Pet peeves.
A lot of people are going to feel offended! Warned.
When people throw garbage on the ground when they could just walk to the rubbish bin. I see this a lot at the bus stop in front of my school. Sometimes I feel like this has something to do with their overall stupidity because if they litter, it means they are lazy and have no responsibility, and when they have no responsibility, they end up not doing well in class and they end up stupid. Then, they'll end up as a trash sweeper. Ironic....
People call me repeatedly from afar and I obviously don't hear them. Yet, they don't take the initiative to walk towards me, and instead scream on top of their lungs.
People disturb me when I'm sleeping. Which includes sounds and light, so I wake up at least twice every night. Which results in ugly eyebags so big, I can store all my makeup.
Its hot and my parents are late, which is 99% of the time. The hot Malaysian weather practically melts me into a jelly like substance, that flies are attracted to.
People don't return my money. I mean, its okay if they are making an obvious effort but when I see them spending money on things, I will be like ROOOOAAAARRRR!!! Then, I have to handle the discomfort of asking for it and bringing up the topic, and since they are making me feel uncomfortable I don't feel like giving them my money and insist that they pay as soon as possible. And then I feel regretful that I helped them in the first place!!! No, I don't feel sympathetic to their "hard" situation anymore because its my money and I am the one who starved and restrained myself from shopping for months and everytime I see them eat I get pissed off because I think that they should starve themselves to pay me back too!!! What, do they think I asked my dad to give money to them, my dad has better things to do than give money to someone elses child okay! Do I look rich? I take happiness in finding RM 1 necklaces and I buy the cheapest food I can! Even braces also I can't afford!
Okay that one was a particularly annoying pet peeve. And no, I'm not poor wth. Just cheapskate. Somehow, I feel safe and secure when I know theres money in my piggy bank.
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