I've watched my FIRST EVER MUSICAL!!!!
Its called Benny and the Emerald Forest!
How did I get to know this? Sarah blogged about it a few months ago here and I so wanted to watch it the first time but it was christmas season and I was back at kampung... But no matter because they performed it again last night and tonight too!
I arrived there around 6.30pm and my dad and I loitered around for a while outside. If you're trying to picture this, I was in pink jeans and striped top and I wore glasses. I always feel ugly with glasses. Its like medicine, I hate it but I need it in my life to live.
Ok, so, I arrived and waited for Tiara to come. But while waiting, Nate came along! He told my dad that his parents knew my dad, but my dad did not recognize them. Only in the car after the musical that my dad's mind clicked and he rememered them. Okay nevermind, I'm digressing.

I'm sorry for all the crappy photos!! I know I'm a bad photographer.
I feel pissed at first actually because the musical started at 7.45pm!!!! This is all because the guests of honours (is that how you spell it?) from all around Asia came late. Or maybe some of them. I actually read a whole chapter from Dancing At Midnight and then played a few games to distract me from my rage (I HATE WAITING). Unfortunately, losing games infuriates me more so that didn't work.
Then when they finally came and sat down, this woman just had to make a speech and by this point, my morale was just so damn low that all I wanted was 9gag and some iced lemon tea to comfort me. And then they played a video which again unfortunately had some glitches so in the end, there was no video lol.
So the musical started an HOUR LATE. How can??? Me and my dad's morale was so low, especially mine la sorry. I have really low tolerance for lateness (though I also sometimes am late, which in that case I am SUPER DUPER SORRY) and when the musical was about to start I really had to kick myself in the ass to wipe away my anger and just enjoy the musical.
That was all the ass kicking I needed.
The intro was just *speechless*. No words for it. The narrator was so... so... *speechless*.
He's my favorite cast heheehe.
The cast was amazing given that they only had 10 DAYS to rehearse and everything and I am just so amazed! Imagine what could happen if they were given a few months.
Actually, when they were singing, I would've thought that it was recorded and then played but it wasn't! So, I was just sitting in my seat with my mouth hung open and just thinking.... WOW.
However, I would love to kick the crew in the face because people the audience could hear the people talking backstage. I don't know how that could happen or maybe it was intentional but ngeh, its easy to forget that it didn't happen.
The cast was already so great then the crew should have put more effort into it too!
Oh well, it was still amazing!

And here's the cast! Tiara and I rushed down when it was over and with all the huru hara, this is the best photo I could get. T___T Look at the little boy in the suspenders, thats the star!! CUTE OR NOT!! And see the fairy with the tall hat and wand, "she's the best singer"(my dad's quote). And then see the lady in red, thats the evil witch who freaked me out so job well done!
Thanks narrator guy for the kick in the ass. I am telling you, he is soooo soooo soooooooooo amazing!! The voice OMG THE VOICE was so narrator like. And see see see! He's got so much coolness when I asked for a photo, he posed like that! You just have to watch him someday. I wanna know his name because he's the kind of guy that could make it big someday and I wanna say to people I've seen him before it was cool lol.
I wish I asked him to act out a few lines and record that but that'd just be creepy. And I am obviously not a creep. At least not in real life. *shifty eyes
It'd be cool if he narrated my dreams.

I seriously super duper love Sarah's Popular!!!! Sarah is Miss Priscilla and she really potrays the good witch (or fairy) really well!
I feel like Miss Priscilla is the type of friend you would tell your secrets or problems to and she will comfort you.
And Miss Priscilla got lots of fans! O.O Actually its not surprising lol. I wanted to say bye but lots of people were begging to take pics.
And as we were going out, my dad said she was the best singer. Talent scouts are you reading this??!! And I can say that I knew the Fairy Godmother before it was cool also lol.

But they were so cute! Too cute to be evil la. Theres another pink fairy and I love all three of them! They looked really graceful and I'm not joking when I say the Three Pink Fairies (thats what I call them in my head) were mesmerizing. I stared only at them in their dancing scene.
Not creepy at all...
The girl on the right is Jia Tian (or just Tian Tian) and on the left is Nuhaa.
Tian Tian is a ballroom dancer also from school. Last year, she was in Choral Speaking and since she's 14 now, she has 4 more years of guiding the team.
I feel so proud1!! I feel like a Jie Jie (older sis) to these two girls and really want the best for them!
I feel so happy to watch them all! There's a fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach
I used to be in a musical when I was in Primary 1 in Seri Insan. I was a munchkin in the Wizard Of Oz and all I had to do was act cute and short.
I can't wait for the next musical!
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