to?
I was careful not to say anything that could mean I was still mad and actually, I'm quite glad of how I responded! I was also careful not to say anything negative about my life because I don't like the thought of him knowing my problems. Which at the moment was physics.
All through the chat, I was SHIVERING. Its not because it was cold but, I kinda liked the thought of talking to him. Plus, I kinda liked the thought of him being broken hearted. His heart needed a little breaking. But mostly, I liked talking to him, crazy huh?
Why is my judgement all messed up? He was such a jerk and suddenly he comes back into my life and I can't believe I liked talking to him! You'd think a girl would learn.
But in the end, I was the one who said good bye first. And telling him that time will heal all wounds. Pfft yeah, maybe in a million years. Anyway, there's something about being the one to say goodbye that makes me feel superior hoho! Or maybe I just have this thing where I have to be the one to leave him behind.
Anyway, I guess he is dropped from the title of Asshole #1. He is now just a random guy. So, this is the product of months of hatred, what an anticlimax lol. You'd think that I'd go all psycho and stab him or something. Or maybe sing On My Own from Les Miserables. I've always wanted my own music number.
Or maybe the story isn't over yet. Maybe they will get back together and this time, the girl is the one who breaks his heart. Revenge seems so sweet.
But I know somehow, I'll get some sort of karma. So, I'll just be the bigger person and let it go. So dear friends, if I ever bitch about Asshole #1 again, please remind me of my oath of unpettiness lol.
What an unexpected twist of the day!!
I was derping around on Facebook just now when Michelle, a friend said that anybody who answered in essay form in physics failed. And I answered in essay form!!
I was already freaking out about this so I turned on my Facebook chat to find some sort of confirmation.
That was when Asshole #1 chatted with me. You see, just earlier today, I have been bitching about him while eating noodles. And he was the guy who I hated the most and thought he just wished my birthday to make me feel bad.
So he asked me how I was doing and I said fine. We talked about how our birthday went and I asked him how he was doing. And he said he wasn't doing quite so well. And when I asked more about it, he said its not such a good idea to talk about it with me cause I was still mad at him. Well, I am mad at him but not for the reason he thinks so I said, 'no I'm over that.'
And he gushed out his feelings at me. Doesn't he have any other friends to talk to?
I was careful not to say anything that could mean I was still mad and actually, I'm quite glad of how I responded! I was also careful not to say anything negative about my life because I don't like the thought of him knowing my problems. Which at the moment was physics.
All through the chat, I was SHIVERING. Its not because it was cold but, I kinda liked the thought of talking to him. Plus, I kinda liked the thought of him being broken hearted. His heart needed a little breaking. But mostly, I liked talking to him, crazy huh?
Why is my judgement all messed up? He was such a jerk and suddenly he comes back into my life and I can't believe I liked talking to him! You'd think a girl would learn.
But in the end, I was the one who said good bye first. And telling him that time will heal all wounds. Pfft yeah, maybe in a million years. Anyway, there's something about being the one to say goodbye that makes me feel superior hoho! Or maybe I just have this thing where I have to be the one to leave him behind.
Anyway, I guess he is dropped from the title of Asshole #1. He is now just a random guy. So, this is the product of months of hatred, what an anticlimax lol. You'd think that I'd go all psycho and stab him or something. Or maybe sing On My Own from Les Miserables. I've always wanted my own music number.
Or maybe the story isn't over yet. Maybe they will get back together and this time, the girl is the one who breaks his heart. Revenge seems so sweet.
But I know somehow, I'll get some sort of karma. So, I'll just be the bigger person and let it go. So dear friends, if I ever bitch about Asshole #1 again, please remind me of my oath of unpettiness lol.
No Particular Title
First and foremost, hugest biggest thank you to Sarah and Frieda for writing a birthday post for me!!! Thanks guys, I was having a crappy day but I'm happy now because of those posts!!
Hehe, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 4TH OCTOBER 1996, the world became a better place lol. Just joking.
It was a normal birthday where people wished me and sang me the birthday song. And yeah la! I didn't want people to sing me the birthday song cause it was soooo awkward! But they did anyway, and I thought it was sweet actually hehe.
AN#1, the person I've held a grudge on for almost the whole year wished me a happy birthday.... and I didn't wish him on his birthday which was just a day before mine. I know I shouldn't be petty, but I keep on thinking that this is some way of his to make me feel bad! But no, no pettiness. So I'll just leave him alone and wish him a happy birthday too and hopefully that's the end of it and he doesn't reply again and we'll both be dead to each other yay.
My birthday present this year is the best I think! My dad gave me RM 100 and told me to go shopping around 1Borneo Hypermall!!! I loved every second of it! I'll blog about the clothes next time but basically I went to FOS and bought this stupid singlet that is way too big for me. But in Cotton On, there is this huge sale where its 80 PERCENT OFF OKAY ISN'T THAT JUST AWESOME??!!! So, I bought two cardigans, okay its actually an Aribella Top.

Behold, an aribella top. Kinda like wings lol. And yes, I like it!!!
Hehe, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 4TH OCTOBER 1996, the world became a better place lol. Just joking.
It was a normal birthday where people wished me and sang me the birthday song. And yeah la! I didn't want people to sing me the birthday song cause it was soooo awkward! But they did anyway, and I thought it was sweet actually hehe.
