Yes, hard work does pay off.
All those days of staying at school till 5pm, paying RM 100 a month for extra classes, ruining my holidays, ruining my Saturdays, ruining my 9gagging, and last but not least, ruining my sanity.
All these just to ensure that my future is as bright as can be, which is to get straight A's in PMR. PMR if you are not from Malaysia, is an exam that consists of at least 7 subjects that every 15 year old must take.
Some people might not give a hoot about this but unless you wanna live in the gutters or unless you are going to inherit a million dollars fortune from daddy, you best give a hoot. Why you ask? Because it will determine whether you go into science stream or not.
For me, I have always dreamed to be a scientist or doctor and I have always been interested in science, so I really really wanted to be in the science stream.
So I studied the hardest I have studied in my life. Before this, I have never opened my books to study without being told to. I even went as far as to buy all the past year questions and finished them all, by myself! *pat on the back
But like I said, I didn't study as hard as I could have, because at that time, I was swept into the Korean drama frenzy. It was dangeroualy close to the exam, when I discovered Boys Over Flowers. And OMG I LOVED IT! I convinced myself that everything would be fine and that Imwas only taking a day's break. But a day turned into two and two turned into a week and soon, it was a few days till the exam.
Have you ever felt the feeling of nervousness and regret mixed into a churny feeling inside your tummy? Well, that was exactly how I felt. I regretted watching the drama and neglecting my studies. Haiya, I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
I went through the exams with a clear mind though. I think I did pretty well.
When I was 12, I was so confident I would get straightA's for my UPSR, and that was soooo much easier than PMR. And I got 4A1B. I cried and cried while all my friends were being congratulated. It was a crappy feeling.
Anyway, this time, I also felt confident, yet there was always that feeling of 'what if.' What would happen if I didn't get straight A's? I couldn't lose to my siblings or worse, my cousins. When uncles and auntsask me, 'How's your PMR' and I say 'Oh, 6 A's,' they would give me this pitying look that says, my child is better than you lol. No la, I kid.
Finally it was the day of taking my results. When it was seconds away from my turn in the line, I told my best friend Jessica to slap me if I cried. And when it was my turn, the teacher put my slip on the table while checking some stuff. It was a little covered by other papers so I leaned a little to the front to count those little A's. I scanned once, and just to make sure I wouldn't make a fool out of myself I scanned twice and yes, its true! I did get straight A's!!!!! OMGGGG!
So, I immediately texted my day and I waited for Jessica to take her results and she got straight A's too! I was so happy that we were going to be in the same class.
And because of that, I received RM 120 from my school as a reward for all the things they put us through.
Here are some pics!

I felt so excited.... lol, I was just tired.

Must check our faces before going on stage right? Me doing the puppy hands while Frieda is doing Italian hands.

Ahhh, so happy! Must flip hair! That is because I got my money, certificate and this picture thingy. And the person said I have a pretty name. Why thank you!

Bye bye!
All those days of staying at school till 5pm, paying RM 100 a month for extra classes, ruining my holidays, ruining my Saturdays, ruining my 9gagging, and last but not least, ruining my sanity.
All these just to ensure that my future is as bright as can be, which is to get straight A's in PMR. PMR if you are not from Malaysia, is an exam that consists of at least 7 subjects that every 15 year old must take.
Some people might not give a hoot about this but unless you wanna live in the gutters or unless you are going to inherit a million dollars fortune from daddy, you best give a hoot. Why you ask? Because it will determine whether you go into science stream or not.
For me, I have always dreamed to be a scientist or doctor and I have always been interested in science, so I really really wanted to be in the science stream.
So I studied the hardest I have studied in my life. Before this, I have never opened my books to study without being told to. I even went as far as to buy all the past year questions and finished them all, by myself! *pat on the back
But like I said, I didn't study as hard as I could have, because at that time, I was swept into the Korean drama frenzy. It was dangeroualy close to the exam, when I discovered Boys Over Flowers. And OMG I LOVED IT! I convinced myself that everything would be fine and that Imwas only taking a day's break. But a day turned into two and two turned into a week and soon, it was a few days till the exam.
Have you ever felt the feeling of nervousness and regret mixed into a churny feeling inside your tummy? Well, that was exactly how I felt. I regretted watching the drama and neglecting my studies. Haiya, I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
I went through the exams with a clear mind though. I think I did pretty well.
When I was 12, I was so confident I would get straightA's for my UPSR, and that was soooo much easier than PMR. And I got 4A1B. I cried and cried while all my friends were being congratulated. It was a crappy feeling.
Anyway, this time, I also felt confident, yet there was always that feeling of 'what if.' What would happen if I didn't get straight A's? I couldn't lose to my siblings or worse, my cousins. When uncles and auntsask me, 'How's your PMR' and I say 'Oh, 6 A's,' they would give me this pitying look that says, my child is better than you lol. No la, I kid.
Finally it was the day of taking my results. When it was seconds away from my turn in the line, I told my best friend Jessica to slap me if I cried. And when it was my turn, the teacher put my slip on the table while checking some stuff. It was a little covered by other papers so I leaned a little to the front to count those little A's. I scanned once, and just to make sure I wouldn't make a fool out of myself I scanned twice and yes, its true! I did get straight A's!!!!! OMGGGG!
So, I immediately texted my day and I waited for Jessica to take her results and she got straight A's too! I was so happy that we were going to be in the same class.
And because of that, I received RM 120 from my school as a reward for all the things they put us through.
Here are some pics!

I felt so excited.... lol, I was just tired.

Must check our faces before going on stage right? Me doing the puppy hands while Frieda is doing Italian hands.

Ahhh, so happy! Must flip hair! That is because I got my money, certificate and this picture thingy. And the person said I have a pretty name. Why thank you!

Bye bye!
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