Sarah, Frieda and I were sitting on the floor (who knows why haha) and we were talking.
When SUDDENLY le awesome bug suddenly appeared on Frieda's arm. And that bug fell to the floor.
We weren't really scared of the bug but we were interested in it because it has EYELASHES! Have you ever seen a bug with eyelashes before?!
Then Caroline, Vanissa, Jessica and Carlin, thinking we were reading a magazine, joined us and saw the bug too.
So there we were, staring at this bug with eyelashes. (Teenagers and our free time haha). Our faces were so close to the bug, that if it were to fly, our faces would get it. At first it was like the eyelashes were glew together but then slowly it spread. Is that how it tells us to back off? Haha, it should feel lucky, to be surrounded by girls.
Then Sarah did the unimaginable. She touched the eyelashes!!! So brave! She said that it was hard and sturdy. Hmmm, I wished I had the guts to touch it.
While touching it, suddenly the little critter flew! Holy £#*%! All 7 of us cringed back in horror and I think a few of us screamed. Lol, and the whole class was staring. Especially BJ was laughing like a lunatic.
While we were all explaining how the bug had eyelashes, Wahyun bad assedly got up, rolled a bunch of newspapers (where did that come from) and walked over to the bug. 7 of us tried to stop her then SMACK! Bye pretty bug. Sigh... everybody was silent.
You would think that was the end but no. Our class monitor took the roll of newspaper and made sure the thing was dead and swept the dead carcass out of the class.
Well, that was how Bug With Eyelashes died.
It wasn't a dragon, but it came close.

Caroline-unnie found a pic of it!!
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