AN#1, the person I've held a grudge on for almost the whole year wished me a happy birthday.... and I didn't wish him on his birthday which was just a day before mine. I know I shouldn't be petty, but I keep on thinking that this is some way of his to make me feel bad! But no, no pettiness. So I'll just leave him alone and wish him a happy birthday too and hopefully that's the end of it and he doesn't reply again and we'll both be dead to each other yay.
My birthday present this year is the best I think! My dad gave me RM 100 and told me to go shopping around 1Borneo Hypermall!!! I loved every second of it! I'll blog about the clothes next time but basically I went to FOS and bought this stupid singlet that is way too big for me. But in Cotton On, there is this huge sale where its 80 PERCENT OFF OKAY ISN'T THAT JUST AWESOME??!!! So, I bought two cardigans, okay its actually an Aribella Top.
Behold, an aribella top. Kinda like wings lol. And yes, I like it!!!
I bought two in different colours and one singlet. With a grand total of RM 45 only!!!!
After that, I went home and spent the night dressing up. Actually, I think I have waaaay too much new clothes, so if any of you guys wanna buy one of the aribella tops, you can, for RM 15. Size XXS. *coughitstoosmallformecough*
Yeah, its too small for me. But actually its quite okay what! You can turn it into a normal cardigan by pinning the 'wings' and voila, a normal cardigan!
Hmm, what else, what else. Oh, my mom is opening her own tuition business!! I think after SPM I'm gonna work there as a primary school tutor or something.
Me : Alright this right here is.... um... what is this? *checks dictionary
Yeah, that's basically me as a teacher.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Les Miz and Clothes
Yay! My parents came back from KL on Sunday and they brought stuff for me! Partly because they love, partly because I'm a good daughter and partly because they are good parents. And partly because I kept texting them to buy me something and everytime they called to check up on my sister and me, I would take 5 minutes listing the things I want.
And I listed singlets and tank tops!!
And of course, what would souveniers be if it isn't keychains!
My mom got my class wrong. It's supposed to be 4S1. Sigh.... 5S1 is the best class in Form 5!! The thought of being in 5S1 seems so nice! But it's okay la, if I got into 5S2 or 5S3 next year, I'd just leave this keychain at home as a reminder of my failure lol. There's a red Hello Kitty behind the keychain, really cute. But Big Sister got a pink one! How can? Hehe, her University is spelled wrong too. "Universi". Lol, only in KL.
Maybe its the keychain maker who got my class wrong! And so smart, he probably knows that we can't go find him and ask for a refund.
But I'll bring this keychain to school!! And its pink omg! I actually took the picture of the wrong side of this. The front side has gold glitter and has Kedah spelt on it.
And I got this tank top from FOREVER 21!!!! The first Forever 21 item of many soon to come! It's really snug and fits like a second skin. RM 29 in ivory. Sigh, I don't ever want to cut the tag off.
And the last item is a singlet in taupe, though in the tag it says a basic top/spaghetti strap. Also from Forever 21 and its only RM 15!!! You can't even get something as decent and gorgeous as this in Factory Outlet Store. Yeah, I'll pass this on to my children or something.
I've always wondered whats the difference between tank tops and singlets. Apparently after some googling, I found out that tank tops are snug and fits your body while singlets are loose. Still, they're both sexy.
I've always wondered whats the difference between tank tops and singlets. Apparently after some googling, I found out that tank tops are snug and fits your body while singlets are loose. Still, they're both sexy.
And you know what else is sexy. This video.
It's so beatiful! I figuratively cried when I saw the vid. Of course, its only beautiful for a Les Miz fan. But who wouldn't be a Les Miz fan?
Okay, secretly, I'm afraid that when the movie comes out, people who originally criticised Les Miz will suddenly be a big fan! And I'm like, I LOVED IT BEFORE THE MOVIE! GET LOST!
It's just like during The Hunger Games, my friends from All Saints were like meh.... and I was like, TRUST ME ITS GOOD. And then they ditched me, and while eating with them, they were quoting the movie, and I laughed along because I've read the book, I know ma! Then they were looking at me like I don't know a thing. Bah! Ridiculous. I loved it before the movie! Harrumph.
I guess maybe loving something becomes my identity, and when other people start loving it, I have an identity crisis lol. Still, I hope nobody watches the movie hahaha. At least nobody that I don't want to be friends with. I can't stand seeing the same people who loves Justin Bieber loving Les Miz. They just can't clash together.
But of course people will watch Les Miz! Got Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, even got Wolverine as Jean Valjean!
Let's see the cast.
Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean. Yes, Wolverine can sing. Picture here.
Eddie Redmayne and Amanda Seyfried as Marius and Cosette. I know Amanda can sing when I watched the movie Mama Mia. But I've only seen Eddie in My Week With Marilyn Monroe. Yeah, he has that pitiful feel to him. Picture here.
And SAMANTHA BARKS AS EPONINE!!!!! It was a close call between her and Taylor Swift. Seriously, thank you Samantha for taking the role! Her body is nice, an hourglass shape. No doubt whatsoever, she can sing! Picture here
Anne Hathaway as Fantine! Ohhhh no, she chopped off her hair!! Yes, the princess can sing. Picture here.
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