I like her with long hair better. Just like Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson.
I've always thought that my family watches a lot of movies because everytime there's a new 'famous' movie out in the cinemas, my dad would bring the whole family to go watch. But it seems like all the good movies are out all at the same time!!!! HOW COME AH? Haiya, I definitely have to go to the store to buy them... ASAP!
After watching the Critic's Choice Award, I realised that I've actually missed a lot. Wreck-It-Ralph, Looper, Argo, The Silver Linings Playbook.
I feel like time is slipping by too fast!!! NUUUU!
Okay, sudden subject change.
I always learn something new in EST class like today, we had a long discussion about pregnancy and giving birth.
A myth about giving birth is that it hurts like hell when you're trying to push the baby out. Well, this was a silly myth that the movies have pushed into my head because I thought that the delivery rooms was a place of cursing, screaming and crying.
But surprisingly, my teacher said that's not true! The pain is actually from the contractions and even that only lasts for about 5 seconds and then you rest for like 10 minutes, depending on how close you are to pushing.
And when you are ready to push, the pushing helps counter the pain so you don't feel much.
And then when you see the face of your baby, all the pain goes away. ^^
At least, that's how my teacher explains it. I'm not sure how much of the truth is in there. But I'm more reassured of the future after she explained that cause I've always thought that it was just one of those things that women had to deal with.
Haiya, a girl my age shouldn't think of these things yet and yet, I am. *shakes head
Ok I'm going to go for tuition in an hour so I'm gonna take a short nap.
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