Friday, October 05, 2012

No Particular Title

First and foremost, hugest biggest thank you to Sarah and Frieda for writing a birthday post for me!!! Thanks guys, I was having a crappy day but I'm happy now because of those posts!!

Hehe, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 4TH OCTOBER 1996, the world became a better place lol. Just joking.

It was a normal birthday where people wished me and sang me the birthday song. And yeah la! I didn't want people to sing me the birthday song cause it was soooo awkward! But they did anyway, and I thought it was sweet actually hehe.

AN#1, the person I've held a grudge on for almost the whole year wished me a happy birthday.... and I didn't wish him on his birthday which was just a day before mine. I know I shouldn't be petty, but I keep on thinking that this is some way of his to make me feel bad! But no, no pettiness. So I'll just leave him alone and wish him a happy birthday too and hopefully that's the end of it and he doesn't reply again and we'll both be dead to each other yay.

My birthday present this year is the best I think! My dad gave me RM 100 and told me to go shopping around 1Borneo Hypermall!!! I loved every second of it! I'll blog about the clothes next time but basically I went to FOS and bought this stupid singlet that is way too big for me. But in Cotton On, there is this huge sale where its 80 PERCENT OFF OKAY ISN'T THAT JUST AWESOME??!!! So, I bought two cardigans, okay its actually an Aribella Top.

Behold, an aribella top. Kinda like wings lol. And yes, I like it!!!

I bought two in different colours and one singlet. With a grand total of RM 45 only!!!!

After that, I went home and spent the night dressing up. Actually, I think I have waaaay too much new clothes, so if any of you guys wanna buy one of the aribella tops, you can, for RM 15. Size XXS. *coughitstoosmallformecough*

Yeah, its too small for me. But actually its quite okay what! You can turn it into a normal cardigan by pinning the 'wings' and voila, a normal cardigan!

Hmm, what else, what else. Oh, my mom is opening her own tuition business!! I think after SPM I'm gonna work there as a primary school tutor or something.

Me : Alright this right here is.... um... what is this? *checks dictionary

Yeah, that's basically me as a teacher.

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