Monday, July 23, 2012

Money Can Ruin Friendships

Drama queen post and I over exagerated. Warned!

I guess I am simply too kind! *flutter eyelashes and rest hand demurely on forehead.

I have a friend who borrowed my money since last year and its quite a big amount, at least for a cheapskate like me. Since I know the value and hard work (Daddy's hard work to be exact) put into the money, its hard to believe that I gave it to someone else just like that.

Actually part of that hard work is mine, just by saving only la. And Mrs. Green's (my piggybank) effort too for keeping it safe. That's her up there, yes she is female. See her babies!

We used to be close, like hanging out but with the money between us... Mrs. Green and I aren't the same anymore! WTH.

Ok, seriously...

She borrowed last year, I helped.
She borrowed this year, I helped again.

Money can ruin relationships okay, thats why its always a good idea to not spend money that you do not have!

I used to be okay with hanging out with her, but now whenever I pass her, I just think, OMG SHE HAS MY MONEY!!!

It's not the money that I care about, its the fact that she seems to be oblivious to the fact that borrowing money isn't polite, and it causes me to be uncomfortable.

But the straw that broke my back was when she asked me for more money! How can someone be so damn thick skinned, wanna impersonate a rhino is it? If it is shameful for you, then please don't do it. I guess its true, once you help someone, they'll keep running to you when they're in trouble. Its okay to ask for help once in a while, but learn from those mistakes. Don't act like a helpless baby.

If I can starve myself, so can you.
If I can restrain myself from shopping (and trust me, that's hard for me), so can you.
If I can go on without my phone in my hands texting and crying, so can you.
If I can save RM 1 a day, so can you.

In fact, if she had saved RM 1 since the day she borrowed from me, which was last year, she would be able to pay me back, no problem. But this just goes to show that she doesn't take me seriously. I have confronted her many times, and always in a respectful manner, but she keeps delaying!

What should I do?! I am on the verge of going insane because of money??!! How can this be?

I am helping her, why is she making this so awkward for me.... How could I say no to someone in need, especially when I am perfectly capable of helping.

I just needed to buy some contact lenses for drama, that can wait. I just needed my money to pay my tuition fees, that can wait.
I just needed my own money for the school bazaar, that can wait.
I just  I just needed some money for food that day when we were going to suria, but thats okay, I'll starve just one more day. (crap lies, she had money to buy food that day okay!)

Because I honestly cared about my friend and it was so simple to make her happy, and she promised to pay me back in a week.

What empty lies.

It has been almost 5 months. Can I still call her a friend since things are so awkward between us now?


This small thing has made me think of all the other things she's done wrong. A lot of things, actually. This is my anger typing!

You think the rest of us bathes in money? You're not the only one to have financial worries! I have worries too, its just that I handle it more gracefully wth.

Am I being too sensitive? Am I too emotional?

Yeah Crystal... you kinda are.

Okay, if you are the one who borrowed money from me, pay me back now.

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